May '23

Jubilee Class – May 2023
May '23

by Jerry Cobb
Bill Parr and Gene Ayers have led us through the Book of Job. From healthy and rich, to sick and poor. All he had left was a nagging wife and a sick body. Against the council of friends, enemies and family he refused to lose his faith in GOD. Could we withstand the trials he faced and not lose sight of our trust that God will take care of us?
We have a new teacher beginning with the April 2nd lesson. Barbara Jordan began by informing us that she taught 10-year-old children for years and was sure she could handle us. Sounds a lot like Chris. We can’t wait.
Our class met after church on a Sunday in February for a Memorial Gathering to remember and acknowledge the loss of fourteen of our class members that have moved to ‘Higher Ground’ in the very recent past. A poem written by Doug Lusk, a member of our class, is offered with his permission.
Someone is Waiting by Doug Lusk
There in the distance is someone I see.
He stands there so patiently, waiting for me.
I know who it is and I knew He would come;
I’ve counted on this when my journey was done.
There in the distance is someone I see.
He stands there so patiently, waiting for me.
I know who it is and I knew He would come;
I’ve counted on this when my journey was done.
He knows who I am and He knows I believe
That He’ll end all my pain and my
That He’ll end all my pain and my
struggles relieve.
I know that his son cannot be far away;
I know that his son cannot be far away;
He knew I’d come home and was waiting today.He’s prepared me a place where I’ll
stay from now on,And He will forgive all the things I’ve done wrong.
What a comfort for me that I knew of this friendWho would be there to greet me when
I reached the end;
For the journey was long, though I loved
every mile,
And now I am ready to rest for a while.
And now I am ready to rest for a while.
Once again, I’ll see loved ones,
what stories we’ll share,
what stories we’ll share,
And dear friends I’ve missed will also be there.
I love each of you that I’m leaving behind,
I love each of you that I’m leaving behind,
And I want you to know that I’m doing just fine.
For there in the distance is someone I see;
For there in the distance is someone I see;
It’s God and His Son and they’ll take care of me.
The Jubilee Class meets each Sunday at 9:45 in the Chapel.