Kellee Parish
Minister of Children
Children’s Small Groups • Extended Care • Children’s Day Out • First Blessing • Night In Bethlehem • Vacation Bible School
Kellee is a wife and dog enthusiast. Her and her husband, Tres, have three schnauzers.
Kellee came to Trinity in 2015 from Highland Lakes Camp and Conference Center where she and Tres served on staff. Her experience includes Minister of Children in Texas churches and Baptist Student Ministry leadership. 
Children’s Staff
Bianca Blackstock, Assistant
Beth Ann Brown, CDO Director

Children’s Ministry – May 2024

We just celebrated Paula Brucker’s retirement after 18 years of service as the Children’s Ministry Assistant at Trinity. We will miss her very much and yet we are so happy she gets to be with her kids and grandkids full time now. She’s been a blessing as she’s faithfully served our children and families all these years. She served alongside Eric Lankford and Pam Blair before I joined Trinity 9 years ago. I know all three of us are grateful for how Paula ministered together with us. Thank you, Paula, for your 18 years of service!
Summer is coming up quickly.  Please make sure you have VBS, Mini Kids Camp, Kids Camp, Cans for the Kingdom, and Parents, Pizza and Snowballs on your calendar for the upcoming summer schedule. We already have some kids signed up for camp and we still have room for additional kids. We’d love to have lots of kids at VBS (sign up after May 1 online) and camp this summer. Contact Kellee for more information about any of these events at


Trinity Life – May 2024


Children’s Ministry – January 2024

by Kellee Parish

Tres & I are so blessed to get to serve here at Trinity!  We have amazing Preschool & Children’s teachers and shepherds that we are privileged to minister alongside.  Our teachers do a wonderful job of sharing God’s word.  We are so grateful for our terrific Children’s Team!
Thank you, parents, for allowing us to be a part of your kid’s lives.  We are grateful to get to be involved with all these precious kids! 
If your child is in Kinder thru 5th grade, we’re back to “Lunch with Mrs. Kellee” this Spring.  Please email me at to schedule a day for me to come to your child’s school and have lunch.  What a joy to get to spend time with our Trinity Kids.



Children’s Ministry – November 2023

One thought that comes to my mind often, is how incredibly grateful I am for Trinity Baptist Church. The Children’s Team that I have the privilege of serving alongside, is such a joy. The Teachers that share the gospel with kids each week, the Shepherds that support and lead, and the Plan Teams that make our events happen are absolutely terrific and I am so blessed by them every day.
My words are not adequate enough to express how wonderful these leaders are to our children, families and me personally. I see these leaders live out Philippians 2:1-2 which says “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.”  With one purpose, these amazing leaders pray for, teach, and love kids and parents.

If you see one of our Children’s Team, please pray for them and thank them for their dedicated service.



Children’s Ministry News – March 2023

Concerned about the quality of your kids screen time? Right Now Media is a great way to help with quality screen time. We also have an added ministry program (Praise Kids) to help them with some time away from the screen.
Trinity parents and teachers, did you know that Right Now Media has thousands of teaching and training resources on topics like marriage, parenting, devotionals, as well as many kids resources, videos and movies? Trinity has a subscription that your family can use for FREE. Scan the QR code or text the information to 41411.
Praise Kids, and some of our teachers, will be working on “Arise My Love” for our Easter Service. All three services will have the Praise Kids leading with this special song. We will be signing this message which is from the group Newsong. We would love for our 1st-5th graders to come practice with us as we prepare on three Sundays, March 5, 19 & 26, from 5:00 to 6:00pm in Room 104 or the Worship Center. It’s not too late to join us!


Children’s Ministry – February 2023

2023 has begun and what a blessing it is to be a part of Trinity during these days of “new.” Here are a few new things in our Children’s Ministry.
We will be starting two new classes in the coming weeks. 4th grade will have their own class at 11am and will meet in Room 157. Pre K/Kinder will become two classes at 11:00am with Pre-K remaining in their room and Kinder moving into Room 159. This class has really grown in the past few weeks and we are so excited to have to create a new class.
Our Wednesday night ministry programming has a new name as we are tweaking our ministry programming. Wednesday nights will become “Disciple Kids” and continue in our discipleship, missions and service programming for our 2nd-5th graders. Disciple Kids 2 includes children Pre K through 1st grade with 3 yr olds – babies in childcare.
Sunday nights new name is “Praise Kids” as we Praise, Connect & Worship. 1st– 5th graders will be meeting the following 5 weeks: Feb 19 & 26 and March 5, 19 & 26 to prepare for Easter Worship.  Praise Kids will be learning “Arise My Love” in Sign Language to share in all 3 services on Easter Sunday.
Thank you for your patience with the “new” secure space process. We look forward to when all of the construction is completed and we are able to work out all the “kinks” in our system. I am so thankful for such an amazing team of Shepherds and Teachers who serve in our Children’s Ministry. They have done a wonderful job of getting ready for all the “new” and making sure kids are in a safe location, as well as    being taught God’s word. It is a blessing to serve alongside these terrific people called Trinity.


Night in Bethlehem 2023

There are not enough words to say “Thank you” in appreciation to our Night in Bethlehem team. The Lead and Setup teams did such an amazing job creating, building, decorating, and costuming, as well as handling the food prep, traffic, set up and take down. Our cast and crew did a fantastic job sharing the story of Jesus. I am so grateful for their time and talents. It was such a blessing to see so many wonderful people serving our community.
A special Thank you to Clint Brown who made sure all of our audio, electrical, and internet ran smoothly. We plan all year for this ministry and what a encouragement to see so many cars drive through our Night in Bethlehem.
If you would like to serve with us next year, please let Judy Stevens, Paula or myself know.
Thank you Trinity for sharing the love of Jesus in our community and the surrounding area!


Children’s Ministry – October 2022


First Blessing

Wow, Trinity Baptist Church – what a great job with First Blessing Mission Trip to Kerrville! Thank you to our First Blessing Lead Team: Judy Brooksher, Dianne & Mark Clemons, Linda & Rob Ward, Sue Owens, Donna Hinton, Becky Doyal, Mica Henson, Cortney Hawkins, JD Templeton, Cheryll Overla, Rae Peschel, and Paula Brucker.
There were over 120 Trinity volunteers that drove carts, welcomed guests, registered 317 children, cooked breakfast, served breakfast, hosted tables, guided guests around the church, measured feet, provided socks, helped fit shoes, served and gave out shoe bags, provided balloons and shared the gospel! Thank you so must to all that came and served our community. Trinity Baptist Church blessed children and families from all over our region.
Family Block Party is another ministry that our church has the opportunity to engage with our community coming on Saturday, October 29th from 1-3pm. Keith Coast will be at our event and bring his humor and illusions. We’ll start our time off with games like corn hole, checkers, connect 4, etc. and then have time with Keith Coast. We will finish the time with more games and Kona Ice.
We’d love for you to sign up in your Bible Study classes to join us in welcoming & fellowship with our community. For questions contact Paula in the church office at: 830-895-0100 or


Children’s Ministry – September 2022

I am so very grateful for the prayers and support from our church. We had a wonderful summer in the Children’s Ministry and I’d like to share a couple of highlights for me personally.
We had a great group of kids at VBS and camp that accepted Christ. Many of them have been baptized the past few weeks and we still have some that are needing to be baptized. It has been such a blessing to see God work in the lives of our kids this summer. VBS and camp both were great times to have spiritual conversations as well as spiritual decisions. We are continuing many conversations as we head into fall. I hope we keep having to fill up that baptistry each week because we have so many kids, students and adults come to Christ!
Another highlight of the summer for me was during Pre-Teen camp. One of our church families had a girl from Japan living with them as a short-term foreign exchange student. I am so very grateful that she was able to go to camp with us while she was in Kerrville. We gave her a Bible of her own while we were at camp and the girls would sit down to help her learn to read using her new Bible. She worshipped and heard God’s word alongside our kids. My heart was thrilled to see our girls teach, love and minister to their new friend. We are praying for God to grow the seeds that were planted in her life. Who knew that we’d be blessed to have foreign missions come to us at camp.
Thank you, Trinity, for praying and supporting us during VBS, Camp and summer programming. I’m so very grateful for our church!