Lois Home Group

by Tabor McMillan
The Lois Home Group is a tight-knit community comprised of young families who come together on Tuesday evenings from 5:30-7:45 to discuss our faith in Jesus, our lives, and to foster personal growth as Christians. Each family brings its own unique experiences, perspectives, and strengths to the group, creating a great atmosphere for discussion. We typically meet inside the home of one of our members, share a potluck meal for an hour and then have our discussion time for the following hour. While we have our discussion time, our children spend time playing together or watching a movie so the adults can converse without distraction. Discussions range from exploring biblical passages and books, to navigating the complexities of everyday life or diving deep into specific biblical themes. Through dialogue, reflection, and prayer, our group seeks to deepen its understanding of scripture and its relevance to the lives we lead.
Beyond the designated discussion time, the Lois Home Group is also a source of practical support and friendship. Members rally around each other during times of need, offering assistance, meals, and a listening ear. We have welcomed new life through babies being born, we’ve mourned the loss of parents and other loved ones, and have even celebrated the marriage of two of our members.
The connections we have established through this group permeates into our everyday lives. We gather for social outings, we celebrate holidays together, and provide a sense of belonging that has really helped this small group feel more like a second family. It’s a great thing to witness whenever you have a community around you that continually shows up for one another.
We are glad to welcome any who might be interested in attending a small home group. We typically meet 3 Tuesday nights a month and also regularly meet with the Kerrville West Home Group for monthly fellowships.



DR Mission Trip 2024

On June 1st, twenty-four TBCK members traveled to the Austin airport before the rooster crowed. Ranging in age from 12 to 60+, these missionaries worked diligently with our Dominican partners in a variety of ministries. Roof demolition, bookcase construction, medical clinics, VBS, sports camp, pastor’s conference, parent training, children’s ESL, varnishing bunk beds, baking class…these are some of the visible activities of the team. Relationships built around mealtimes, ministry and travel are an example of the less visible, but incredibly vital results of such trips.
Later this year we’ll print a full report, but for now here’s a few quotes from our TBCK short-term missionaries: “we can show God’s love even through a language barrier…in the DR, believers surrender to God’s desire, I seek to do this now…this trip helped refresh my love for serving others…this year my experience was all about making relationships with the global church…this year I wanted to work on stepping out of my comfort zone…for me to join alongside our Dominican hosts and help with the many activities was truly a joy…the joy and love I saw is something I really want to live by…celebrating the Lord’s Supper with the Dominicans was just a glimpse of what we will see in heaven…one thing that stood out to me was that they are willing to ask for help in their struggles…they don’t care that they have so  little because they have enough…I saw how God works through ministries such as the Texas Baptist Hunger Offering…I was convicted of making excuses not to spend time with God…God really opened my eyes to how blessed I am…when we serve it truly is about having a right heart…each time I come back with a fuller heart…it inspired me to pursue a greater relationship with our Lord…what stood out to me was the unity of the church…I saw God working through everyone…each day we were empowered by God’s grace…”


Intern Insights – July 2024

by Cailin Powell
School is out and the youth are relishing the freedom that summer brings. Every Sunday and Wednesday night has been filled with shouts of joy as kids rally around each other at the ping pong  table or in the gym for Gym Rats.  Yet, there are also bitter cries of disappointment as the beloved championship spot is claimed and the winning basket is shot in the gym. 
Through the ups and downs of competition, the goal for our students is connection with each other, with adults, and ultimately, with God.  The connections we build with each other point us back to the connection we have with our Heavenly Father.
Walk into the refinery on a Sunday morning and you will encounter the sweetest song of praise being proclaimed unto God.  Wednesday nights we are looking at the “whys” behind the songs that unite us as Christians.  As a student ministry, we’re taking a step back and learning what it is that we proclaim, why we proclaim it, and taking a moment to contemplate and acknowledge the greatness of the God who loves us and desires a relationship with us.
Being an intern again this summer has given me a unique opportunity to see these connections lived out through our students.  I’ve seen students who were afraid of talking last summer, initiate conversations with strangers and walk away with new friends.  I’m excited to see what the rest of the summer holds and ask that you join us in prayer on this journey!


Children’s Day Out – July 2024

by Beth Ann Brown

We wrapped up another successful year of Children’s Day Out at Trinity.  It is always a time of mixed emotions:  sadness, exhaustion, joy, anticipation, and relief.  Most of the children will be returning next year but we said goodbye to some families that have been with CDO for many years through many children.  It is so incredibly rewarding to watch these children grow and change throughout the year. 

We also said goodbye to some coworkers moving on to homeschool their children or because they took a full-time job.  They will be greatly missed.  Our CDO staff is a close one.  We pray for each other and care about each other like a family. 

As we look toward the next CDO year, we are looking for some teachers and substitutes to join us in this ministry.  Trinity CDO is a great place to be.  We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30-2:30 August through May.  If you would like to be a part of a great group of ladies working with wonderful children and families, contact the church office.



Friendship Class – July 2024

by Melinda Cox
Our Bible Study Class meets in room 221 at 9:45 AM.  Recently, the Friendship Class has conducted sermon-based lessons, doing an    in-depth analysis of the sermon preached the week before at Trinity Baptist Church.  But, beginning in June, our class shifted gears and began a unit of study on the topic of eschatology, entitled “The End is Near—or Is It?”  This will lead into a series of lessons on the topic of Heaven beginning sometime in July.
Our Bible study follows the method known as “Con-Con-App,” or Content, Context, and Application.  With this method of study, the class begins with an in-depth analysis of the actual Biblical text (often with emphasis placed upon key words from the original languages—Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic).  Then, the Biblical passage being studied is placed within its original historical and cultural context.  Only after completing these steps, do we apply the Biblical passage to our      current life situation (you can’t properly apply the Bible to the present without first understanding what the text actually says and what it meant to its original audience).
Prayer is another very important aspect of our class.  Prayer requests are received from class members, prayed over during class time and subsequently also sent out via email to class members and certain TBC staff members for prayer reminders during the week.  If an emergency situation happens during the week and the class needs to be notified, another prayer request will go out to this group so that these needs will be lifted up to the Lord as soon as possible.
Acts 2:42 states that the early Christians “continuously devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and prayer.”  Koinonia, or fellowship, is an important part of the Christian life. Whenever we gather together as a group, we are imitating the early church. Fellowships for our group include lunch at the TBC Café after church services or at a class member’s home.


TBC Missions Committee

by Suzii March
Can you serve missions and never leave home?
Seated at a simple table on Jackson Street, the Trinity Missions Committee is helping TBCK to be the sending hands of Jesus Christ.

This committee is guided by scripture. Following the mandate of the great commission “Go ye therefore into all the world,” and seeking, like Acts 1, “ to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea , Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” we have supported missions as a coordinating hub to:

  • Review applications for long-term missionary families who want to stay in the TBCK Missions house. The house is booked two years out & people will come from three countries this year.
  • Explore refurbishing another mission house to be ready in 2025. People are already asking for 2026.
  • Review applications and allocate funds for TBCK members to serve on short-term missions in the U.S. and other countries.  This year members served in the Dominican Republic, Kenya, Thailand and Mexico. 
  • Support TBCK staff as a critical part of worldwide church leadership. Pastors and missionaries taught and mentored in Africa and Mexico.
  • Contact and support mission families who serve in partnership with TBCK on 3 continents—Central America, Africa, Asia.
  • Cooperate with mission agencies to explore possible mission service sites—groups among our Texas Baptist family and also in Nashville, Chicago, and Atlanta.
  • Pray for and communicate with missionaries serving short-term and long-term.
  • Plan and supervise the collection of 5 very important mission offerings throughout the year—Hunger, Christmas, Easter, Short-Term & Long-Term offerings.
Guided by Clint Brown and the TBCK staff, the Missions Committee coordinates historic mission partnerships like Dominican Republic and also explores new emerging mission needs.

Serving in a sinful and treacherous world is complicated. We strive to serve effectively, compassionately, and safely – but it is not easy. We need discernment and prayer from thoughtful TBCK disciples with caring hearts . We extend our appreciation to our Godly TBCK staff and to all using their time, talents and relationships. We offer our praise to God, with the added prayer “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done” through our missions.



For the Journey – July 2024

“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face to shine on us –– so that Your ways may be known on earth, Your salvation among the nations. May the peoples praise You, God; may all the peoples praise You.” Psalm 67:1-3
If you reread the printed verses, you will find that the psalmist begins talking about God  only to switch audiences and speak directly to God. This happens several times throughout the psalms. We are a blessed people at Trinity  Baptist Church. God is the one who blesses for sure. Though there are many things ahead of us, we are grateful for the faithful things behind us and blessed with the present direction God is placing before us.
The summer ministry opportunities are in full swing. Once again, we have completed, with help from incredible church volunteers, our Vacation Bible School and Mini-Kids Camp. Our children and students are gearing up for camps in July while making the most of each week’s gatherings to learn more and grow in community. Our prayers remain constant regarding the issues around the world. We are traveling our summer pilgrimage through a reaffirmation of choices or making choices   regarding our devotion and direction. God has a purpose. God makes it known to us. God’s purposes are really the best purposes. I am thrilled when I see us staying in the middle of God’s choices.
Please continue to pray for our New Deacon  Selection Task Force. They have continued to meet and research the direction for Trinity Baptist regarding the need for new deacons. One of the discussions before us this summer will be the role of women serving as deacons at Trinity Baptist Church. Let us continue to lift up Dr. David Sprouse, Scott Barns, Diane       Donaldson, Suzii March, Pennie Olivo, Dan Petty and Vern Stahl.
Remember that we will only have one service on July 7th. We will start with a worship service at 9:00 a.m. and then have Bible Study at 10:00 a.m. There will be a place for every Bible Study class to meet because a couple of classes have agreed to go to a new space for one Sunday. Thank you for all you do to help us do what we do. We are looking forward to our Family Gathering and Member Meeting this month. It will be our annual ice cream Sunday and game time.
Melinda and I are blessed to get to serve  Trinity Baptist church. This month marks our twelfth anniversary. I anticipate year thirteen and the future years to come. Thanks for loving us and our family so well.

In Christ,



Women’s Bible Study – May 2024

by Shelby Peschel
What is your favorite Bible study? Recently, during a leadership training meeting, several ladies answered this question.  With so many wonderful authors, speakers, books and topics, it was difficult to narrow it down to just one.  So many studies have been richly meaningful in different ways to different ladies.  After giving it some thought since that meeting, I would like to change my answer. My favorite Bible study is “the next one.”  
Women’s Bible Study (WBS) at Trinity has a rich  history of reaching women in our community.  Studies have varied through the years, but the focus on learning and growing together has not. With much prayer and planning, a core team of ladies selects which study we will do together, typically a year in advance.  Laying personal preferences aside, they truly seek the Lord for what He would have us study together.  As long as the Word of God and hearts are open, each “next” study provides the opportunity to learn and understand more. And, in knowing more, taking next steps to apply God’s truth to our daily actions. 
So what is the next one for WBS?  We just wrapped up studying the Book of John as well as The End Times.  Coming up next is our summer series on Jude: Contend Earnestly for the Faith by Debbie  Taylor Williams. This 3-week study meets on Wednesday mornings and Thursday evenings, beginning July 10th.  Registration and details are available on the church website. Next, will be our fall study on Elijah:  Faith & Fire by Priscilla Shirer, followed by a  focus on Gratitude:  Giving Thanks to God in All Things leading up to the holiday  season. There is a place for you, and you are invited. We’d love to have you join us for the next one! 

“Lord, Your word is forever; Your  faithfulness is for all generations;  I will never forget Your precepts, for You have given me life through them.”
 Psalms 119: 89-93



Trinity Life – May 2024


Children’s Ministry – May 2024

We just celebrated Paula Brucker’s retirement after 18 years of service as the Children’s Ministry Assistant at Trinity. We will miss her very much and yet we are so happy she gets to be with her kids and grandkids full time now. She’s been a blessing as she’s faithfully served our children and families all these years. She served alongside Eric Lankford and Pam Blair before I joined Trinity 9 years ago. I know all three of us are grateful for how Paula ministered together with us. Thank you, Paula, for your 18 years of service!
Summer is coming up quickly.  Please make sure you have VBS, Mini Kids Camp, Kids Camp, Cans for the Kingdom, and Parents, Pizza and Snowballs on your calendar for the upcoming summer schedule. We already have some kids signed up for camp and we still have room for additional kids. We’d love to have lots of kids at VBS (sign up after May 1 online) and camp this summer. Contact Kellee for more information about any of these events at kparish@tbck.org.


Trinity Life – May 2024