Adult Groups


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM and during the week small groups connect people for Bible study, fellowship and service. Both hours on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM provide Bible Study for Adults. Child care is available during all worship services. 

Men’s Ministry

Men of all ages connect for service and events throughout the year. A Bible study on Thursday mornings meets during the school year.

Women’s Ministry

Throughout the year the Women’s ministry meets for Bible study, interest events/activities, and fellowship.
JUDE: Contend Earnestly for the Faith
3 Week Study Starting July 10th

Marriage Ministry

Designed for newlyweds to empty-nesters…

Prime Time

Newly retired, soon to be retired, and retired adults gather regularly for The Prime Time Choir on Fridays once a month for sing-a-longs and fellowship.

Dominican Republic Trip

Joe, Jennifer, Jaden, and Jordan Rief; Becky Doyal; April, Jaycee, and Kenleigh Conner; JD Templeton; and Wes, Mica, Anna, and Charis Henson traveled June 18-25 to the Dominican Republic. We experienced God’s great work through a number of projects. Here are excerpts from a few of their stories.
Anna – God taught me about using simple tasks to glorify Him. We served ice cream to the youth and played basketball and volleyball, all of which God was working through even with the language barrier. God also helped me to discover new ways in which I can be a better leader now.
Becky – We visited the Santiago Orphanage, a wonderful place which cares for 140 abused and neglected children – teens to infants – who were legally removed from their parents. My heart hurts for those children, but I praise God that they are in a good place now. I plan, Lord willing, to go again next year.
April – This is my second mission trip to go on and I will say that I always get more out of it than I give. There were things to do at many different skill levels from sewing, making and sanding bunk beds, and construction. One of the construction leaders said, “God has given us a left and a right hand, and it’s up to you what you do with it.”
Charis – God showed me how he can take care of the orphans who have been mistreated by their family or who do not have a family. Some of the kids were scared to accept Christ because they thought they might get bullied. So, we encouraged them to accept Him because God will help them through it.
Jaycee – Before I went on this trip I was scared and not quite sure how I would help contribute. Now though, I feel like God has shown me that if I am willing I can be used for his work. This trip taught me a lot about myself and showed me that there are sisters and brothers in Christ everywhere. I encourage everyone, who is willing, to go on the next trip. The experience will give you far more than you ever imagined.
Mica – God taught me during my time in the Dominican Republic that no job was too small. There were times that I was not part of a large project, but I found ways to be helpful. Organizing donations, sweeping construction debris, and cleaning the dining area. All of it was essential in helping with the work God was doing.
Kenleigh – The way the people prayed so selfless convicted me that what I pray for doesn’t really matter. For example, they prayed for other people to know Christ and that they would have a good education. This trip not only brought me closer to people in the Dominican, but people from our church. I was originally nervous about going because it was a different, unknown place. But by the end, I didn’t want to leave.


Stitchers For Jesus

by Cheryll Overla
The stitchers have been busy this spring.  In addition to our usual garments of clothing turned in (dresses and shorts sets), we now have a new
 division to the group – the knitters and crocheters.  These ladies have been busy creating beautiful afghans for babies and children.  It is exciting to see all the wonderful items come in each month and to know that children around the world will receive them.  We also have a couple of ladies knitting and crocheting newborn hats that will go to a baby hospital in Guatemala.  What an opportunity the Lord has brought our way to use something we love to do to serve Him!
As I am writing this, a delivery is on its way to Corpus Christi via Larry and Carol Westfall. They make several trips a year to deliver supplies, etc. to the STCH storage room.  Missionaries, mission groups, etc. can choose things from this storage room to take wherever they go.  The stitchers packed up and sent 100 dresses, 20 shorts sets (both boys and girls), 15 walker tote bags and 20 baby afghans.  We will also have items ready to send to the Dominican with the mission group from church.  
Another exciting thing happened for our group recently as the Worship Kids on Wednesday night made fleece blankets and donated them. The group was happy to participate and they prayed over each blanket before the class was over. It was a great opportunity for the kids to experience being servants and the joy of giving of their time and talents. The children who helped are Bradley, Alexandria, Olivia, Aidan, Charis, Hannah, Arwen, Cami, Levi, Joseph, and Ben. A great time was had by all, even the adults!! 
Do you sew, knit or crochet?  We have just the group for you at Trinity.


The Friendship Class

by Linda Warden
The Friendship Bible class at Trinity Baptist Church meets in room 221 at 9:45 Sunday mornings and is made up of adults of all ages with diverse backgrounds. Currently, the class is led in a discussion of the sermon from the previous Sunday morning service.  The teaching leaders are Frank Brooksher and Bob Davis on a rotating basis.  Each leader facilitates the discussion in a manner that includes all class members, whether they were in the previous week’s service or not.
Some members have been a part of this class for many years and others have joined very recently. Our class discussions include input from folks who have broad knowledge of scripture and others whose knowledge is at a different stage.  This blend of people is evidence that all are welcome in this class no matter the person’s background.  The emphasis for participation is that all desire to grow in understanding of the scripture.  Sharing of life experiences by class members during discussion opportunities provides helpful examples of how God has been and is at work in our community and world.  The class warmly welcomes all visitors who are interested in studying God’s word with fellow believers and seekers. 
The Friendship Class also encourages weekly prayer support for class members.  Prayer requests are shared before the class ends each week and those prayer needs are emailed to each class member for continued prayer throughout the week. Many class members are involved in other areas of life at Trinity such as the choir, mission trips, teaching, greeters, church member care, childcare and/or weekly Bible Studies, plus other avenues.
We are not large in number, but we welcome growth.  We meet at 9:45 AM each Sunday morning in room 221 which is on the right just before the walkway above and around the Family Life Center.   The fellowship we share during the class time is a source of friendship, encouragement and spiritual growth for each member.  Come to visit and join our friendly group


Women’s Bible Study

by Shelby Peschel

I recently had my teenage son help me with some heavy boxes in our attic. Our quest was hunt down a Bible Study workbook that I had studied over a decade ago. Turns out, we had multiple boxes to search through, with over forty workbooks total much to his dismay and my delight.

As I rummaged through the different titles, I recalled many of the deep spiritual truths learned with each study.  There was the one on The Covenant where I learned foundational truths of God’s constant loving-kindness.  The one on Daniel where I learned that God is with me in the fire.  The one on Psalms 23 where I learned that no matter the valley, my Shepherd will guide me.  Reminder after reminder of lessons learned from dedicated time in study of God’s Word.

But perhaps more so than lessons learned, I recalled faces. Faces of the women, of all ages and all walks of life, who not only studied together but encouraged & uplifted one another. There was the one study where I was new to town and honestly just wanted to meet other Christian women. The one where I was an exhausted new mom and those smiling church nursery workers during Bible Study once a week were my saving grace. The one where we prayed fervently for healing for a class member’s mother. The one where we rejoiced together, the one where we cried together, the one where we laughed together…

As I looked over twenty years’ worth of studies, never once did I regret the time spent studying God’s Word and growing with other ladies.  Women’s Bible Study (WBS) is time well spent.  Simply put, it is life-giving. WBS meets Wednesday mornings and Thursday nights.  We are currently studying Jonah with plans for a summer study on 1 Peter and then Acts in the fall.  More information can be found online at There is a place for you, and you are invited.  This could be the one where…

“Lord, Your word is forever; Your faithfulness is for all
generations; I will never forget Your precepts, for You have
given me life through them.” Psalms 119: 89-93