Ben & Susie Argil on Mission

Eight years is a long time to pray for someone or something.  But, it was not just words without deeds.  For M’s family, there was hope and a revelation from God.  They began to physically build a place not knowing that it would take years to see a church (people) gathering to worship the All-Powerful God, the great I AM. 
No name for this church yet.  But, they have a God-given vision:  to tell the redemptive story of God through His Son Jesus Christ to all the people of their community and beyond.
A love donation was given to complete the needed bathrooms.  The plan is for the project to be completed by the time a medical caravan arrives at the end of October.
Please pray for these villages and new churches where the medical team will be ministering:  La Quemada, Puerto de   Nieto, Alfa y Omega, Jesus Maria, and El Fraile.  There will be approximately 500 patients receiving much needed medication and services.