Pilgrims of Faith

by Truman Martin
Perhaps the best place to start is with the name we have chosen for the class.  PILGRIM is a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons.  In Hebrews 11:1 we are told FAITH is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.  Our faith is built on nothing less than Jesus’ love and righteousness.  Righteousness is to be morally right with God. 

Our primary goal is to understand Scripture and apply the truth of God’s word to our daily lives. So, we study God’s word and seek to be obedient to it.  In addition to studying the word of God, we attempt to know each other personally.  We do this through social activities which include three parties held annually at the church or a class member’s home.  Men have breakfast once a month for fellowship -breaking bread together.  Ladies visit a local nursing home monthly where they sing and visit with the men and women residing there.  After they finish, they have lunch together. 

To assist us in having a better understanding of God’s word, we use Masterwork literature which changes quarterly and includes lessons written by Biblical scholars.  These scholars write about various principles that provide guidance on how to be obedient to God’s commandments and principles of living a Godly life. 

Our class consists of couples and   individuals ages 55 and above and is held each Sunday at 9:45 AM in Room 121. YOU are invited to join us as we attempt to understand better how to apply the principles of obedience to our daily lives.


Kerrville West Home Group

by Drew & Julia Whitehead
It has been called a few names.  Small group. Home group. Community group.  All of these describe what we strive to achieve when meeting on Tuesday evenings, coming together in the midst of a messy, busy week.  These evenings have turned into a time of respite and spiritual rejuvenation for many of us.
Families join to eat, pray, and let the kids play. Learning more about one another and God’s will for our lives, both individually and collectively. It has been almost 6 years of learning what this looks like for us. In these six years, friendships have been strengthened and a “missional community” has grown out of our love for what Tuesday nights have meant to us and our families.  Emphasis on “grown”. We have gathered disciples along the way, each new person and/or family bringing something unique and necessary to the group. 
While we celebrate the growth that has taken place, we have outgrown any home that we have ever met in.  After a few months of very cozy meetings squished together on couches, chairs brought in from every other room in the house – we have multiplied! This multiplication didn’t always feel easy or come without tears. Tears born from the unease of change and the joy of knowing that Christ is growing his Kingdom.  So, here we are, one large group that has now grown into two! Joyfully celebrating that these Tuesday evenings, we have all come to love so dearly, are now happening in two locations each week. This will provide us with more opportunities to gather and to bring in more disciples along the way.  Both groups currently meet on Tuesdays, three times a month. We’re in two separate homes now, but with the same mission in mind: to grow a missional community here in our church and city. Contact JD if you’d like to learn more or join us on this mission.


For the Journey – March 2023

March is upon us and it is going to be a great month. Spring is in the air and has been replaced with anticipation in the air. It looks extremely good that this month we will actually be moving the offices back together. God has been gracious to our ministerial staff in this time of transition. It will be great to once again sit in the same office area. Praise the LORD! Thank you to Clint Brown and our Building Task Force Team of Chairman Wayne Uecker, Kay Bell, Wayne Comer, Lyda Green, Kaleb Kurz, and Paula Locke. 
It was a wonderful report from our Worship Minister Search Committee that on the weekend of March 17-19, a candidate will be coming in view of a call to be our next Worship Minister. More details will be coming as the date gets closer. Thank you to Chairman Dan Petty and members Mike Cook, Lanie Ebelt, Donna Hinton, Lew King, Melissa Morris, and Wiley Wilkerson. We are grateful for God’s providence and timing. A huge thank you goes to Carrie Overby, Wade Sparkman, and Wiley Wilkerson for planning our worship services for our three worship times. We are blessed to have talented and willing members.  
On March 26th, following the 11:00 Worship Service, we will be setting our marker in place in our New Gathering and Educational Space. Once again, we are thrilled at the faithfulness of God’s people and their continued stewardship. That day will also mark the final day of our agreed upon pledges. Though our three years of pledges will be completed, I am thankful that our faithfulness will carry on. You are an amazing church in which God has blessed in order that we might be a blessing.  
The Victor will be here before we know it. I hope you are thinking about who to invite. It is an honor to offer the gift of The Victor to our community at Easter each year. Many have taken on roles that are beyond regular participation in order to bring this year’s Victor to our community. It will not be long until our Worship Center will be packed with Trinity members dressed in biblical costumes and sharing the story of Jesus and His salvation.  
“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 


Children’s Ministry News – March 2023

Concerned about the quality of your kids screen time? Right Now Media is a great way to help with quality screen time. We also have an added ministry program (Praise Kids) to help them with some time away from the screen.
Trinity parents and teachers, did you know that Right Now Media has thousands of teaching and training resources on topics like marriage, parenting, devotionals, as well as many kids resources, videos and movies? Trinity has a subscription that your family can use for FREE. Scan the QR code or text the information to 41411.
Praise Kids, and some of our teachers, will be working on “Arise My Love” for our Easter Service. All three services will have the Praise Kids leading with this special song. We will be signing this message which is from the group Newsong. We would love for our 1st-5th graders to come practice with us as we prepare on three Sundays, March 5, 19 & 26, from 5:00 to 6:00pm in Room 104 or the Worship Center. It’s not too late to join us!


Music Notes – February 2023

by Carrie Overby
Did you know that 99.9% of all humanity have the same DNA? All that makes us is .01% different from each other. Wow!! Our unique character is such a tiny portion of our being.  All that to say…we are more alike than we realize!! God created each of us, that are Christ followers, to serve with Him to build lives and save souls! So how many of you are building lives and saving souls?
As I reflect on our church and people, I see many serving Jesus faithfully in so many areas: The Next Steps Room, Children’s Ministry, Youth   Ministry, Adult Ministry, Worship Ministry, Women’s and Men’s Bible Study, and the list goes on…
This year the Worship Ministry will continue to lead and serve with wonderful volunteers until we have new leadership in place. Most of you know that we have performed “The Victor” for over 10 years running.  Doing The Victor without Larry is daunting! But we are confident that God will   supply the singers, actors, and crew to pull this off once again! Victor Choir rehearsals started January 27th, but there is still plenty of time to jump in!
Suzanne is leading the drama again and she is already going full speed, but we need your help!
When faced with a daunting task, we must ask ourselves these questions.  Does this build lives? Will this save someone’s soul? I think we can all agree; Yes! Lives are touched and souls can be saved! Now ask yourself, ‘How can I help?’ In what way did God gift me to be a part of this?
Are you a singer? Actor? Can you help set up? Care for kids? Pray? Apply makeup? Greet? Help Judy in the kitchen? Help with tech/media? There is something for everyone to do.  God has gifted you to work in His Kingdom here on earth.  Will you serve Him? 
Please volunteer to Stephanie Clarke in the Church Office and get the details. 830-895-0100.
God never returns our offerings void!



For the Journey – February 2023

It is wonderful to see Trinity entering in new doors and enjoying fellowship with one another over orange juice and donuts again. Our new ministry space is allowing us to gather and visit just as we anticipated. Our new classrooms are growing in numbers each week. We are seeing the faithful stewardship of our Faith Family bearing fruit. Thank you, Trinity, for your steadfast commitment.
We are looking forward to having full access of our building soon, with offices back in place and our punch-list completed. I appreciate our ministerial and church staff for their willingness to stay engaged even though we have not occupied the same space together for a long time. Thank you, Building Committee Task Force and Clint Brown, for all you are doing to bring our project to a completion.
February brings our offering for Short Term Missions. Trinity has a heartbeat for missional living and both going and sending members to serve. There are already over thirty short term missionaries going with Trinity this year around the world to serve the LORD and assist in the ongoing work of the Kingdom, in places other than the United States.
I am excited about our next steps as a church. Trevin Wax writes in his book, The Thrill of Orthodoxy, “In every generation, we face the danger of longing for the past while fearing the future. And this mix of nostalgia and fear leads us into a state of complacency – a mission-less faith. We file in and out of the worship center week after week, content to recite the same words with our lips, but our hearts remain unstirred by the truths we confess and we are less likely to invite others to believe the good news.”
I hope you will open yourselves up to the LORD’s leadership in your life to seek, consider and take the next steps God has for us. There are amazing things taking place through Trinity Baptist Church. And I don’t mean the building we inhabit, but the people to whom we belong.
In Christ,


Student Ministry – February 2023

February means three things for TSM: Family Lunch, Spring Break signup, and Camp VIP!
On Sunday, February 12 we will have a TSM Family Lunch. This is open for students in 6th – 12th grade and their parents. At this lunch and meeting, we will cover information about Spring Break, Camp signups, and share an encouraging word or two with our parents as they seek to help their teenagers grow in their relationships with God.
Our Spring Break “Reset” will be at Alto Frio on March 13-15. You can signup online at tbck.org/students. This year will include work projects, rec time, and a worship service each evening.
Finally, summer will be here before we are ready, which means it’s time for our Youth Camp VIP signups. We will open signups on Monday, February 6 and anyone who signs up between February 6 and March 1 will receive VIP perks at camp. Go to tbck.org/students to sign up, or click through the TSM app [Apple/Android].


Children’s Ministry – February 2023

2023 has begun and what a blessing it is to be a part of Trinity during these days of “new.” Here are a few new things in our Children’s Ministry.
We will be starting two new classes in the coming weeks. 4th grade will have their own class at 11am and will meet in Room 157. Pre K/Kinder will become two classes at 11:00am with Pre-K remaining in their room and Kinder moving into Room 159. This class has really grown in the past few weeks and we are so excited to have to create a new class.
Our Wednesday night ministry programming has a new name as we are tweaking our ministry programming. Wednesday nights will become “Disciple Kids” and continue in our discipleship, missions and service programming for our 2nd-5th graders. Disciple Kids 2 includes children Pre K through 1st grade with 3 yr olds – babies in childcare.
Sunday nights new name is “Praise Kids” as we Praise, Connect & Worship. 1st– 5th graders will be meeting the following 5 weeks: Feb 19 & 26 and March 5, 19 & 26 to prepare for Easter Worship.  Praise Kids will be learning “Arise My Love” in Sign Language to share in all 3 services on Easter Sunday.
Thank you for your patience with the “new” secure space process. We look forward to when all of the construction is completed and we are able to work out all the “kinks” in our system. I am so thankful for such an amazing team of Shepherds and Teachers who serve in our Children’s Ministry. They have done a wonderful job of getting ready for all the “new” and making sure kids are in a safe location, as well as    being taught God’s word. It is a blessing to serve alongside these terrific people called Trinity.


Agape Fellowship Class

by Susan Lesser
The Agape Fellowship Class is a coed Bible study class, with an age range from early 60’s to mid-90’s. We’re small in number but rich in knowledge of the Bible and living and growing in Jesus Christ. We’re looking for a teacher… is that you? We’ve been studying the Bible, word by word, but are open to suggestions. We meet at 9:45 in Room 215 in our wonderful new building. Our classroom has the water fountains attached!
Currently, we’re rotating teaching   duties among us. It brings a variety of talents and subjects to the class. Please consider visiting our class; we’d love to see you Sunday morning!