GRACE’s Week of Prayer – Day 2

January 11 – 17 is the Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking. Join with Trinity and people of faith around Texas in a daily prayer.
Pray for prevention efforts and those who are vulnerable.
  • Traffickers are master manipulators and prey upon vulnerabilities. Examples of risk factors for human trafficking include: homelessness; economic insecurity; runaway youth; prior histories of abuse; forced displacement; and irregular migration.
  • Research suggests that a healthy, trust-based relationships can prevent youth from entering a cycle of exploitation and that those same relationships are pivotal in helping exploited youth to successfully exit their exploitation. Research has also found the presence of a caring adult to be related to numerous positive outcomes in the lives of vulnerable teens and young adults.
  • In Texas, schools are required to provide access to age-appropriate, research-based education to help protect children from sexual abuse and trafficking. Many organizations are doing great work to provide students, teachers, and caregivers with access to quality prevention education.  Others are focused on addressing root causes of exploitation such as poverty, homelessness, and childhood trauma. These efforts are essential for moving upstream and stopping trafficking before it occurs.
Suggested Prayer:
Dear God of Creation, we know you call us to be responsible for our fellow human beings. You have blessed us with all the necessary resources to work together to stop Human Trafficking.  Make us bold and brave as we get in the way of those who would manipulate and abuse the vulnerable into this unimaginable evil.  Break my heart as Christ’s was broken for me. Amen.
Read Matthew 25:31-40 (God praises ministry to the vulnerable)
*Information in this post has come from resources found at the website of the Office of the Texas State Governor.