For the Journey – March 2022

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Psalm 20:7
God is always at work around the world. The world is paying attention to what is taking place in Ukraine as Russia aggressively has invaded. For a week we have heard from leaders and politicians and seen pictures coming over the internet. My heart goes out to the people defending their home country. So far away, I feel helpless and want to know more and do more. I have been reminded by the LORD that we are never helpless. One of the greatest things we can do at a distance and up close is to pray. I was so encouraged by those in our worship services this past Sunday who answered the call to pray together for the Ukrainian people. Thank you, Trinity Baptist Church, for responding as a church to the needs in our world.
On March 6th, we will be taking up a special offering to go toward the relief efforts through Texas Baptists Men. There are many ways individuals can send support through other organizations like Samaritans Purse and Ceri International, but we have an ongoing channel to support many relief efforts through TBM. The offering given on March 6th will go directly to the international relief. I want to invite you to also join me at noon every day to pray wherever you are for this conflict and watch and see how God will use this for His glory.
We will also begin the selection process for our Minister of Worship Search Team on Sunday, March 6th. Nomination ballots will be available and each church member can make up to three nominations only. Nominations may also be submitted on March 13th. Ballots will be received in our offering boxes. From the names nominated, a final ballot of 21 church members will be voted on in a special called Member Meeting on March 27th in all three worship services. We have been blessed beyond measure with the ministry and leadership of Larry Danks. We will continue to be blessed until his retirement at the end of June. Let us be in prayer for this new search team that will be formed this month as they seek our next Minister of Worship.
I am being asked around town about our building progress. Many have told me they have been watching the work being completed. Several have commented that they noticed when the three crosses were secured to the outside wall. These are folks from our community and not church members. We are in a great position to respond to God’s faithfulness in our Faith Family as God has continued to make His assignment known to us. We are truly blessed to be a blessing.
In Christ,