Youth Ministry

February may be one of my favorite months of ministry at Trinity for one simple reason: Camp VIP Signups open up!
Now, that may seem extreme, but allow me a second to explain myself. So much of what happens at Trinity Student Ministry is helping students explore what it means to grow in their relationship with God. One of the best ways to jumpstart faith is to do so in community—through relationships with like minded peers who are also striving to grow closer to God.
One of the best things TSM offers to help with that is camp. At camp friendships are formed, relationships are deepened, memories are made, and inside jokes take root. And that’s not even taking into account the incredible worship and intentional time studying God’s word together! Talk about life change!
So, why does this make February one of my favorite months? Because now is when we start building excitement and anticipation for what God is going to do in, around, and through us this summer. It helps us find something to look forward to and to spur each other on towards.
Last year at camp I saw memories being made, friendships taking shape, and lives being changed and challenged. And I cannot wait for God to do even more this summer!
Best of all: if you sign up for camp during our VIP registration period, you get perks! Keep your eyes open for more details on perks as they’re announced this week.


For the Journey – February 2022

“Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all His benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.” Psalm 103:2-5
No matter what time in any year, we should exclaim with David our praise for all the benefits of God. We were blessed in 2021 with the faithfulness of God because we were in the position to receive His blessing. God is always faithful. We anticipate God’s continued faithfulness in 2022, hopefully remaining in the position to receive it. Today is the day to take the first step in faith or the next step in faith.
We are moving in a direction of getting ready for what the LORD is sending our way. At Midweek we are looking at the ways Jesus did discipleship. If we take to heart Jesus’ message, method, model and mission, then we too may see discipleship take on a new dimension for us. We hope to see many taking a first step in faith while many more take their next step of discipleship.
Every year brings change. Some we long for and others we simply receive. One change that is taking place as you read these words is the transition in the Pastor’s office. Mary Pat Danks has been my ministry assistant for over nine years. She has been such a blessing and will be missed. God blessed me with her assistance and has blessed the church as well, through all she has done to help put Trinity Baptist Church in the best place. By now you should have heard that Larry Danks will be retiring at the end of June. We have been blessed for over 15 years with Larry’s ministry and leadership and there is still much more to say in the months to come. For now, Sue Owens will be taking over as the Pastor’s Ministry Assistant. She and her husband, Tommy, have been members of Trinity Baptist Church for more than four years. She and Tommy have both been very involved and engaged in the ministries and mission of our church. We continue to be blessed by the LORD giving us a good team.
Good things are coming. God is faithful. Yes, God has blessed us with an incredible team and will continue to place His team here as we listen to His direction and follow. To God be the glory, great things He has done, is doing, and will do. We are always Blessed to Bless.
In Christ,


For the Journey – January 2022

Happy New year Trinity! I am reminded today, as I write this article, that God is moving forward. His promise in the past is His promise for the  future. God has plans for us. His plans include prospering us and not harm us. His plans include giving us hope and a future. I view the timing of hope in a present perfect tense; a past event that carries present benefits. God is faithful in bringing about His design and plan of reconciling the world to Himself.

I so enjoyed our Christmas series, “At Just the Right Time”. To submit our timing to God’s timing is not always easy. However, when we do submit to God’s timing, and look in both directions, we see God’s faithfulness in the past, coupled with God’s empowered assignment for the future. We have a story to tell because People Must Know.

God has blessed Trinity with next step relationships and decisions for future growth and health. We are moving closer to putting our Blessed to Bless commitments in action as we will use a new facility and gathering space for God’s glory. God is honored and we are continually blessed by the faithfulness of Trinity members who have joined the LORD in the ministry ahead of us. It is so rewarding to stop and consider the faithful offerings of Trinity members who have faithfully given to our cooperating effort of reaching others for Christ.

The year, 2021, brought many opportunities for ministry and next steps as it comes to following the LORD. I anticipate that 2022 will be no different as we combine our spiritual giftings and blessings to serve God in our community. To God be the glory, great things HE is bringing our way.

I am excited about our assignment together as a family of faith. God has plans for us that will not only prosper us but will provide the hope and future we desire and that God has planned.

In Christ,


Night in Bethlehem 2021

A huge, huge  thank you for our Bethlehem team! We started meeting last January to plan, build, construct, prepare, set up, and take down an outdoor Night in Bethlehem.  There are 10 precious people who work all year for Bethlehem, making it a two night gift to our community.  Those precious 10 servants of Christ are Debbie & Don Nelson, Sue & Tommy Owens, Becky & Robert Wheat, Mark Clemons (who also stayed overnight to make sure our sets stayed in tact), Judy Harder, Tres Parish, and Clint Brown.  Please thank them for their hard work to make  Bethlehem such a wonderful ministry event.

Also, I am so grateful for those who helped set up, take down, and costume, as well as all our actors and actresses who gave their time to share the story of Jesus’ birth. Donna & Jesse Hinton, Sue Stewart, Julie & Reagan Boles, Caleb Boles, Kendall Boles, Linda & Rob Ward, Elisa Keese, Cortney Hawkins, JeAnn Carpenter, Isabella Hawkins, Aidan Hawkins, Barb & Brian Bowers, Jack Bowers, Luke Bowers, Sadie Bowers, Roy Shields, Roger McCormick, Jodie & Van Hooten, Stephanie & David Clarke, Jamie & Matt Riordan, Cayden Brown, Beth Ann Brown, Suzanne Harston, Janice & Don Francis, JD Templeton, Becky & Josh Watkins, Ben Watkins, Marsena & Bob Alley, Paula Brucker, TBC Custodians, & Pastor John. Thank you to Lanie & Bruce Ebelt and LaVerne & Rick Boles for being available in the hospitality tent during the event.

I’d also like to thank those who shared their animals with us.  Trey Dittmar for providing the sheep each night; Cortney Hawkins, Barb & Brian Bowers for allowing us to use their goats for Bethlehem.

Great job team for such a wonderful night of ministry to Kerrville as we shared Jesus’ story.  Thank you to Trinity Baptist for
allowing us to give this amazing gift to our community during this wonderful Christmas season!
– Kellee Parish


Why Read the Bible?

When I was a young boy growing up in a Baptist church we (children) were exposed to reading the Bible and to always bring it with us to church. I learned to find the different books of the Bible and where they were located. I learned how to find scriptures quickly and all the drills associated with doing so. What I can’t remember was being taught that the scriptures were meant to be a road map God had sent me to begin this journey called life. God wanted to reveal Himself to me but I had other boyhood things that were more important to me than reading a big old book.
Fast forward to 1974 and I am married with two children at home. My father is about to undergo open heart surgery with the real possibility he might not survive. My heart could find no peace and I was sorely troubled at what was happening to my earthly father. I was pacing the floor at home awaiting the news of the surgery when I spied a large Bible lying on the coffee table. I picked it up, opened it, and began reading God’s word.
After a few minutes an amazing thing happened; my spirit was transformed from anxious to peaceful. From that moment I became aware of why this book was given to a world that is troubled so deeply. So let me give you some of the reasons why I spend time reading my Bible.
  1. Every word, every page, shows me who my God is and why He should be the most
    important part of my life.
  2. God speaks to me one on one and every word He speaks is true.
  3. The Bible leads me in the direction I need to go in life.
  4. It corrects me when I detour from the path I need to follow.
  5. It fills me with a peace like nothing else can when my heart is troubled
  6. Strengthens my faith.
I could go on about why I read the Bible but don’t take my word for it, take God’s word for it and you will not be disappointed. Reading God’s word daily will change you forever.

As we embark on the beginning of 2022, you may want to consider a new study platform.  Following are some great Bible Study apps that you can download to your phone or device.  These tools will provide you with a way to nurture your faith easily and effectively.

– Frank Brooksher


Trinity Life – January 2022


The Victor 2022

For over a decade The Victor has been a major emphasis of the Worship Ministry here at Trinity Baptist Church.  We have rehearsed, built stage, designed costuming and collected props…then for the past two years we were unable to safely produce this event on stage.
We are again planning for the premier presentation of the Easter story to be portrayed live on stage on Palm Sunday weekend (April 8-10)!  This is tremendously exciting!
The hard work done last year as we produced a DVD, which has been distributed throughout our community, is going to give us a “leg up” as we begin our rehearsals.
The first rehearsal/listen through will occur on Sunday, January 16 at 6:30 pm in the Worship Center. This is for any and all singers, actors and tech folks to catch the vision for how The Victor will be used again this year to reach more and more with the gospel, in Kerrville, Kerr County as well as anywhere the people livestream our presentation.
If you have any questions related to the production of The Victor, please connect with the Worship Ministry office.
– Larry Danks
Trinity Life – January 2022


TSM Update – January 2022

I love the energy and excitement that comes with a new year. I enjoy routine, but sometimes our routines need a reset. January provides such an opportunity.
We had a great 2021, all things considered. Camp was a large focus of what we did, and it allowed us to spring into August with some great momentum. December, however, was a great month as well. We had a blast at Circles Live, then competed in the Christma-Lympics for our TSM Christmas party. Combine that with time together and caroling, and the Christmas season was so much fun.
For 2022, I’m looking forward to camp and the opportunities we are going to have there. But that’s not the best part of the year. We have some exciting events and opportunities, beginning with our Circles each Wednesday at 6pm. Circles provide an opportunity for students to navigate the intersection of faith and life. We’ve seen relationships with God and with each other deepen and hope to continue to see more and more students join us.
One final word: thank you to all the adults who have stepped up to help this past year. We could not do what we do without awesome people who love God and like teenagers (even just a little). Thanks for all you do!
– Wes Henson



TrinityU – Spring 2022

Sundays, 5-6 PM, Starts Jan 9th
MasterLife: Disciple’s Cross   1.9 – 2.27, $11
Crisis 101: The Red Sea Rules   1.9 – 3.27, $15
Milestones:  Discipleship for Family Life Stages   3.20 – 3.27, No Cost

Call the church office to sign up


God of Freedom: Exodus 19 – 40

Women’s Bible Study – Spring 2022

10 weeks, Books $20

Wednesdays, Jan 19 – Mar 30
Worship Center, 10 AM – Noon

(Wednesday childcare
by reservation only)


Thursdays, Jan 20 – Mar 31
Chapel, 6:30 – 8 PM