Mar '23

Children’s Ministry News – March 2023
Mar '23

Concerned about the quality of your kids screen time? Right Now Media is a great way to help with quality screen time. We also have an added ministry program (Praise Kids) to help them with some time away from the screen.
Trinity parents and teachers, did you know that Right Now Media has thousands of teaching and training resources on topics like marriage, parenting, devotionals, as well as many kids resources, videos and movies? Trinity has a subscription that your family can use for FREE. Scan the QR code or text the information to 41411.
Praise Kids, and some of our teachers, will be working on “Arise My Love” for our Easter Service. All three services will have the Praise Kids leading with this special song. We will be signing this message which is from the group Newsong. We would love for our 1st-5th graders to come practice with us as we prepare on three Sundays, March 5, 19 & 26, from 5:00 to 6:00pm in Room 104 or the Worship Center. It’s not too late to join us!