Adult Groups


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM and during the week small groups connect people for Bible study, fellowship and service. Both hours on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM provide Bible Study for Adults. Child care is available during all worship services. 

Men’s Ministry

Men of all ages connect for service and events throughout the year. A Bible study on Thursday mornings meets during the school year.

Women’s Ministry

Throughout the year the Women’s ministry meets for Bible study, interest events/activities, and fellowship.
JUDE: Contend Earnestly for the Faith
3 Week Study Starting July 10th

Marriage Ministry

Designed for newlyweds to empty-nesters…

Prime Time

Newly retired, soon to be retired, and retired adults gather regularly for The Prime Time Choir on Fridays once a month for sing-a-longs and fellowship.

Friendship Class – July 2024

by Melinda Cox
Our Bible Study Class meets in room 221 at 9:45 AM.  Recently, the Friendship Class has conducted sermon-based lessons, doing an    in-depth analysis of the sermon preached the week before at Trinity Baptist Church.  But, beginning in June, our class shifted gears and began a unit of study on the topic of eschatology, entitled “The End is Near—or Is It?”  This will lead into a series of lessons on the topic of Heaven beginning sometime in July.
Our Bible study follows the method known as “Con-Con-App,” or Content, Context, and Application.  With this method of study, the class begins with an in-depth analysis of the actual Biblical text (often with emphasis placed upon key words from the original languages—Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic).  Then, the Biblical passage being studied is placed within its original historical and cultural context.  Only after completing these steps, do we apply the Biblical passage to our      current life situation (you can’t properly apply the Bible to the present without first understanding what the text actually says and what it meant to its original audience).
Prayer is another very important aspect of our class.  Prayer requests are received from class members, prayed over during class time and subsequently also sent out via email to class members and certain TBC staff members for prayer reminders during the week.  If an emergency situation happens during the week and the class needs to be notified, another prayer request will go out to this group so that these needs will be lifted up to the Lord as soon as possible.
Acts 2:42 states that the early Christians “continuously devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.”  Koinonia, or fellowship, is an important part of the Christian life. Whenever we gather together as a group, we are imitating the early church. Fellowships for our group include lunch at the TBC Café after church services or at a class member’s home.


Lois Home Group

by Tabor McMillan
The Lois Home Group is a tight-knit community comprised of young families who come together on Tuesday evenings from 5:30-7:45 to discuss our faith in Jesus, our lives, and to foster personal growth as Christians. Each family brings its own unique experiences, perspectives, and strengths to the group, creating a great atmosphere for discussion. We typically meet inside the home of one of our members, share a potluck meal for an hour and then have our discussion time for the following hour. While we have our discussion time, our children spend time playing together or watching a movie so the adults can converse without distraction. Discussions range from exploring biblical passages and books, to navigating the complexities of everyday life or diving deep into specific biblical themes. Through dialogue, reflection, and prayer, our group seeks to deepen its understanding of scripture and its relevance to the lives we lead.
Beyond the designated discussion time, the Lois Home Group is also a source of practical support and friendship. Members rally around each other during times of need, offering assistance, meals, and a listening ear. We have welcomed new life through babies being born, we’ve mourned the loss of parents and other loved ones, and have even celebrated the marriage of two of our members.
The connections we have established through this group permeates into our everyday lives. We gather for social outings, we celebrate holidays together, and provide a sense of belonging that has really helped this small group feel more like a second family. It’s a great thing to witness whenever you have a community around you that continually shows up for one another.
We are glad to welcome any who might be interested in attending a small home group. We typically meet 3 Tuesday nights a month and also regularly meet with the Kerrville West Home Group for monthly fellowships.



Kerrville West Home Group – May 2024

by Scott Barns
“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works.”       Hebrews 10:24
As Christians, we are called to live out the many “one anothers” listed in scripture. Our small group meets weekly at the Whitehead’s home and I believe this gives us the opportunity to live out the “one anothers” together with the many families that we meet with. This weekly gathering is something that my family looks forward to every week. A time that we know we can be vulnerable, pray with/for one another, and let our kids be in a safe environment with other kids their age. In my perspective, these are things that Christians need as they grow in their walk with the Lord—a community of other believers and God’s Word. This is something we get each week when we go to our small group.
Our time together consists of a meal, fellowship, and then a Bible study.  We make a schedule each semester that consists of who will be bringing the meal and who will be leading the Bible study. Our discussions vary, but we always focus on the goodness of God and the ways that he is using us and blessing us. We are currently going through a study on solitude and it has been so encouraging to see how others in the group handle solitude in their relationships with the Lord. Oftentimes, during our Bible studies, we are able to share what the Lord is doing in our lives but also things that we may be struggling with. This vulnerability that we have with one another really makes it easy to open up to one another and be there for each other, as we have been called to do as Christ followers. I truly believe that this is a time that everyone in the group looks forward to each week as we try our best to love one another, hold one another accountable, and pray for one another.

Trinity Life – May 2024


Jubilee Class – May 2024

by Gene Ayers, Doug Lusk, and Eva Euler
“As new members, we were immediately   surrounded by the warmest, most loving and genuinely caring new friends, folks who were passionate about their faith and were spiritually mature.” Most of these earlier members are now with our Lord, but others have joined our fellowship, continuing to serve the Lord in like manner, and support the ministry of the church.  As a class, we have always been there for one another through illnesses, accidents, family problems and too many  tragedies to count!”
Caring, sharing, and praying — hallmarks of this class of couples and individuals who are bound together by their love for the Lord and for families, friends, and neighbors. One of our notable missions is to care for one another, for their families, and for others that they know and love. We have cried together.
We spend time sharing prayer requests for loved ones, friends or perhaps an acquaintance who is in need. Prayer requests are sent out to the membership during the week, as well to our network of emails and postage mail. All done in the name of the Lord. 
Each Sunday the class joins together in the singing of a popular hymn, the celebration of birthdays and anniversaries, and the sharing of other activities that are scheduled for the church family.
We have had wonderful teachers over the years, including Kay Miller, Gene Ayers, Chris Christopherson, and Bill Parr.  Currently the centerpiece of the class is Mr. Parr’s lessons, taken directly from the scriptures, book by book and verse by verse.  We just finished the book of Daniel and will study Ephesians next.  
Throughout all these activities runs a deep current of fellowship that is both comforting and encouraging. What a privilege it is to have this place where we can sing together, pray together, worship together and know that our Savior Jesus is there with us, guiding and    directing us in all we do. It is a warm inviting place that welcomes anyone in need of a church family. Oh, and we laugh a lot, with JOY!

Trinity Life – May 2024