Adult Groups


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM and during the week small groups connect people for Bible study, fellowship and service. Both hours on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM provide Bible Study for Adults. Child care is available during all worship services. 

Men’s Ministry

Men of all ages connect for service and events throughout the year. A Bible study on Thursday mornings meets during the school year.

Women’s Ministry

Throughout the year the Women’s ministry meets for Bible study, interest events/activities, and fellowship.
JUDE: Contend Earnestly for the Faith
3 Week Study Starting July 10th

Marriage Ministry

Designed for newlyweds to empty-nesters…

Prime Time

Newly retired, soon to be retired, and retired adults gather regularly for The Prime Time Choir on Fridays once a month for sing-a-longs and fellowship.

Kerrville West Home Group – May 2024

by Scott Barns
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.”       Hebrews 10:24
As Christians, we are called to live out the many “one anothers” listed in scripture. Our small group meets weekly at the Whitehead’s home and I believe this gives us the opportunity to live out the “one anothers” together with the many families that we meet with. This weekly gathering is something that my family looks forward to every week. A time that we know we can be vulnerable, pray with/for one another, and let our kids be in a safe environment with other kids their age. In my perspective, these are things that Christians need as they grow in their walk with the Lord—a community of other believers and God’s Word. This is something we get each week when we go to our small group.
Our time together consists of a meal, fellowship, and then a Bible study.  We make a schedule each semester that consists of who will be bringing the meal and who will be leading the Bible study. Our discussions vary, but we always focus on the goodness of God and the ways that he is using us and blessing us. We are currently going through a study on solitude and it has been so encouraging to see how others in the group handle solitude in their relationships with the Lord. Oftentimes, during our Bible studies, we are able to share what the Lord is doing in our lives but also things that we may be struggling with. This vulnerability that we have with one another really makes it easy to open up to one another and be there for each other, as we have been called to do as Christ followers. I truly believe that this is a time that everyone in the group looks forward to each week as we try our best to love one another, hold one another accountable, and pray for one another.

Trinity Life – May 2024


Grief Share – March 2024

by Doug Lusk
A new cycle of GriefShare, so ably facilitated by Pattie Davis and a number of co-facilitators, began in January after being delayed by severe weather and will consist of 13 weekly sessions.  This program is a support group to help and encourage persons after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend.
These sessions aim to help each participant, collectively and individually, learn to deal with their grief and loss; a place where they may move forward in their journey from mourning to joy. Guided by the facilitators, each meeting features a video, group discussion, and the use of a personal workbook. The videos, approximately 35 minutes in length, feature comments and suggestions by experts who help deal with loss, personal stories of people who are grieving, and enactments by some about how they have confronted their own  situation.
The group discussions, which are completely confidential, offer participants the opportunity to share something they noted, to ask questions they may have, or to learn how something shown in the video or expressed by others might apply to one’s own life. It can prove to be a vital source in finding the help and comfort they seek.
The workbook has questions, suggestions, and Bible verses which can help an individual in learning how to cope with their loss. For instance, an item from the workbook might cause them to approach their loss more directly.
We are in the third session of our new cycle and gather each Monday morning at 10 AM for the next 10 weeks to complete the 13-week schedule. The GriefShare program has become a regular feature of the ministries supported by Trinity Baptist Church. Class participants consist of members and non-members of  Trinity and class size naturally varies from cycle to cycle depending on circumstances. Some members are so appreciative of their progress that they join in a second cycle. Two cycles per year are available at Trinity Baptist Church.

Many people find that grief is a surprisingly complex subject and that their needs and solutions may be quite different from those of fellow participants. But somewhere in the 13 sessions, it seems often to happen that by hearing what others share about their stories, a listener might find an approach that they can use. A group of folks on a similar journey, giving and receiving ideas and support…that’s what GriefShare is.


Trinity Life – March 2024


Pilgrims of Faith – March 2024

by Marti Jones
The Pilgrims of Faith Class is a group of men and women who, as the name implies, are journeying through life relying on their faith.  We are a group who cares about the needs of others and pray for one another.
Our teacher, Truman Martin, diligently studies the lesson each week to lead us in meaningful discussion of our weekly lessons. Bitsy Martin, his right hand, begins our class by ringing her little bell for our class to come to order.  You see, we thoroughly enjoy visiting with each other before class and we have a tendency of being a little noisy.  She is responsible for announcements, updating us on those we have been praying for, additional prayer requests and leading us in prayer.
We also offer a class via Zoom for those who can’t attend in person. 
Our Spring lesson book is entitled “Servants for His Glory”, described as “Cultivating Christlikeness in a World of Performance.”
We have numerous meaningful activities.  The women visit the residents of River Point once a month for a sing along and devotional time.  After our visit with our sweet friends, our ladies enjoy lunch together at a local restaurant.
The men meet once a month for breakfast at their favorite spot, “Cracker Barrel” where they enjoy visiting together.
Collectively, we enjoy get-together parties from time to time.  Our next party will be April 15th.
Although we have a great comradery, our main concern is to grow spiritually and to look for ways we can share the love of Jesus.
Our most recent outreach project was helping a couple in Mexico (Victor and Carla Avila).  These seminary graduates have taken on the responsibility of ministering to the children at the Navolato Baptist Church.  We took up a collection to help with transportation, Christmas dinner and Christmas parties for the  children.  What a blessing to see  pictures of the children at church celebrating the birth of Jesus.

I could go on and on about our wonderful Bible study class, but the best would be for you to just come check us out.

Trinity Life – March 2024


Agape Fellowship Class – February 2024

by Susan Lesser
Welcome to the Agape Fellowship Class! We are co-ed, ages 60+, and meet in the new adult wing, Room 215, at 9:45 am. Our room has a water fountain outside.
We are looking for a permanent teacher … is that you? Our interim teacher is Wayne Comer, with John Sontag as backup.
We are studying from Connect360 curriculum. Our study this quarter is Kingdom Power, the Sermon on the Mount. Each lesson is grouped into a few verses which gives us plenty of opportunity to discuss and converse. We just finished our study in Galatians. At the present time, we’re using the latest technology sparingly. If you come looking for slick presentations, that’s not us. Open Bibles and study guides – that’s us; just folks.

We love guests and would love to have you come join us. Would you like to have that joy of being with fellow Christians in a small class? We look forward to fellowshipping with you!