Pilgrims of Faith – March 2024

by Marti Jones
The Pilgrims of Faith Class is a group of men and women who, as the name implies, are journeying through life relying on their faith.  We are a group who cares about the needs of others and pray for one another.
Our teacher, Truman Martin, diligently studies the lesson each week to lead us in meaningful discussion of our weekly lessons. Bitsy Martin, his right hand, begins our class by ringing her little bell for our class to come to order.  You see, we thoroughly enjoy visiting with each other before class and we have a tendency of being a little noisy.  She is responsible for announcements, updating us on those we have been praying for, additional prayer requests and leading us in prayer.
We also offer a class via Zoom for those who can’t attend in person. 
Our Spring lesson book is entitled “Servants for His Glory”, described as “Cultivating Christlikeness in a World of Performance.”
We have numerous meaningful activities.  The women visit the residents of River Point once a month for a sing along and devotional time.  After our visit with our sweet friends, our ladies enjoy lunch together at a local restaurant.
The men meet once a month for breakfast at their favorite spot, “Cracker Barrel” where they enjoy visiting together.
Collectively, we enjoy get-together parties from time to time.  Our next party will be April 15th.
Although we have a great comradery, our main concern is to grow spiritually and to look for ways we can share the love of Jesus.
Our most recent outreach project was helping a couple in Mexico (Victor and Carla Avila).  These seminary graduates have taken on the responsibility of ministering to the children at the Navolato Baptist Church.  We took up a collection to help with transportation, Christmas dinner and Christmas parties for the  children.  What a blessing to see  pictures of the children at church celebrating the birth of Jesus.

I could go on and on about our wonderful Bible study class, but the best would be for you to just come check us out.

Trinity Life – March 2024


Agape Fellowship Class – February 2024

by Susan Lesser
Welcome to the Agape Fellowship Class! We are co-ed, ages 60+, and meet in the new adult wing, Room 215, at 9:45 am. Our room has a water fountain outside.
We are looking for a permanent teacher … is that you? Our interim teacher is Wayne Comer, with John Sontag as backup.
We are studying from Connect360 curriculum. Our study this quarter is Kingdom Power, the Sermon on the Mount. Each lesson is grouped into a few verses which gives us plenty of opportunity to discuss and converse. We just finished our study in Galatians. At the present time, we’re using the latest technology sparingly. If you come looking for slick presentations, that’s not us. Open Bibles and study guides – that’s us; just folks.

We love guests and would love to have you come join us. Would you like to have that joy of being with fellow Christians in a small class? We look forward to fellowshipping with you!




Eagle’s Wings Home Group

by Chuck Coulter
Eagle’s Wings is the name of our home bible study group. We meet on Mondays from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm for a meal, fellowship, and bible study. We’ve been on a summer break and “fire up” when school starts back. This summer break we’ve met every 3-4 weeks for fellowship, sharing what God has done and is doing in our lives and, as good Baptists’, a meal is always included!
This group of believers has taken to heart “the mission field” but not just in other counties but the Kerrville area mission field. In Matthew Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.” Jesus is full of compassion. He became a friend of sinners and ate with tax collectors who were seen as traitors and thieves. He visited homes of people rejected by society.
We have taken The Mercy Gate Ministries Magdalene House under our Eagle’s Wings. It’s a halfway house for women involved in sex trafficking and drug abuse. God has given us hearts on fire to teach and show them that we care. We give a cooking class once a month at the group home and we get to eat what was prepared with the women. Most of the women have little experience with “normal” daily activities like cooking. Their director asked that we come as Christian husband and wife teams to show and teach them how Godly relationships should be. We donate toiletries, bedding, and other daily needs. Jesus is our   example of how we are to act starting in our communities. All of us in Eagles’ Wings have stepped out of our comfort zones and safe place here at Trinity by “hanging out” with the tax collectors and the people rejected by our society. We in our current group; Julie Anne Witte, Tim and Violet Mathias, Lew and Jane King, Jeff and Susan Stone, Missy Coulter and I are blessed serving this group in God’s Kingdom.

Eagles’ Wings uses various Bible book video series from Right Now Media for their weekly study.



WOW Bible Study Class

by Cleo Meadow
Greetings from the WOW Bible study class.  If any of you ladies would choose to be in a Bible class of women only, come join us in room 219 at 9:30 AM Sunday mornings.  Becky Doyal, our teacher, is teaching in word and deed how to care for and love one another.  We have just completed a study of “The Beatitudes” from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5.  The curriculum used by the WOW Bible class is from MASTERWORK, a quarterly LifeWay Publication.  Our next series will be a video Bible study by Priscilla Shirer on Gideon.
We have been saddened by the recent loss of two of our dear class members, Mae Beth Hooter in February, and Lynette Bailey in June.  We celebrate their Homegoing but will miss them  immensely.
We continuously hold each other up to the Lord in prayer.  Those who are currently homebound are Toni Carter, Jackie Clark, June Lewis, Helen Puccini, George Ann Schwethelm, Jean St. Clair, Gerry England and Judy Williams.  And Glenda Yarbrough is recovering at home from recent shoulder surgery. 
Our class gets together on occasion for fun and fellowship.  We had an enjoyable Spring Tea  Party at the home of Darlene Graham and have decided to make it an annual event.  We are planning to get together again soon for a summer social at Loraine Couch’s River House for food, fun and games.  And Christmas is always a merry event at the decked-out home of Kathy Nicholson.
I want to acknowledge the work and talents of two of our class members:  To Marci Newby, who faithfully works many hours a week in our church kitchen to feed the flock; and to Hope Schmidt, who makes and sends out the most beautiful and endearing cards every week to our sick and shut ins.
We will soon be saying good-bye to Tara Mitchell, who is moving to Louisiana.  She will be closer to family but very far away from TBC.  Praying for all to go well with the move.  We will miss you, Tara.

We welcome all women who are seeking a fellowship to study God’s Word and meet new friends.  If you are looking for a dynamic ladies’ Bible class, come join us.




Come and See Class

by Jay Stimson
In the first chapter of John’s gospel, Philip told Nathanael he had found the Messiah. To Nathanael’s skeptical reply, Philip said, “Come and see.”
It is in that same spirit that we extend an invitation for you to come and seek Jesus with us on Sunday mornings at 9:45 in Room 212. We are a new, co-ed class that welcomes all ages, and especially those new to Kerrville or Trinity Baptist.
We use the Explore the Bible curriculum from Lifeway and look at scripture through its ancient cultural context to not only understand how scripture was applied when it was written, but how it applies in everyday life. The words spoken by Christ still resonate today to seekers and His followers who are hungry to learn more about Him.
Teacher Jay Stimson and his wife Kandi moved to Kerrville from Castle Rock, Colorado in 2021, where they had been involved in SBC church planting. After settling in Kerrville, they found themselves at home in the fellowship at Trinity Baptist Church with like-minded Christ followers.
Trinity Baptist has many wonderful teachers and Bible Study classes from which to choose. We encourage you to find a class where you can pray for one another, grow in your faith, enjoy fellowship with other believers, and find the Messiah through the study of God’s Word. If you are wondering if this class is right for you, “Come and See!”


Roots Class – October 2022

by Jaime Riordan

The Roots Sunday school class is a great place to dive deeper into the biblical text each Sunday morning.  We just finished a series going through some of the smaller and less read books of the Bible and this Fall we are taking a closer look at Genesis.  Filled with so many of the stories we learned as children, Genesis is also rich with theology and its themes are echoed throughout the rest of the Bible. Clark Elliston does a great job teaching while also encouraging class discussion which opens the floor to unique perspectives and deeper learning.  Whatever your age, whether there every week or visiting, there is something to be gained by attending! Please join us in room 221, Sundays, at 11 am.