Jan '21
GRACE’s Week of Prayer – Day 3
Jan '21
January 11 – 17 is the Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking. Join with Trinity and people of faith around Texas in a daily prayer.
Pray for all those working on the front line to support survivors.
- Advocates and service providers work tirelessly to provide shelter, crisis intervention, and ongoing case management to victims. While many do not understand the trauma endured by survivors or fail to recognize their dignity, these programs provide the supportive trust-based relationships and services that help survivors heal and thrive. Considering the complex needs of survivors and the intensive nature of these causes, those working on the front line may experience vicarious trauma and burnout.
- When asked what made the biggest difference in exiting their exploitation, many survivors name an individual rather than a program or service. Advocates on the front line often have the opportunity to build bonds of trust and begin the journey of healing from years of relational trauma.
- Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth (CSEY) Advocacy is a critical component of the Texas approach to addressing child sex trafficking. Review this flyer more information on CSEY (pronounced “see-say”) Advocates.
- For information about services available to survivors, visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline Referral Directory.
Suggested Prayer:
Thank you, Oh God, for those souls that are giving of themselves to identify and recover those rescued from Human Trafficking. These workers carry the heavy burden of knowing the inhuman acts of human beings against another. Help them as they persist in the face of incredible odds to reclaim broken lives by letting them know how beautiful and valuable they are to you, oh God!
With awareness of the cost Jesus paid to speak peace into lives, I pray. Amen.
Read Matthew 5:1-12 (Jesus celebrates hunger and labor for righteousness and peace)
*Information in this post has come from resources found at the website of the Office of the Texas State Governor.