The Time of Your Life

Sometimes I feel like there are little monsters all around me, clamoring for my attention! They are like children on a candy aisle; instead of chocolate bars they are reaching for my calendar.
Ladies and gentlemen, I encourage you to consider these upcoming events to help with your ‘yes and no’ choices. They are not calendar or efficiency training classes. Rather, I believe you will be able to better set some life priorities after these events.
October 18-19 is our on-campus men’s conference…Rock Solid Men. Jerry Canupp is the Southwest Regional Director for Man in the
Mirror. The Friday night and Saturday morning sessions will help us as dads, grandfathers, husbands and brothers, as we seek to develop Christ’s character deep in our souls.
On January 31-February 2, our ladies will host Dr. Katie Frugé, Director of Texas Baptists’ Center for Cultural Engagement. She will guide moms, wives, sisters, and grandmothers in the believer’s quest to be salt and light within our communities and homes.
I am excited for both our Women and Men’s Ministries as we prepare to host these two discipleship events. How can we grow as image-bearers of the Creator? Yes, the time will require some level of sacrifice! It will be worth it.