Sep '22

Children’s Ministry – September 2022
Sep '22

I am so very grateful for the prayers and support from our church. We had a wonderful summer in the Children’s Ministry and I’d like to share a couple of highlights for me personally.
We had a great group of kids at VBS and camp that accepted Christ. Many of them have been baptized the past few weeks and we still have some that are needing to be baptized. It has been such a blessing to see God work in the lives of our kids this summer. VBS and camp both were great times to have spiritual conversations as well as spiritual decisions. We are continuing many conversations as we head into fall. I hope we keep having to fill up that baptistry each week because we have so many kids, students and adults come to Christ!
Another highlight of the summer for me was during Pre-Teen camp. One of our church families had a girl from Japan living with them as a short-term foreign exchange student. I am so very grateful that she was able to go to camp with us while she was in Kerrville. We gave her a Bible of her own while we were at camp and the girls would sit down to help her learn to read using her new Bible. She worshipped and heard God’s word alongside our kids. My heart was thrilled to see our girls teach, love and minister to their new friend. We are praying for God to grow the seeds that were planted in her life. Who knew that we’d be blessed to have foreign missions come to us at camp.
Thank you, Trinity, for praying and supporting us during VBS, Camp and summer programming. I’m so very grateful for our church!