Mission Trip to Alto Frio

by Anna Henson

Over Spring Break, I got to go on our Spring Break Mission Alto Frio trip. It was a lot of fun and we did a lot of work for the Lord. The first day my group got to paint one of the Gaga ball courts. I also got to paint a part of the cafeteria with my group. On the last day, we had completed all of the tasks but one. 

Since we had more people than we had groups, we moved around the camp looking for odd jobs. I searched for a hose and got to help mix concrete. I was able to connect with some of the younger girls and I know that many new relationships were formed. I was so thankful to work with such a great group of people. 

On the first day, our group managed to get through almost all of the tasks we had been assigned for the day and looked forward to the next day. Although we woke up early and were all tired, we got to work and worked enthusiastically. 

All three days our group enjoyed getting to come  together and worship through music and the words of one of the leaders from the other group. I personally felt so inspired that, when we had a time around the campfire to share testimonies, I had the courage to share a little of my own story. This opportunity was one I am so grateful for and am excited to go back again at the next opportunity.

A note from Wes Henson:  In March, we had a great mission trip to Alto Frio and could not have accomplished all we did without the help of the adults who partnered with us through the Men’s Ministry. I asked Anna Henson to share some of her thoughts and experiences from our time together.



Walk Thru the Easter Story

by Marsena Alley

One of my favorite events our church does is coming up.  Join us Saturday, April 8th at 10:00 am for Walk Thru the Easter Story.  Come to the east side parking area off Bluebell as children stamp their passports traveling from Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the Empty Tomb!  Each station will have a craft or hands-on activity for them to participate in. This provides a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel with our children, neighbors, grandchildren and friends!  The morning ends with a fun Easter egg hunt for the children.  See you there!



Prayer Room Available

by Loraine Couch

The Prayer Room at TBC is located down the hall from the women’s restroom on the second floor across from the Chapel.  Visiting hours are 9:00am to 4:00pm weekdays and Sunday mornings.  Weekday visitors to the prayer room are asked to check-in at the church office prior to and following their visit to the prayer room.

Pray as the Holy Spirit leads you for:

  • Ministries and staff of TBC.
  • Sick and sorrowing – an up-to-date list of hospitalizations, procedures, and prayer requests is available in the prayer room.
  • Individual prayer needs.
  • Missionaries – a list of the missionaries supported by TBC is available in the prayer room.
  • Local, national, and world leaders and world situations.


Have a prayer request?

  • Leave in the provided notebook for others to pray for.
  • Post on the Prayer Wall inside the prayer room.


The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”  James 5:16

“Call upon me and I will answer you and I will show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.”  Jeremiah 33:3


A special “thank you” to Loraine Couch for her work in revitalizing the prayer room! 



Traditions and New Beginnings

I am a huge believer in our Victor ministry but, I must admit, even I was intimidated at the seemingly daunting task of coordinating and putting together The Victor without Larry, or any worship minister for that matter. However, it has been a great lesson to trust God. It was His will for us to present The Victor, just as we have done annually for the past 11 years. And, He allowed it to happen. All of the pieces came together, as only He could do. I am so grateful God gave us this opportunity to present this special gift to our community. It is hard work, but it is so worth it, even if we reach just one person who doesn’t yet know Jesus. We are so thankful for all who prayed with us for everything involved with the presentation.
It is an exciting time here in the TBC Worship Ministry, as we prepare for our new Worship Minister, Charlie Barganier, to arrive! The view of a call weekend March 17-19 with Charlie and his family was a wonderful time of music and fellowship. It was a joy to work with him, and I know we are all looking forward to his arrival next month! 


For the Journey – April 2023

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:4 
The Scripture goes on to tell us that we all have different gifts and encourages us to use our gift in the measure of our  faith. Everyone can see that God has gifted Trinity Baptist Church with incredible members who use their gifts and talents for God’s best and our blessing. God has a path set out for us both individually and as a family journeying together. It is a beautiful thing to see the wake of our travels and how God has blessed.  
The Victor is always a God given task. It has been a faith journey as we have prepared for this years gift to our community without a Worship Minister in place. Others have stepped up and carried great responsibilities in order for us to put ourselves in the position of presenting the gospel to our community. Thank you choir, drama, technical team, advertising and inviting teams, and anyone who took it upon themselves to be on the giving end of this years presentation. Wiley Wilkerson, Suzanne Harston, Riley Gordon and Sue Stewart have gone above and beyond. 
If you haven’t heard, Trinity Baptist Church voted to call Charlie Barganier as our next Minister of Worship. Charlie, Vanessa, Noah, Micah and Hannah will be coming our way very soon. Welcome Barganiers, we are excited about our journey together. Charlie’s first Sunday will be May 7th.  
We are fully in our new ministry space and it is amazing to see the connections already taking place. People are gathering in our new space all during the week. Thank you, Trinity, for your faithfulness to our process and kingdom agendas. Thank you, Wayne Uecker, Kay Bell, Wayne Comer, Kaleb Kurz, Paula Locke, and Lyda Green for serving on our Building Task force and bringing us home.  
I pray you will have a blessed Easter and find time for gratitude and commitment during this season of remembering all God did through Christ on our behalf. May we find ourselves in full service to Christ as we use our gifts together. 
In Christ,

Pastor John



Women’s Ministry – April 2023

by Melinda Cox
“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfector of our faith. For the joy set before Him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:1b-2
Women’s Ministry at Trinity is off to a great start in 2023. Our annual kick-off event was held February 5 in the Family Life Center. This year’s themed event was a High Tea complete with many different types of teas, finger sandwiches, cookies, and other sweet treats. Dr. Katie McCoy, Director of Women’s Ministry at the Center for Church Health Texas Baptists, was our keynote speaker. She framed her talk around our verse for the year found in Hebrews 12:1b-2 and wove the theme of perseverance into the lives of three Old and New Testament women: Hannah, Abigail, and Elizabeth.
Women’s Bible Study, under the leadership of Pat Hanna, is currently studying the Book of Acts. The July study will be 2 Peter, which was written by Debbie Williams.
Other upcoming events are a Lunch at The Cheesecake Factory and Shopping at La Cantera on April 22, a silk scarf craft on June 24 and a Back to School Prayer Breakfast in August.
Ladies, please join us as we study, pray, and fellowship together.


Texas Chainsaw Ministry

by Rick Boles
The Texas Chainsaw Ministry is a Disaster Relief Ministry that ministers to those in need following hurricanes, tornadoes, and Ice Storms. Our Ministry partners with the Texas Baptist Men Disaster Relief. Our Ministry provides training on a regular basis so those who volunteer can be prepared to take trees off houses, other structures and can also remove trees and debris that block access to homes during disasters. Our Ministry is fully operated by volunteers who have a calling to meet those needs but, more importantly, use those disasters as opportunities to share Jesus Christ with those who may not have a relationship with the Lord.
God has been faithful to provide the equipment we have, from chainsaws, to a man lift, as well as a Skid Steer. Our equipment trailer has not only saws but ropes, pulleys, and other rigging equipment to be able to remove trees and limbs off structures so that the structures aren’t damaged any further.
Over the last year and into the first part of this year our Ministry has served in these ways:
A team worked in the Columbus Texas area, removing debris from a house that burned down.
We worked an Ice Storm in South Austin for seven days with six members of our team. In disasters such as this, our team sleeps in church Sunday School rooms and our meals are provided by a Disaster Relief Food Service team.
Currently, four of our team members are working at Alto Frio Baptist Encampment cutting trees to assist in renovation projects the camp has planned. They also remove limbs that could affect current buildings as well as clean up any damage caused by wind storms.
We also do some local work for people who are unable. This includes people with severe health issues, those who are widows, those who do not have insurance, and poor people who can’t afford to deal with tree problems. It is important that we not get too involved in too many local trimming projects because our main purpose is Disaster Relief.
We appreciate the support provided by our church family and staff.
  • Yellow Cap Basic Training (Ages 16 & Up) This training is a prerequisite for all other trainingsI
  • Chainsaw basic training
  • Specialty Training – Classes & Details Online
Questions? Call Rick Boles (830) 739-8957


Mission News: The Plaum Family

by Hollis Uecker
Martin and Jovita Pflaum and their two children are missionaries at the Amano Christian School in Zambia. They have been there a little over a year. Martin is the brother of Andrea Anderson, who is also a missionary at the Amano School with her husband, Aaron, and their family.
Martin has begun an aviation ministry in Zambia called Imbila Nsuma Wings (which means “good news” or “gospel” in the local language.) Aviation missions can make a life-or-death difference in Zambia. The roads are rugged and dangerous. Instead of spending days on a road trip, they can airlift people or supplies in a matter of hours. This speed is essential, especially in emergency situations. Recently, Martin flew someone suffering from a painful issue to a mission hospital to get professional help and he is now on the road to recovery.
Along with his aviation ministry, Martin and Jovita have the opportunity to interact daily with the boys in the dorm where their apartment is located. They lead youth nights with the 8th-12th graders at Amano and have found the one-on-one discipleship to be the most meaningful. They also invite the girls over for dessert and games to get to know them better. A highlight for Martin is getting to preach regularly, with an interpreter, at a church in the local community. It’s a small church with only about 30-40 members, but those who attend are eager listeners. Both Martin and Jovita love sports. He has been helping with a few PE lessons each week and is involved in coaching the boys’ soccer team. Jovita runs with some of the primary students in their weekly cross country run and joins in on pickup volleyball and basketball games.
Their biggest challenges are the change in culture and having a different way of life. Jovita misses the Southern hospitality and hearing the word y’all used daily. Another challenge is with the aviation ministry. The airplane they fly was built in the 1960s needs maintenance work every now and then. The engine needs to be replaced or overhauled. Even with these challenges, they know they are where God wants them and appreciates our prayers and support throughout the year.
The biggest news from the Pflaums is that in June of this year they will be welcoming 2 new members to their family. They are expecting TWINS!


Youth Ministry – March 2023

by Jordan Marcum
Clink… Clink… Clink… You can hear the echoing sound of hammers shaping and molding, reverberating off of the hallowed walls.  Stifling heat climbs upward and washes over you as you descend the rustic staircase. You reach the precipice, look right and know that this is where faith, lives, and will are being shaped and tested for impurities.  As the doors open and the smiling faces emerge you hear, “Welcome to The Refinery!”
If you haven’t heard the new exciting name to our youth space, now you have.  Why have we given it the moniker of The Refinery?  I am so glad you asked.  The leaders in TSM believe that we work with parents to help our students grow in relationship with Christ.  We as leaders will never have as much time with students as a parent does, but we will take the little time we do have with students and help refine them in the image of God.  
Continuing that imagery, our new large meeting space is known as The Forge.  Psalm 127 talks about how children are like arrows in the hands of a warrior.  If you want to turn metal into a weapon, first you must apply purifying, strength testing fire. Once it is moldable and ready for a new life, it is forged into a new Godly creation.  We know students will go out from TSM and face trials and uncertainty daily but we want them to be equipped and formed to fly straight and true, and cut to the marrow with a heart for God.