Children’s Ministry – October 2022


First Blessing

Wow, Trinity Baptist Church – what a great job with First Blessing Mission Trip to Kerrville! Thank you to our First Blessing Lead Team: Judy Brooksher, Dianne & Mark Clemons, Linda & Rob Ward, Sue Owens, Donna Hinton, Becky Doyal, Mica Henson, Cortney Hawkins, JD Templeton, Cheryll Overla, Rae Peschel, and Paula Brucker.
There were over 120 Trinity volunteers that drove carts, welcomed guests, registered 317 children, cooked breakfast, served breakfast, hosted tables, guided guests around the church, measured feet, provided socks, helped fit shoes, served and gave out shoe bags, provided balloons and shared the gospel! Thank you so must to all that came and served our community. Trinity Baptist Church blessed children and families from all over our region.
Family Block Party is another ministry that our church has the opportunity to engage with our community coming on Saturday, October 29th from 1-3pm. Keith Coast will be at our event and bring his humor and illusions. We’ll start our time off with games like corn hole, checkers, connect 4, etc. and then have time with Keith Coast. We will finish the time with more games and Kona Ice.
We’d love for you to sign up in your Bible Study classes to join us in welcoming & fellowship with our community. For questions contact Paula in the church office at: 830-895-0100 or


Roots Class – October 2022

by Jaime Riordan

The Roots Sunday school class is a great place to dive deeper into the biblical text each Sunday morning.  We just finished a series going through some of the smaller and less read books of the Bible and this Fall we are taking a closer look at Genesis.  Filled with so many of the stories we learned as children, Genesis is also rich with theology and its themes are echoed throughout the rest of the Bible. Clark Elliston does a great job teaching while also encouraging class discussion which opens the floor to unique perspectives and deeper learning.  Whatever your age, whether there every week or visiting, there is something to be gained by attending! Please join us in room 221, Sundays, at 11 am.



For the Journey – October 2022

As I write this article I am also watching and hearing about the devastating Hurricane Ian that has reached landfall and produced a state of emergency for five states, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina and Virginia. We remain prayerful for the safety of loved ones and the rebuilding that will need to take place as a result of the high winds and water. In times like these it brings some comfort to know that neighboring states are ready to assist with the needs. Hurricanes and natural disasters put us all in the position of appreciating assistance from fellow human beings. Join me as we continue to pray how God will reveal Himself though these circumstances. I have heard from our Texas Baptist Men teams that they are on standby and may be called to go at any time. What do we do when what we consider to be basic needs are gone? Several of you have experienced storms both natural and physical. There is a silence and awing of events that follow such times. When Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, Trinity Baptist sent teams of church members along with the Texas Baptist Men groups to assist in any way needed. I am grateful for the spirit of a church that is willing to go and get dirty, to walk alongside people who have needs of shelter as well as comfort. As followers of Jesus we are always called to be on standby whenever there is a need. Closer to home I am counting the blessings of a community and her leadership that stands consistent with Biblical standards. Both in our schools and our public library, there are those who give leadership to books that are appropriate for ages and community standards. We are blessed to have our City Officials and our School Board to give proper direction. Let us find ourselves supportive of those who are helping to lead us in the right directions. As we continue to think about blessings, we are getting closer and closer to a date for our grand opening of our new ministry space. Another blessing that overflows everyday is the faithfulness of Trinity Baptist Church to our godly assignment together. It is exciting to see the building taking shape and ceiling and floors being put in place. All of this because of our agreed upon direction and faithful support. Thank you Trinity for all you are doing. A Blessed Community is our new sermon series. We will be looking at the beatitudes in Matthew 5. I hope you will journey with us from Sunday to Sunday as we see the blessings of God and the faithfulness of God’s people. Please remain in prayer for our Minister of Worship Search Committee as they work though the process of discovering our next Minister of Worship. Remember we have been blessed so that we might bless others in return.
In Christ,

Pastor John



For the Journey – September 2022

The world has never been boring. Everyone who has ever lived, lived in interesting times. We most certainly see interesting things around us today. We can notice the evil that is so prevalent around us or we can focus on our response and provide an escape. As I shared recently in a sermon, I have never lived in a time when the church is so opposed as it is today. There have been worse days in our history, but our post-modern culture presents challenging assignments for the church.
I am not depressed. I have read the end of the book. Nonetheless, these truly are interesting days. How we respond to everything going on in our world today speaks volumes about our faith and trust in God’s plan and solutions. It is time for us to hold strong to our biblical upbringing. It is time for us to stand on the truth of God’s Word. It is time for us to refute heresy with gentleness and respect allowing others to see the validity of our message. Sin carries consequences and a life lived in the Spirit produces fruit.
I recently read some great advice regarding our response to our current situations. We are challenged to walk with God today in what we know while waiting for tomorrow to come. We ought to be preparing ourselves for what is coming our way while at the same time living productive and fruitful lives. We desire for others to see the good things we do and glorify our Father in heaven. Our faithfulness is a powerful witness to those around us.
So how do we spend our time? We should consider evaluating what is most important and give our highest cause our greatest service. We are moving closer to a grand opening to a new opportunity. A new gathering place and teaching space. I am already anticipating greeting you in our new entrance. It will be joyful to look down from our walkways to see the fellowship taking place.
Faith family, you have been faithful to the task and faithful to your commitment. We are experiencing God’s blessing because we are sharing the blessing God has given in order to bless those we know as well as those we don’t know yet. Thank you for your faithfulness.
I want to also express my thanks to Carrie Overby who has served faithfully as our Worship Ministry Assistant. Carrie will be stepping down at the end of this month. Carrie is greatly involved in our worship ministry as a participant, but has also provided great leadership. Stephanie Clarke will be coming on staff this month to work alongside Carrie. We are grateful for all of God’s provision and are blessed by such a great group of ministers and assistants. Thank you, Carrie. Welcome, Stephanie.
Stay tuned to the announcements coming your way. We hope very soon to let you know when we will celebrate a grand opening to our new building. Who knows, we might even bring back donuts.
In Christ,

Pastor John



Children’s Ministry – September 2022

I am so very grateful for the prayers and support from our church. We had a wonderful summer in the Children’s Ministry and I’d like to share a couple of highlights for me personally.
We had a great group of kids at VBS and camp that accepted Christ. Many of them have been baptized the past few weeks and we still have some that are needing to be baptized. It has been such a blessing to see God work in the lives of our kids this summer. VBS and camp both were great times to have spiritual conversations as well as spiritual decisions. We are continuing many conversations as we head into fall. I hope we keep having to fill up that baptistry each week because we have so many kids, students and adults come to Christ!
Another highlight of the summer for me was during Pre-Teen camp. One of our church families had a girl from Japan living with them as a short-term foreign exchange student. I am so very grateful that she was able to go to camp with us while she was in Kerrville. We gave her a Bible of her own while we were at camp and the girls would sit down to help her learn to read using her new Bible. She worshipped and heard God’s word alongside our kids. My heart was thrilled to see our girls teach, love and minister to their new friend. We are praying for God to grow the seeds that were planted in her life. Who knew that we’d be blessed to have foreign missions come to us at camp.
Thank you, Trinity, for praying and supporting us during VBS, Camp and summer programming. I’m so very grateful for our church! 


Youth Ministry – September 2022

The beginning of school is always a busy time of year in Student Ministry. New routines start to get established and new experiences start to take root as teenagers return to school.
We have some exciting things happening in the Student Ministry here at Trinity. One of the things I love is seeing how students who connected at camp have come home and are experiencing a new level of encouragement on Sundays and Wednesdays. Even better than that, seeing students take next steps of faith is a remarkable sight as well.
I say this often, but not nearly often enough: Thank you, Trinity family, for all of your support. I often find myself speechless in the willingness of our body to serve with what they have—time or resources or both. I cannot express how grateful I am to be part of this church.
Finally, please be in prayer for students and families as most schools are already 2-3 weeks into the new school year. For students, pray they will have the courage to take a stand for their faith, the boldness to start (or even simply make the most of) spiritual conversations, and a growth in their own faith. For parents, pray for the time spent driving to and from school and practices, and those parents who are grieving the loss of car time with their newly licensed drivers.


Women of the Word Bible Class

by Becky Doyal
We are the WOW Sisters. We are adult women of all ages (20’s to 90’s). We are single, married, widowed, divorced, mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers. Most importantly, we are sisters in Christ’s family, loving and caring for one another.
In Titus 2, Paul instructs the Godly older women of the church to train younger women in Biblical, Spirit-filled, love-based living. He singles out the mature women of faith, those who have already “been there, done that” and learned by going with Christ through many difficult life experiences, to love, to be reverent, godly, modest and wise; and Paul charges them to meet with the younger women in the church and teach them from the Word. Godly older women in the church take Romans 12:1-2; 1 Corinthians 6:17-20; and Galatians 2:20 seriously:
“Bodies presented as living sacrifices, holy, acceptable to God,
not conformed to this world, but with transformed and renewed minds;”
in “bodies that are temples of the Holy Spirit, glorifying God
in body and spirit, which are God’s;” “no longer living for me,
but Christ living through me.”
The WOW Bible Class is a place where women of all ages can openly share what’s on their heart, find guidance for living from the Bible, receive encouragement with love, and learn how to have a personal relationship with their Lord Jesus Christ. Each Sunday morning, we communicate, pray and praise, learn from God’s Word, and work on memorization. We will finish up our summer study of the End Times on September 4th. Then on September 11th, we will return to the MasterWork Bible studies by Lifeway.
The WOW Sisters welcome women of all ages and all Spiritual stages of life to join us on Sunday mornings in room 104, at 9:30 AM. That’s fifteen minutes earlier than the other classes meet because we tend to talk a lot!
Hope to see you Sunday.


Eagle’s Wings Lifegroup

by Juliann Witte
Eagle’s Wings home group meets on Monday evenings for spiritual accountability, fellowship, friendship, and study the divinely inspired word of God, utilizing Right Now Media resources.
Topics/Bible books are chosen by group consensus. Should an individual(s) be laden with a difficult obstacle in their life journey – time is taken to discuss that issue, regardless of course schedule, until it is satisfactorily addressed. The study format utilizes video with study sheets, scripture, and lively discussion. Discussions are respectful, engaging, informative, at times festive, and biblically sound.
Our experiences and journeys are at various stages. However, the sharing of our journeys and life experiences makes this group caring and supportive of one another with a sincere pursuit to emulate the life and work of Jesus Christ.
We seek to fulfill our group and individual spiritual journey in the works and word of our Lord Jesus Christ by being considerate and compassionate to those in need of assistance and encouragement within Trinity Baptist, Kerrville, and other local communities that need a helping hand; whether it be a kind note, prayer, or boots on the ground.


For the Journey – August 2022

Anniversaries are great reminders of God’s provisions. God has plans and He always provides for His plans. Melinda and I want to thank you, Trinity Baptist Church, for the past ten years. We have walked together through great times and times of struggle. I remember the weekend we came in view of the call to serve as Pastor at Trinity Baptist Church. Trinity graciously put us up at the Inn of the Hills and when we arrived, there were flowers and a snack basket for our room. We were eating breakfast at the hotel when Jimmie and Ruth Spradling came over and introduced themselves and asked if we were the Wheats. That began a wonderful day of meeting precious people who called themselves Trinity Baptist Church. Jimmie has since gone to be with the LORD.
It wasn’t very long after I came that we began our Forward by Faith remodel. The church had already voted to move in this direction and, shortly after coming, we moved our worship services to the Family Life Center. It was quite different but provided for a great way to meet new people. I got to see the beautiful response of the Trinity members as they were displaced for worship but so joyfully moved together.
Ten years later, we are in search of our next Minister of Worship as well as counting down the days till we open our new building through our Blessed to Bless campaign. God is sure faithful to provide for the work He is calling us toward. We are receiving new members as God provides and celebrating the baptisms of those who are coming to receive salvation in Christ. We set up the flag in the Worship Center from Sunday to Sunday of the state or country Trinity members are heading for mission opportunities. The American flag is always out reminding us of our mission responsibility here at home.
We have been blessed this summer through the incredible potential of Vacation Bible School, Horizon Student Camp, and Alto Frio Pre-teen Camp. God is moving among our students and their leadership. Our adult discipleship includes specific Bible studies for everyone. On Sunday mornings and during the week, groups gather to connect with each other and study God’s Word. We are blessed to be a blessing for such a time as this.
Our community and world need to see strong and committed followers of Jesus. I am grateful for the journey with you as we travel these days and paths together. I prayerfully anticipate that next month’s Trinity Life will carry the information about the Grand Opening of our new gathering and education space.
Anniversaries are great reminders of God’s provisions as we remember all that God has done while also anticipating all that God is planning to do
“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the LORD and not to men, knowing that from the LORD you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the LORD Christ.” Colossians 3:23
We love you Trinity,

Pastor John