For the Journey – August 2022

Anniversaries are great reminders of God’s provisions. God has plans and He always provides for His plans. Melinda and I want to thank you, Trinity Baptist Church, for the past ten years. We have walked together through great times and times of struggle. I remember the weekend we came in view of the call to serve as Pastor at Trinity Baptist Church. Trinity graciously put us up at the Inn of the Hills and when we arrived, there were flowers and a snack basket for our room. We were eating breakfast at the hotel when Jimmie and Ruth Spradling came over and introduced themselves and asked if we were the Wheats. That began a wonderful day of meeting precious people who called themselves Trinity Baptist Church. Jimmie has since gone to be with the LORD.
It wasn’t very long after I came that we began our Forward by Faith remodel. The church had already voted to move in this direction and, shortly after coming, we moved our worship services to the Family Life Center. It was quite different but provided for a great way to meet new people. I got to see the beautiful response of the Trinity members as they were displaced for worship but so joyfully moved together.
Ten years later, we are in search of our next Minister of Worship as well as counting down the days till we open our new building through our Blessed to Bless campaign. God is sure faithful to provide for the work He is calling us toward. We are receiving new members as God provides and celebrating the baptisms of those who are coming to receive salvation in Christ. We set up the flag in the Worship Center from Sunday to Sunday of the state or country Trinity members are heading for mission opportunities. The American flag is always out reminding us of our mission responsibility here at home.
We have been blessed this summer through the incredible potential of Vacation Bible School, Horizon Student Camp, and Alto Frio Pre-teen Camp. God is moving among our students and their leadership. Our adult discipleship includes specific Bible studies for everyone. On Sunday mornings and during the week, groups gather to connect with each other and study God’s Word. We are blessed to be a blessing for such a time as this.
Our community and world need to see strong and committed followers of Jesus. I am grateful for the journey with you as we travel these days and paths together. I prayerfully anticipate that next month’s Trinity Life will carry the information about the Grand Opening of our new gathering and education space.
Anniversaries are great reminders of God’s provisions as we remember all that God has done while also anticipating all that God is planning to do
“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the LORD and not to men, knowing that from the LORD you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the LORD Christ.” Colossians 3:23
We love you Trinity,

Pastor John



Trinity’s Summer Interns

My name is Avery Abshier, and I am super excited to serve this summer as an intern! I have lived in Kerrville my whole life and have been going to Trinity for 7 years. I am thrilled to return to the student ministry as an intern to foster old and new relationships with our students. Beyond youth ministry, I am grateful for the opportunity to be involved in and learn about church ministry in the many capacities available. It is exciting to be able to lead and learn alongside our staff and students and I look forward to all God plans to do this summer!
My name is Lexi Gonzalez and I am going to be one of your summer interns. I am from all over the wonderful state of Texas, because my Dad is a youth pastor. My parents currently live in Idalou, Texas, which is about 15 miles from Lubbock. I have one younger brother who is about to be a Junior in High School. I am currently going to Howard Payne University and am studying Social Work with a minor in Cross-Cultural Ministry. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you this summer, and getting the opportunity to do ministry with this amazing church. I love getting to work with people who love Jesus and who want to help people grow in their relationship with the Lord. One thing I am looking forward to this summer is being able to walk alongside the kids and youth as they grow in their relationship with God and each other.


Stitchers For Jesus

by Cheryll Overla
The stitchers have been busy this spring.  In addition to our usual garments of clothing turned in (dresses and shorts sets), we now have a new
 division to the group – the knitters and crocheters.  These ladies have been busy creating beautiful afghans for babies and children.  It is exciting to see all the wonderful items come in each month and to know that children around the world will receive them.  We also have a couple of ladies knitting and crocheting newborn hats that will go to a baby hospital in Guatemala.  What an opportunity the Lord has brought our way to use something we love to do to serve Him!
As I am writing this, a delivery is on its way to Corpus Christi via Larry and Carol Westfall. They make several trips a year to deliver supplies, etc. to the STCH storage room.  Missionaries, mission groups, etc. can choose things from this storage room to take wherever they go.  The stitchers packed up and sent 100 dresses, 20 shorts sets (both boys and girls), 15 walker tote bags and 20 baby afghans.  We will also have items ready to send to the Dominican with the mission group from church.  
Another exciting thing happened for our group recently as the Worship Kids on Wednesday night made fleece blankets and donated them. The group was happy to participate and they prayed over each blanket before the class was over. It was a great opportunity for the kids to experience being servants and the joy of giving of their time and talents. The children who helped are Bradley, Alexandria, Olivia, Aidan, Charis, Hannah, Arwen, Cami, Levi, Joseph, and Ben. A great time was had by all, even the adults!! 
Do you sew, knit or crochet?  We have just the group for you at Trinity.


For the Journey – June 2022

We all have a heavy heart. Prayers, presence and words are often the response to tragedy. We have all grieved with Uvalde, Texas this past week. Anyone who is a parent or grandparent begins to groan with the families and the loss of life of these precious children and teachers. After the initial shock of what took place, we begin to ask, “What can we do?” We cannot believe any individual could do such a horrendous act, but we are reminded that evil is evil.

There are no words that can be offered that help to explain or console. However, we can offer prayers. Prayers to God who hurts alongside all the grieving families and the community that will forever be changed. I do not have the words to share or encourage us except that God will work through all that has happened. God redeems all He allows and He is very near to the broken hearted. We also can be near to those in Uvalde through our prayers for them.

There are many who need our prayers. First and most definitely, those whose family members were killed. We also need to remember to pray for all of the first responders who both ended the conflict and began to offer help. Remember the hospital workers who received the injured and deceased. Pray for all of the school children who will remember these events and those who walked alongside them in the halls of their school. Lift up the faculty and administration as they mourn the loss of students, but also their peers. God help us all as we consider how to pray for those in need.

In the midst of all the chaos of the world, God is still moving forward. We should never let evil stop us or silence us. The answer to all of our struggles is still an authentic relationship with Jesus that transforms us and our world. In the presence of all the ugly, there is hope. Our world does not have the answer. Therefore, we must continue to do our part in declaring in our brokenness that God pursues us and desires to have a relationship with us. He has made it all possible through Jesus Christ, His Son and our Savior.

There are many opportunities to share hope this summer. Find your place and plug in. Vacation Bible School and summer camps are scheduled and many children and youth have already signed up. They have signed up for an opportunity to take a first step in Jesus for salvation or a next step in Christ in discipleship. Let us be in the position for God to use us in great ways this summer and every day.

This month we will say goodbye to Larry Danks. I am forever thankful for the time Larry has served as our Minister of Worship. He and Mary Pat have faithfully served the LORD in life as well as Trinity Baptist Church. We will be hosting a Retirement Celebration for Larry on Sunday, June 26th from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. We will have a brief presentation at 3:30 for Larry and Mary Pat. Church members are encouraged to bring a card expressing their love and appreciation to the Danks for their faithful and outstanding ministry among us.

The summer will be full of opportunities to be involved both in prayer support and active engagement. Let’s join together as we see God working among us to declare His goodness and purpose.


In Christ,



The Friendship Class

by Linda Warden
The Friendship Bible class at Trinity Baptist Church meets in room 221 at 9:45 Sunday mornings and is made up of adults of all ages with diverse backgrounds. Currently, the class is led in a discussion of the sermon from the previous Sunday morning service.  The teaching leaders are Frank Brooksher and Bob Davis on a rotating basis.  Each leader facilitates the discussion in a manner that includes all class members, whether they were in the previous week’s service or not.
Some members have been a part of this class for many years and others have joined very recently. Our class discussions include input from folks who have broad knowledge of scripture and others whose knowledge is at a different stage.  This blend of people is evidence that all are welcome in this class no matter the person’s background.  The emphasis for participation is that all desire to grow in understanding of the scripture.  Sharing of life experiences by class members during discussion opportunities provides helpful examples of how God has been and is at work in our community and world.  The class warmly welcomes all visitors who are interested in studying God’s word with fellow believers and seekers. 
The Friendship Class also encourages weekly prayer support for class members.  Prayer requests are shared before the class ends each week and those prayer needs are emailed to each class member for continued prayer throughout the week. Many class members are involved in other areas of life at Trinity such as the choir, mission trips, teaching, greeters, church member care, childcare and/or weekly Bible Studies, plus other avenues.
We are not large in number, but we welcome growth.  We meet at 9:45 AM each Sunday morning in room 221 which is on the right just before the walkway above and around the Family Life Center.   The fellowship we share during the class time is a source of friendship, encouragement and spiritual growth for each member.  Come to visit and join our friendly group


Women’s Bible Study

by Shelby Peschel

I recently had my teenage son help me with some heavy boxes in our attic. Our quest was hunt down a Bible Study workbook that I had studied over a decade ago. Turns out, we had multiple boxes to search through, with over forty workbooks total much to his dismay and my delight.

As I rummaged through the different titles, I recalled many of the deep spiritual truths learned with each study.  There was the one on The Covenant where I learned foundational truths of God’s constant loving-kindness.  The one on Daniel where I learned that God is with me in the fire.  The one on Psalms 23 where I learned that no matter the valley, my Shepherd will guide me.  Reminder after reminder of lessons learned from dedicated time in study of God’s Word.

But perhaps more so than lessons learned, I recalled faces. Faces of the women, of all ages and all walks of life, who not only studied together but encouraged & uplifted one another. There was the one study where I was new to town and honestly just wanted to meet other Christian women. The one where I was an exhausted new mom and those smiling church nursery workers during Bible Study once a week were my saving grace. The one where we prayed fervently for healing for a class member’s mother. The one where we rejoiced together, the one where we cried together, the one where we laughed together…

As I looked over twenty years’ worth of studies, never once did I regret the time spent studying God’s Word and growing with other ladies.  Women’s Bible Study (WBS) is time well spent.  Simply put, it is life-giving. WBS meets Wednesday mornings and Thursday nights.  We are currently studying Jonah with plans for a summer study on 1 Peter and then Acts in the fall.  More information can be found online at There is a place for you, and you are invited.  This could be the one where…

“Lord, Your word is forever; Your faithfulness is for all
generations; I will never forget Your precepts, for You have
given me life through them.” Psalms 119: 89-93



The Jubilee Class

From Noah Webster Dictionary, 1828:

To shout for joy; a season of great public joy and festivity~~

Jubilee Bible Class~~Oh, my! What a praying class! And what fun we have! We are a mixed class, meaning men and women, couples, singles, all ages welcome!

The ladies (Juliets) meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month for a breakfast at Cracker Barrel, and the men (Romeos) meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Cracker Barrel, for comradery, friendship strengthening, and uplifting prayer.

And, on the 4th Friday of each month, the ladies meet again to play Mexican Train, when we laugh, pray, and eat snacks!

More good fellowship and friendship time is shared on 5th Sundays, usually with a covered dish in the Family Life Center after preaching on that Sunday at noon.

The most important aspect of our class is our Bible teachers. We have 3 excellent teachers: Bill Parr, Gene Ayers, and Chris Christopherson, all of them wonderful men of God who rotate teaching for one month each. The Bible always has something new for each of us in every season of our lives, and each of these teachers brings the Word alive again and again.

Again, we are a praying class: this cannot be overstated nor stressed too much. The prayers of our members sustain us and see us through the many situations that life always has for us to deal with. You can feel the love among our members when you walk in the door!

ONWARD & UPWARD, with the JOY of the LORD!



VBS Monumental Is Coming!

By Kellee Parish

June 13-16 from 9am to Noon (Monday-Thursday).  Make sure to “early” register online beginning May 1st, at TBC’s website (, for kids who have completed kindergarten thru 5th grade.
Volunteers are needed to be Family Leaders and Teachers.  Family leaders rotate with children to their various classes.  Teachers are still needed for snacks and crafts.  Let me know if you are available to minister to children during VBS.  Please contact me at

Our theme this year is “Monumental” and we are learning about the life of Joseph.  The theme verse is Joshua 1:9 “For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  We look forward to celebrating God’s greatness during VBS!



For the Journey – May 2022

What a wonderful blessing and honor it was to celebrate our Risen LORD on Resurrection Sunday. We are still meeting those who came to experience the Victor and are returning to worship with us. God is blessing as we continue to visit with others and make plans for baptisms. On Easter Sunday morning we had 710 worship with us on campus and another 210 worship with us online. Praise the LORD!

There are holes in our building, but that is a good thing. The builders have penetrated the exterior walls and have now joined our established building to our new building. It looks amazing. We are beginning to get a glimpse of what our new facility will bring our way. We have begun our third year of our pledges and Trinity Baptist Church has gone above and beyond. We are so fortunate to serve the God who meets our needs and provides for our direction together. I am anticipating a day, in just a few more months, when we will be gathering to dedicate new opportunities for ministry through TBC because of God’s provision of gathering space and discipleship. These are exciting days.

The month of May will bring great ministry opportunities our way. The Encore Senior Adult Days, highlighting our Prime Time Ministry, begins the month. We will recognize our graduating seniors on May 15th and welcome our two summer interns later in the month. Our Women’s Bible study and our Men’s Bible study have concluded for a brief break before the summer studies start. I am simply amazed at all the meaningful ministry taking place at Trinity.

Please be praying for both Larry and Mary Pat Danks as they draw closer and closer to Larry’s date of retirement. We will surely take advantage of appreciating the Danks for their tenured ministry of over 15 years at TBC. You will get more information next month, but be sure to put the date of Larry’s retirement reception on your calendar – Sunday, June 26th.

Also, be in prayer for our Worship Minister Search Committee as they begin the process of discovering who our next Worship minister will be. I appreciate this committee’s dedication to pray and I know they would cherish your prayers for them as well.

“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

In Christ,