Feb '23

Children’s Ministry – February 2023
Feb '23

2023 has begun and what a blessing it is to be a part of Trinity during these days of “new.” Here are a few new things in our Children’s Ministry.
We will be starting two new classes in the coming weeks. 4th grade will have their own class at 11am and will meet in Room 157. Pre K/Kinder will become two classes at 11:00am with Pre-K remaining in their room and Kinder moving into Room 159. This class has really grown in the past few weeks and we are so excited to have to create a new class.
Our Wednesday night ministry programming has a new name as we are tweaking our ministry programming. Wednesday nights will become “Disciple Kids” and continue in our discipleship, missions and service programming for our 2nd-5th graders. Disciple Kids 2 includes children Pre K through 1st grade with 3 yr olds – babies in childcare.
Sunday nights new name is “Praise Kids” as we Praise, Connect & Worship. 1st– 5th graders will be meeting the following 5 weeks: Feb 19 & 26 and March 5, 19 & 26 to prepare for Easter Worship. Praise Kids will be learning “Arise My Love” in Sign Language to share in all 3 services on Easter Sunday.
Thank you for your patience with the “new” secure space process. We look forward to when all of the construction is completed and we are able to work out all the “kinks” in our system. I am so thankful for such an amazing team of Shepherds and Teachers who serve in our Children’s Ministry. They have done a wonderful job of getting ready for all the “new” and making sure kids are in a safe location, as well as being taught God’s word. It is a blessing to serve alongside these terrific people called Trinity.