by Keith & Debbie Williams
Thank YOU, LORD!
January 7, 2024, The Bridge Class began. It’s been an exciting year filled with blessing as we have dug deep into 1 & 2 Thessalonians, a study of Heaven and Angels, James, and Ephesians. We’re looking forward to including a rich study from the Old Testament in 2025 as well as additional studies in the NT.
Bridge Ministry Team members, Don and Debbie Nelson, Frank and Judy Stevens and Ben and Suzii March, who God called to help start The Bridge, have been vital to the class serving as Director, Outreach, Fellowship, Greeter, Teachers and MORE! They are blessings!
The Bridge Class 3-Fold Mission includes:
1st-Bridging Our Relationship with Jesus. John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, & the life…”
We do this through In-depth Bible Study teaching and group participation.
2nd-Bridging Our Relationship with One Another. Hebrews 10:25 “Do not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing…but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day approaching.
Loving Relationships, Fellowships, Prayer & Praises, Calls, Meals, and Connecting outside of class has grown our class into a warm group of friends who love and pray for each other and laugh together. We can’t wait to see each other on Sundays!
3rd-Bridging Our Relationship with Un-believers & Seekers. Matthew 28:19-20 “Go…and make disciples…”
We take serious Jesus’s command to go and make disciples. We notice others around us and invite them to The Bridge. We practice friendship evangelism as well as seasonal outreach such as winter care bags for the homeless, Valentine John 3:16 evangelism outreach, March – The Victor, April Solar Eclipse evangelism cards, December Candy Cane Evangelism.
The Bridge Class has members of all walks of life, ages and stages, married, single, widowed, divorced. Our common bond is the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word. If you don’t have a class, we’d love for you to pop in and visit. You’ll be welcomed with warm smiles, loving hearts, and lots of JOY!
Trinity Life – January 2025