Adult Groups


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM and during the week small groups connect people for Bible study, fellowship and service. Both hours on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM provide Bible Study for Adults. Child care is available during all worship services. 

Men’s Ministry

Men of all ages connect for service and events throughout the year. A Bible study on Thursday mornings meets during the school year.

Women’s Ministry

Throughout the year the Women’s ministry meets for Bible study, interest events/activities, and fellowship.
JUDE: Contend Earnestly for the Faith
3 Week Study Starting July 10th

Marriage Ministry

Designed for newlyweds to empty-nesters…

Prime Time

Newly retired, soon to be retired, and retired adults gather regularly for The Prime Time Choir on Fridays once a month for sing-a-longs and fellowship.

Adult Ministry – January 2023

Can you be a disciple and not grow spiritually? Not according to Jesus. “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” (John 15:8)
What are you doing to position yourself for spiritual growth? Please don’t let this question push you toward guilt. Jesus is not asking you to climb Mount Everest in a single day! Understand that spiritual growth is usually a gentle climb, it is a process.
Trinity U is one avenue we have at Trinity to grow as disciples. This semester we have two sessions of the Disciple’s Personality. If you have studied the Disciple’s Cross, this is a great follow-up. Mark & Dianne Clemons and Royce & Cynthia Itschner lead these two groups.
A Skeptic’s FAQs, led by Bob Davis, will help you grow in confidence when confronted by hard questions. This will be a conversation, as you learn how to respectfully engage questions such as “What reasons do we have to believe the resurrection occurred?” “ and “Is it possible to be a moral person without believing in God?” 1/29-3/19
The Ministry Gift and Passion Inventory will equip you to fulfill the charge we have in 1 Peter 4:10 – “Each of you as a good manager must use the gift that God has given you to serve others.” Discovering your spiritual gift(s) is not simply a matter of taking a test. It is not rocket science, but neither is it a casual endeavor. It takes intentional thought and action. In this session you will explore how God has gifted you, and how you can plug into Kingdom service. 3/26. See you Sunday nights at 5 pm!


Roots Class – October 2022

by Jaime Riordan

The Roots Sunday school class is a great place to dive deeper into the biblical text each Sunday morning.  We just finished a series going through some of the smaller and less read books of the Bible and this Fall we are taking a closer look at Genesis.  Filled with so many of the stories we learned as children, Genesis is also rich with theology and its themes are echoed throughout the rest of the Bible. Clark Elliston does a great job teaching while also encouraging class discussion which opens the floor to unique perspectives and deeper learning.  Whatever your age, whether there every week or visiting, there is something to be gained by attending! Please join us in room 221, Sundays, at 11 am.



Women of the Word Bible Class

by Becky Doyal
We are the WOW Sisters. We are adult women of all ages (20’s to 90’s). We are single, married, widowed, divorced, mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers. Most importantly, we are sisters in Christ’s family, loving and caring for one another.
In Titus 2, Paul instructs the Godly older women of the church to train younger women in Biblical, Spirit-filled, love-based living. He singles out the mature women of faith, those who have already “been there, done that” and learned by going with Christ through many difficult life experiences, to love, to be reverent, godly, modest and wise; and Paul charges them to meet with the younger women in the church and teach them from the Word. Godly older women in the church take Romans 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:17-20; and Galatians 2:20 seriously:
“Bodies presented as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable to God,
not conformed to this world, but with transformed and renewed minds;”
in “bodies that are temples of the Holy Spirit, glorifying God
in body and spirit, which are God’s;” “no longer living for me,
but Christ living through me.”
The WOW Bible Class is a place where women of all ages can openly share what’s on their heart, find guidance for living from the Bible, receive encouragement with love, and learn how to have a personal relationship with their Lord Jesus Christ. Each Sunday morning, we communicate, pray and praise, learn from God’s Word, and work on memorization. We will finish up our summer study of the End Times on September 4th. Then on September 11th, we will return to the MasterWork Bible studies by Lifeway.
The WOW Sisters welcome women of all ages and all Spiritual stages of life to join us on Sunday mornings in room 104, at 9:30 AM. That’s fifteen minutes earlier than the other classes meet because we tend to talk a lot!
Hope to see you Sunday.


Eagle’s Wings Lifegroup

by Juliann Witte
Eagle’s Wings home group meets on Monday evenings for spiritual accountability, fellowship, friendship, and study the divinely inspired word of God, utilizing Right Now Media resources.
Topics/Bible books are chosen by group consensus. Should an individual(s) be laden with a difficult obstacle in their life journey – time is taken to discuss that issue, regardless of course schedule, until it is satisfactorily addressed. The study format utilizes video with study sheets, scripture, and lively discussion. Discussions are respectful, engaging, informative, at times festive, and biblically sound.
Our experiences and journeys are at various stages. However, the sharing of our journeys and life experiences makes this group caring and supportive of one another with a sincere pursuit to emulate the life and work of Jesus Christ.
We seek to fulfill our group and individual spiritual journey in the works and word of our Lord Jesus Christ by being considerate and compassionate to those in need of assistance and encouragement within Trinity Baptist, Kerrville, and other local communities that need a helping hand; whether it be a kind note, prayer, or boots on the ground.