VBS Monumental Is Coming!

By Kellee Parish

June 13-16 from 9am to Noon (Monday-Thursday).  Make sure to “early” register online beginning May 1st, at TBC’s website (www.tbck.org), for kids who have completed kindergarten thru 5th grade.
Volunteers are needed to be Family Leaders and Teachers.  Family leaders rotate with children to their various classes.  Teachers are still needed for snacks and crafts.  Let me know if you are available to minister to children during VBS.  Please contact me at kparish@tbck.org.

Our theme this year is “Monumental” and we are learning about the life of Joseph.  The theme verse is Joshua 1:9 “For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  We look forward to celebrating God’s greatness during VBS!