Dec '21

Youth Report – December 2021
Dec '21

Let me begin by saying a great big thank you to everyone who helped donate items for our Shoebox packing party on November 3. We were able to pack over 50 boxes, and then had individuals take home extra boxes to pack on their own, we ended up dropping off 60+ boxes.
I love watching traditions take shape. Some of the students who participated with us have been packing shoeboxes for years, and others were completely new to the process, but excited to keep it going.
That brings me to musings on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Built into the holiday season are opportunities for families to make the most of traditions. My brother and I still joke about looking at Christmas lights before getting to open presents (we were not fans of the tradition), but the shared memory helps us stay connected all these years later.
What traditions does your family have? How can you lean into them this season? Maybe there’s a new one you can start? One of the greatest opportunities we have as a family is to collectively look to God, and my prayer is you will do that this Christmas season.