Travel Through The Easter Story

Saturday, April 16th at 10:00 am, parents and all kids (Preschool thru 5th Grade), can experience the Easter story at 5 different stations. Those stations include The Triumphal Entry, The Passover Meal, The Cross, The Tomb and He is Risen. Each station has an interactive experience which includes an activity or craft. After the stations, we will conclude with an egg hunt.
The children will also receive a “travel passport” and get a stamp for their passport at each station. The booklets tell about Jesus’ journey through his life, death and rising again.
The Easter journey will take place in the parking lot/grassy area across from the church. You may park in the lot off Bluebell Dr. and the journey will begin over by the “Office Annex” side. This will be a wonderful ministry event for you to invite your friends and neighbors. There is no cost and we’d love for our community to attend. Please make sure you bring your own Easter basket to collect eggs and crafts.


For the Journey – April 2022

“So go to the street corners and invite anyone you find.” Matthew 22:9
God is so faithful to put people in our path to invite to The Victor. I have heard from so many of our church members of how they have taken the opportunity to invite our community to experience the gospel story presented at Trinity Baptist Church this Easter. For those who have been attending our Midweek services, this is a “Come and See” opportunity. That is exactly how Jesus discipled Andrew and John. Of course, Jesus did not stop with come and see, but called them to follow Him and be taught by Him. The final result of Jesus’ discipling produced men and women who were making disciples of Jesus also. I hope you will take advantage of the first steps of discipling others by inviting them to come and see.
There are many opportunities of prayer this month, one of which is praying during Ramadan that Muslims will have dreams and God will place His witnesses before them as they open themselves up for spiritual insight. There will be prayer guides that can be picked up and also prayer reminders sent out to our Prayer Warriors who have agreed to be on our Prayer Blasts. The Holy Spirit is always convicting of sin and calling us all to truth, even those who do not believe. As Muslims focus on Allah, may the true God make Himself known.
Another prayer emphasis for our church is praying for our Minister of Worship Search Team. From a ballot of 21 well respected church members 7 were elected to serve. They are: Mike Cook, Lanie Ebelt, Donna Hinton, Lew King, Melissa Morris, Dan Petty, and Wiley Wilkerson. The team will be meeting soon to determine a chair and begin our process of discovering who the LORD has in store for us. You will also be hearing more about our reception for Larry Danks to take place upon his retirement. Larry has faithfully served both the LORD and Trinity Baptist Church.
Easter Sunday will be April 17 and we anticipate a great crowd to celebrate the resurrection of our LORD Jesus Christ on that day. There will be a special Midweek on April 13 surrounding the LORD’s supper. I hope you are making plans to be with us and inviting others to come.
We are truly Blessed to Bless. God has proven Himself faithful through the faithfulness of our Trinity Baptist Family. Two years of our pledges are complete and we are beginning our final year. It is exciting to see the progress from week to week of our new opportunity of ministry through our new building and space. Thank you, Trinity Baptist Church, for your faithfulness and your obedience to God’s assignment through us.
In Christ,


Children’s Ministry – March 2022

Our Courageous Kids have done a great job this semester learning about several mission areas and making projects to serve those in ministry. Some of the projects that we have done this spring are encouragement baskets, notes, decorated boxes of encouragement, key chains (with Joshua 1:9) and windchimes. Courageous kids have supported Magdalene House, Alto Frio Camp, groups in our community people, and TBC homebound this semester. We have such a fun time on Sunday nights learning and serving.
CDO Ministry will be taking registration after Spring Break for those interested in our Tuesday/Thursday Mother’s Day Out. For questions, prices, or other information, check out the church’s website, contact Beth Ann Brown or Paula Brucker at 830-895-0100.
Upcoming Events

6th Graders will be moving up to Youth on Sunday, March 20th during the 11am Bible Study time. We will be celebrating and praying for them as they promote into the youth group.

Easter Walk Thru – will be Saturday, April 16th at 10am on the grassy area across from the church (off Bluebell). This is a great time for Preschool thru 5th Grade to have hands on activities as they learn about the Easter Story. Be sure to invite your friends and neighbors.

VBS – June 13-16 from 9am – 12 for ages: completed Kinder thru 5th.

Pre-Teen Camp – July 25-28 at Alto Frio Baptist Camp. Ages: Completed 3rd-6th.


Youth Ministry – March 2022

The last three February’s we have opened up camp registration and offered a “VIP” signup window. During the first three weeks of registration, every student who is signed up for camp is counted as a “VIP” and gets perks and privileges at camp. It’s a fun way to help build excitement about Youth Camp.
I asked a few of our VIP Students what they are most looking forward to about camp, and here are their answers:
Jack Bowers, 8th Grade – I’m looking forward to hanging out with friends and building relationships
Elisa Keese, 11th Grade – The connections I get to build with younger youth. All of my friends are doing different activities at different times so I kind of jump around with who I’m hanging out with. With this I get to talk to people I may have never spoken to before and I get to know their personalities and sometimes even engage in conversations about their faith. I return home with more friends than I started with.
Christian Stahl, 10th Grade – Probably learning more about God and learning how to spread his word
Anna Henson, 9th Grade – I am looking forward to building friendships and having fun at activities such as block parties and archery tag.
Carson Boles, 10th Grade – The time with friends, worship, and just the experience I know God will give me.
Ryia Neuman, 11th Grade – The worship
Cayden Brown, 10th Grade – Finding random people to hang out with at Rec and with our camp color groups
Luke Bowers, 6th Grade – Growing friendships, making new friends, and growing in my faith.
If you know a 6th-12th grade student who would be interested in joining us, we would love to have them! They can sign up at


For the Journey – March 2022

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Psalm 20:7
God is always at work around the world. The world is paying attention to what is taking place in Ukraine as Russia aggressively has invaded. For a week we have heard from leaders and politicians and seen pictures coming over the internet. My heart goes out to the people defending their home country. So far away, I feel helpless and want to know more and do more. I have been reminded by the LORD that we are never helpless. One of the greatest things we can do at a distance and up close is to pray. I was so encouraged by those in our worship services this past Sunday who answered the call to pray together for the Ukrainian people. Thank you, Trinity Baptist Church, for responding as a church to the needs in our world.
On March 6th, we will be taking up a special offering to go toward the relief efforts through Texas Baptists Men. There are many ways individuals can send support through other organizations like Samaritans Purse and Ceri International, but we have an ongoing channel to support many relief efforts through TBM. The offering given on March 6th will go directly to the international relief. I want to invite you to also join me at noon every day to pray wherever you are for this conflict and watch and see how God will use this for His glory.
We will also begin the selection process for our Minister of Worship Search Team on Sunday, March 6th. Nomination ballots will be available and each church member can make up to three nominations only. Nominations may also be submitted on March 13th. Ballots will be received in our offering boxes. From the names nominated, a final ballot of 21 church members will be voted on in a special called Member Meeting on March 27th in all three worship services. We have been blessed beyond measure with the ministry and leadership of Larry Danks. We will continue to be blessed until his retirement at the end of June. Let us be in prayer for this new search team that will be formed this month as they seek our next Minister of Worship.
I am being asked around town about our building progress. Many have told me they have been watching the work being completed. Several have commented that they noticed when the three crosses were secured to the outside wall. These are folks from our community and not church members. We are in a great position to respond to God’s faithfulness in our Faith Family as God has continued to make His assignment known to us. We are truly blessed to be a blessing.
In Christ,


The Kerrville West Small Group

by Clark Elliston
The New Testament emphasizes, again and again, the importance of church unity. This emphasis responds to the reality that, while we all long for meaningful connection, we also think we know best. Combine this presumption with busy schedules, tired parents, and assorted vocational and relational pressures and we can’t be too surprised when we view our church lives as something “extra.” Thinking this way places us in the position of perpetually weighing our commitments relative to how they benefit us. Such self-interest, however, serves neither meaningful human connection nor church unity.
With this my mindset, we joined our Trinity small group against my better judgment. I was nervous that it would be an unavoidable fixture on our already crowded schedule (it is), that people would expect more from me within it (they do), and that there would be times of awkwardness and vulnerability (there are). Since being wrong is a hallmark of my Christian life, the poor attitude was graciously returned with regular friendship, a concern for dedicated discipleship, and reminders of how deep the gospel penetrates. It has been something deeply life-giving amid activities that are often not. In our case, it has gifted us with relationships which form not only us, but our children as well. They learn what it means to serve Christ in the world from other adults who care for them in ways different than their parents. It has given us a “place” in the world – a space where we live, learn, and love Christ together.

I began with unity because small group is where I have learned much about it. We come together weekly with imperfect people to imperfectly discuss the only perfect person. Repentance and forgiveness are both required. We are not always sympathetic to each other and certainly do not always understand one another. But at every turn we recognize in our small group fellow travelers along the Way. For this reason, small group serves as a kind of “refueling station” in the race of faith and we could not be more grateful for it. 



Displaying Your Creativity

By Carrie Overby
Each of the ministries in our church share the responsibility of filling or decorating the large display window near the gym. The Worship Ministry has taken the months of December, January and February.  This year as Larry and I began to make plans for the window I realized we would not be advertising or doing the January Family Gathering.
Reflecting back on our memorable Family Gatherings made me remember that in 2019 we held an Artistic Showcase that revealed some awesome talent at Trinity!  Immediately, I began to imagine our large display window filled with all kinds of photos, crafts, sewing, and poems from our talented folks.  With Larry’s blessing we began to spread the word about bringing in things that were made by hand.

Thank goodness some awesome people answered our call… and wonderful items started arriving in my office!  I began to be blown away as I listened to the stories of inspiration behind the beautiful items. A few themes began to emerge from the stories I heard. First of all, I heard people talk about the friendships that have been forged as they learned a new craft but more importantly about their concern for others. Many of the items made are for others in need. It has been inspiring to see our people giving of their time and talents so freely. Finally, most of the items were made as a gift for someone else!  Each one carefully thought out and prayerfully made. This makes me so proud to be a part of the Trinity family.  Please go by and see what God is doing in the lives of His people.



Children’s Ministry

What an amazing church we get to serve. I am so grateful for the teachers, workers, ministry teams and lead teams that serve in our Children’s Ministry. We are so blessed to have wonderful adults who spend time investing in the lives of preschoolers, children and their families. I am truly grateful to get to work with such talented, giving and loving men and women.
We are growing and will need additional teachers and workers. If you are interested in joining one of our teams, please let me know and we can talk about where our needs are in Children’s Ministry and where you could possibly fit.
Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 16th at 10am for our “Walk Thru the Easter Story” for Preschool through 5th Grade. This is a great time to invite your friends and neighbors to come enjoy fellowship with other families and for kids to get to experience the Easter Story through hands on activities. No sign up is required, just show up. We’d love to see you!


Bless Every Home

By JD Templeton
“We don’t choose what we will do for God; He invites us to join Him where He wants to involve us.” Henry Blackaby
“What the Church needs to-day is not more machinery or better, not new organizations or more and novel methods, but men whom the Holy Ghost can use — men of prayer, men mighty in prayer. The Holy Ghost does not flow through methods, but through men. He does not come on machinery, but on men. He does not anoint plans, but men — men of prayer.” E.M. Bounds
Can God work randomly in his kingdom? Absolutely, but that does not mean he won’t use organization or strategy. Remember Joshua marching around Jericho? Or Gideon paring down his fighting force? Strategy is merely a framework God uses to arrange men and women in his kingdom’s work.
The graphics included here represent a prayer strategy Trinity uses to reach our county for Christ. The icons represent current praying households. Bless Every Home provides structure to pray for our neighbors by name. However, without people to pray, that structure is powerless. Will you join us in praying specifically and daily for our neighbors? Will you accept God’s invitation to join him where he is working? Find more details You can also call JD to discover how to connect with this prayer movement of God.