Genesis 1 – February 2023

by Don & Janice Francis

Before Covid gripped our country, Trinity had an active group called Genesis 1 Fellowship. It was open to all ages and consisted of hiking in Texas state parks, fellowship and sometimes playing games. When the group was large enough, they would split into groups according to hiking ability so that there would be some taking the challenging trail, some taking the moderate trail and perhaps some choosing to stay behind and play games in the picnic area.
Last fall Genesis 1 regrouped. On October 10 some of us traveled by church bus to Garner State Park.  We did a 3-mile hike on an easy trail. On the way back to Kerrville we ate at a Mexican restaurant in Leakey. It was a fun day of fellowship, exercise, beautiful scenery and good food.
In November, we loaded up the church bus for a trip to Lost Maples State Park. We were a few days late for the beautiful fall leaves, but there was still much beauty in God’s creation. This 3-mile hike was an easy to moderate trail. We stopped for lunch in Medina at the Apple Store before traveling back to Kerrville. It was another great day of fellowship.
We would like to plan 6 or 8 hiking trips in 2023. We’re hoping that our group will be large enough that we can split into 2 groups as before. We are working on plans for a February hike, a wild flower drive/hike in March or April and one more before the weather gets too hot.
Our group is open to anyone who likes to hike or just enjoy the outdoors and Christian fellowship.  Before making a hiking trip, please be sure that you are able to walk hills and rocky trails. You may want to bring a walking stick and a daypack with water and snacks. When convenient, we will stop at a restaurant for a late lunch. Occasionally, we may bring our own brown bag picnic. If you are not able to hike, you can bring dominoes or card games to play, enjoy fellowship with others or just enjoy the great outdoors.

 TrinityLife – February 2023



Grief Share – February 2023

by Doug Lusk
The next cycle of GriefShare, primarily facilitated by Pattie Davis and Jane King, will begin Monday January 23, and consists of 13 weekly sessions ending April 17. This program is a support group to help and encourage persons after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend.
These sessions aim to help each participant, collectively and individually, learn to deal with grief and loss; a place where they may move forward in their journey from mourning to joy.
Guided by the facilitators, of whom I am one (glad to have learned of the program and very glad to have enrolled), each meeting features a video seminar, a group discussion, and the use of a personal workbook.
The videos feature comments and suggestions by experts who help deal with loss, personal stories of people who are grieving, and         enactments by some about how they have confronted their own situation.
The group discussions, which are completely confidential, offer participants the opportunity to share something they noted, to ask questions, or to learn how something shown in the video or expressed by others might apply to one’s own life. It can prove to be a vital source in finding the help and comfort they seek.
The workbook has questions, suggestions, and Bible verses that can help an individual in learning how to cope with their loss. For instance, an item from the workbook might cause them to approach their loss in creative and helpful ways, complementing other important activities. Journaling or simply taking notes can help them work through a particular problem. The referenced scriptures are vital.
Many people find, as I did, that grief is a surprisingly complex subject and that the needs and solutions may be quite different from those of fellow participants. But somewhere in the 13 sessions, it seems often to happen that by hearing what others share about their stories, a listener might find an approach that they can use.
A group of folks on a similar journey, giving and receiving ideas and support.  That’s what GriefShare is.


For the Journey – January 2023

Welcome to 2023! This past year saw many opportunities of ministry and God was faithful to make Himself known in many ways. Every Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study there is an atmosphere of family and encouragement. There is no perfect family nor perfect church. We are all making necessary adjustments to take next steps. I hope your Christmas celebration was joyful as you centered in on God’s love coming to us in Christ.
Where there is a will, there is a way. January 8th is the dedication day for our new ministry space. We will use our new space for Bible study that morning and come together at 3:00 in the afternoon for a service of dedication. We will not have continual use of offices until one last detail is worked out. However, Master’s Plan, the city of Kerrville, and our Building Task Force, with Clint’s assistance, have worked out a plan for us to use our space on Sundays and Wednesdays. It will be a great day. I hope you are making plans to be here for the thanksgiving and celebration.
Trinity Baptist Church has been on a journey in discovering our next plan, securing finances for it, faithful participation in it, and now we are about to put into action our kingdom assignment. All along we have been clear that this new space will help us reach out to others who we don’t know yet. Your faithful stewardship to our church and our building endeavor are a direct testimony of God’s direction for us moving forward together. I am excited to see how God will use what we dedicate to His purposes for His glory.
January 8th will also be Jay Ghormley’s last day as our Interim Minister of Worship. Jay has done an exceptional job with our worship services. Jay is a gifted worship leader and we appreciate his willingness to come and lead us in our time of need. Jay has been such an encouragement to us all. Continue to pray for our Minister of Worship Search Committee as they seek God’s direction for the next Minister of Worship for our church.

There is much to be excited about in the church in the year to come. The culture around us might seem dim, but we have the Light, are the light, and alongside each other will have a bright response in our world. I count it a blessing to be able to walk alongside you as pastor and look forward to our steps together in 2023.

In Christ,



Adult Ministry – January 2023

Can you be a disciple and not grow spiritually? Not according to Jesus. “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” (John 15:8)
What are you doing to position yourself for spiritual growth? Please don’t let this question push you toward guilt. Jesus is not asking you to climb Mount Everest in a single day! Understand that spiritual growth is usually a gentle climb, it is a process.
Trinity U is one avenue we have at Trinity to grow as disciples. This semester we have two sessions of the Disciple’s Personality. If you have studied the Disciple’s Cross, this is a great follow-up. Mark & Dianne Clemons and Royce & Cynthia Itschner lead these two groups.
A Skeptic’s FAQs, led by Bob Davis, will help you grow in confidence when confronted by hard questions. This will be a conversation, as you learn how to respectfully engage questions such as “What reasons do we have to believe the resurrection occurred?” “ and “Is it possible to be a moral person without believing in God?” 1/29-3/19
The Ministry Gift and Passion Inventory will equip you to fulfill the charge we have in 1 Peter 4:10 – “Each of you as a good manager must use the gift that God has given you to serve others.” Discovering your spiritual gift(s) is not simply a matter of taking a test. It is not rocket science, but neither is it a casual endeavor. It takes intentional thought and action. In this session you will explore how God has gifted you, and how you can plug into Kingdom service. 3/26. See you Sunday nights at 5 pm!


Night in Bethlehem 2023

There are not enough words to say “Thank you” in appreciation to our Night in Bethlehem team. The Lead and Setup teams did such an amazing job creating, building, decorating, and costuming, as well as handling the food prep, traffic, set up and take down. Our cast and crew did a fantastic job sharing the story of Jesus. I am so grateful for their time and talents. It was such a blessing to see so many wonderful people serving our community.
A special Thank you to Clint Brown who made sure all of our audio, electrical, and internet ran smoothly. We plan all year for this ministry and what a encouragement to see so many cars drive through our Night in Bethlehem.
If you would like to serve with us next year, please let Judy Stevens, Paula or myself know.
Thank you Trinity for sharing the love of Jesus in our community and the surrounding area!


Youth Ministry – January 2023

I rarely get tired of saying this, but I love the energy the New Year brings. It’s taken me a couple of decades to find a good rhythm, but I always like the feeling of refreshing and renewal that comes with a new year.
2023 has some exciting things in store for Trinity Students. We are eagerly awaiting the Grand Opening of our new space on the 8th, and all the opportunities that are coming our way as a result. We will launch our Spring Semester of Circles for both High School and Middle School in the middle of the month, as well as host the Family Gathering for a Chili Cook-Off and our 2nd Colossal Cornhole Tournament. And that’s just in the first few weeks of the new year!
I always like to take the energy of the new year to thank our wonderful adults who are so generous with their time and effort as we seek to help students develop a growing relationship with God. So, to our adults who donate time, energy, money, attention, and prayers…THANK YOU! We could not do what we do without you. 
And, to our Trinity family, thank you. We could not do what we do without you, too. Your generosity, love and care embodies what the Body of Christ should be. Thank you!


For the Journey – December 2022

“Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done.” We are truly blessed as the people of God. God has given us everything we need to live godly and fruitful lives. I am grateful for the opportunity of witnessing the goodness of God as He works through us. Though there is much to be in prayer over in our world, there is doubly more to be grateful for in all that God has planned. God is faithful to His purposes and His love endures forever.
As we move between holidays, I pray God will give us moments of silence and solitude to remember all He has done for us. Christmas can be busy in a lot of ways. We can hurry though the hustle and totally miss the reason for our season. I hope you will share with friends and neighbors about the upcoming opportunities of Christmas celebration at Trinity.
A few weeks back, those who were with us on campus for worship were asked to move up to the edge of their seats and I shared these words, “We will have our grand opening on …”. At the time, that was all I had. Today, as I write these words, we are making plans, the LORD willing, to have our grand opening of our new ministry space on Sunday, January 8, 2023. It is looking so good. Each day brings one more thing to completion. I hope you will write that day on your calendar and be present as we open up new space for Bible study and gathering. We will most likely be able to use the entrance and elevator prior to our grand opening. That date is still to be determined, but you will be the first to know.
If you drive down Holdsworth Drive at night toward Harper Road, the church is well lighted and visible. My prayer is that we will continue to be visible and even more visible in our community, not because of the lights on the building, but because of the lights on the inside which we call members. God is so good.
Thank you, Trinity Baptist Church, for your faithfulness to be a part of God’s assignment of reaching our community for Jesus. We are blessed to be part of a community that has good churches. Let us take the time during Christmas to see the Christ Child in the manger and be willing to tell the rest of the story.
Merry Christmas!

Pastor John



For the Journey – November 2022

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations for ever and ever! Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
Blessed to Bless has been in our conversations for the past four years. It truly has been a blessing to see how God has blessed our direction and provided through His faithful followers who call themselves Trinity Baptist Church. Your hearts of cooperation, sacrifice and stewardship inspire us to continue the good thing that God has placed before us. We serve a God who has grand schemes and desires of redeeming this world. He has given His greatest gift to us in Jesus. I am amazed at God’s faithfulness to accomplish what He has begun. As we near the date of Thanksgiving, I am so thankful for our journey together and pray we can encourage more to journey with us.
There are just a few more details and then we will be announcing a special day to dedicate our new ministry space. If you have not taken the time to look through the open areas leading into our new building, do so and imagine with me the gathering of our present church and those who will come to join us. We will be back in our refreshed offices before long and will look forward to visiting with you there.
The word picture I have of the verse printed above is of a piece of paper where I have listed everything I could ever wish for and God coming to me and telling me that He has something so much better. in fact, it is immeasurably better. The greatest joy that we have ever experienced will not compare to that which God is bringing our way. I want to be busy serving God until it is revealed. I hope you will join me.
On Friday, November 11th, as a nation we will celebrate Veterans Day. I hope you will make a note to stop wherever you are at 11:00 a.m. and say a prayer of thanksgiving for our veterans who have served our country and afforded us the freedoms we enjoy today. Many have given the ultimate sacrifice of life while others have been wounded in many ways. “The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” — G.K. Chesterton. Thank you, veterans, for your service.
Continue to be in prayer for our Minister of Worship Search Committee. The committee is doing a great job of moving through the process to discover our next Worship Leader. Our committee loves our church and it is apparent as they follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance. We have a wonderful ministerial staff and church staff at Trinity. God has knit together a group of individuals who work well to lead our church. Thank you for all your appreciation to our ministers. We love and appreciate the opportunity of walking alongside you as we serve the LORD. To God be the glory, great things HE has done, is doing and will do!
In Christ,

Pastor John



Trinity Student Ministries

Wow, it’s difficult to believe we are already in the month of November. October flew by. We were so incredibly fortunate for our Student Worship Team to have the opportunity to lead worship for Tivy’s Fields of Faith. It was a great night as the Gospel was shared and students were given an opportunity to respond.
We followed Fields of Faith with our 4th Glo Games. 90 students showed up to participate in the games with us, and we had a blast. Add to it, we had over 25 adults who showed up to help, and I cannot thank Shelby Peschel enough for all the hard work she put into recruiting adults to help.
As we continue to grow, it’s the willingness of Trinity members to serve in the student ministry that plays the biggest part of our success. If you’re reading this and not serving anywhere, and are interested in helping with the students, please reach out to Marlene or myself so we can visit. We’d love to have you join us.
As we look at November, we have three key events: Operation Christmas Child Shoebox packing on Wednesday, November 2nd; CAM Thanksgiving Box packing on Saturday, November 5th; and Fall Retreat on November 20 & 21. Sign ups for Fall Retreat can be done at or through the TSM App.
Finally, I’m beyond excited about the new space as the building nears completion. We are excitedly looking forward to welcoming new students and families into the Trinity Family, and helping make connections along the way.