Intern Insights

by Cailin Powell

Hi! I’m Cailin Powell, one of your interns for this summer.  I’m originally from the Temple, TX area, and have been studying at Schreiner for the past three years.  It has been a tremendous blessing to be a part of Trinity during this time!  This summer started with a bang, as we sent several of our youth, their families, and church members to the Dominican Republic on mission.  Our students came back with reports of how God moved and how He is continuing to move!
After they got back, we jumped into VBS.  It was inspiring to see the youth helping wherever needed, whether that be on stage leading songs, or cleaning up after everything was done.  Some even got new nicknames from the characters they played in Bible study.  My favorite part was getting to sit down with two kindergarteners and have a conversation about Jesus in the middle of crafts.  Our students, young and old alike, are eager and hungry to learn more about God and His Word, and conversations about both will spring up at times least expected!
The weekend after VBS, we took the youth on an overnight girls/guys trip.  The goal was for our students to build connections outside of the Sunday/Wednesday services, and connections were definitely built! Students who normally wouldn’t interact with each other because of going to different schools, or being in different grades were making those connections prayed for! What originally started as a trip involving fun games, ended with new jokes, new lessons, and most importantly, new friends.
I’m looking forward to the rest of the summer and the opportunity to serve here at Trinity.