Jun '23

Children’s Ministry News – June 2023
Jun '23

by Tres Parish
We are coming up on a fun, busy, and great summer. We start off with Vacation Bible School June 12 – 15th from 9am-noon. Come join us for an adventure in Babylon and explore Daniel’s courage and captivity. Sign up at www.tbck.org and also email Kellee at kparish@tbck.org to help minister to kids.
Pre-Teen Camp is at Alto Frio July 24-27. This summer our theme is “Code Breakers”. Pre-Teen Camp is for children who have completed 3rd through 5th grade. The cost is $200 (a $50 deposit and TBCK form reserves your spot). Jeremiah 33:3 is our theme verse for the week.
Children’s Day Camp is August 4th for children who have completed 1st through 3rd grade. The theme is “Created by God” and the cost is $25. The TBCK form and $25 is needed to register.
Parents, Pizza, and Snowballs returns with an ultimate game of Parents vs Kids snowball fight on July 13 at 5:30pm. Children who have completed PK – 5th grade will enjoy this awesome time with their family. Childcare will be provided for the younger children. They can enjoy the pizza time before going to the children’s area for their own fun time. Please let Paula know you’ll be attending (RSVP) so we can have plenty of pizza.