Walk Thru Easter 2024

by Melissa Marcum
My family moved to Kerrville in the Fall of 2015 when our youngest, Arwen, was only 6 weeks old.  We spent months visiting churches and praying about where God wanted us to plug in. We knew wherever that was would be where Cami and Arwen would grow up physically and spiritually. 
On March 28, 2016, we took the girls to something called “Walk Thru Easter” here at Trinity Baptist Church.  Cami and Arwen waved palm branches, tasted bitter herbs, but their favorite thing was rolling the stone away to reveal an empty grave!  We joined Trinity shortly after that Easter and have been so blessed by the people in Children’s ministry that have walked alongside us to teach, show, and be Jesus to our girls.  

I encourage you to bring your children, both little and big, to Walk Thru Easter with us.  Let the hope of Easter come alive for you and your children as we celebrate the Hope of  Easter in the Power of Christ’s resurrection!  

Trinity Life – March 2024


Agape Fellowship Class – February 2024

by Susan Lesser
Welcome to the Agape Fellowship Class! We are co-ed, ages 60+, and meet in the new adult wing, Room 215, at 9:45 am. Our room has a water fountain outside.
We are looking for a permanent teacher … is that you? Our interim teacher is Wayne Comer, with John Sontag as backup.
We are studying from Connect360 curriculum. Our study this quarter is Kingdom Power, the Sermon on the Mount. Each lesson is grouped into a few verses which gives us plenty of opportunity to discuss and converse. We just finished our study in Galatians. At the present time, we’re using the latest technology sparingly. If you come looking for slick presentations, that’s not us. Open Bibles and study guides – that’s us; just folks.

We love guests and would love to have you come join us. Would you like to have that joy of being with fellow Christians in a small class? We look forward to fellowshipping with you!




Genesis 1 – February 2024

by Janice Francis
Genesis 1 is a ministry of Trinity Baptist Church. It is open to people of all ages who like to hike and enjoy God’s beautiful creation.
Our goal is to have fun, fellowship, and exercise by visiting one of Texas’ state parks each month (except June, July, and August because of the heat). We try to choose trails that are easy to moderate walking, avoiding steep grades. The trails usually are 2 to 4 miles round trip and we make sure to stop and look at unusual plants and rocks. We bring a sack lunch when the park has a nice picnic area. When they do not, we stop at a local restaurant for a Dutch treat lunch.
In 2023 we visited South Llano State Park. It has nice hiking trails with bird blinds to watch from. Enchanted Rock State Park has very pretty rock formations. At Inks Lake State Park, we walked through fields of bluebonnets. We hiked Schreiner’s Park and in May went to Longhorn Caverns State Park and had a two-hour private tour of the caverns. It was beautiful!
In 2024 we are planning to repeat some of our favorite hikes. They include Enchanted Rock, South Llano, and Inks Lake State Parks. If you like beauty and fields of flowers, these are must do hikes! We are also planning a trip to Guadalupe State Park which has some very nice hiking trails.

We usually have a group from 9 to 25 and have a great time of fellowship and enjoying God’s great creation. If you are interested, please join us on one of our hikes. Call the church office to sign up.





The word standing by itself doesn’t seem very exciting. It may sound overwhelming to some. What does it even mean? “-ship” means the state or condition of something; so, the state or situation of being a disciple. In New Testament times, it implied a teacher/learner relationship. For Jesus and His disciples, it represented doing life together with formation of a spiritual relationship. Pastor and author Bill Hull describes discipleship as “a way of life for all of life”.
When we look at Jesus’ life, discipleship happened in many places. The synagogue where He read from Isaiah, the temple where He overturned merchant tables and commented on a  widow giving her meager offering, homes and public venues in which He healed broken lives.
Where and when will discipleship happen in your life? For your family, it ought to include the patterns outlined in Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (the Message) “Get them inside of you and then get them inside your children. Talk about them wherever you are, sitting at home or walking in the street; talk about them from the time you get up in the morning to when you fall into bed at night.”

Trinity U is just one way to weave the fabric of discipleship into your life. Our upcoming Sunday night Bible reading series will equip you personally as a parent or grandparent.  MasterLife and The Disciple’s Prayer Life are two proven disciple-making formats for adults. These opportunities don’t have to be limited to Sunday evenings. You won’t regret the time and energy invested in discipleship for yourself or others!




How to Pray for Disciple Now

by Lauren Tripp
On February 9-11, TSM is hosting our first Disciple Now weekend for this group of students. The agenda for the local weekend retreat includes large group worship, small group Bible studies, service projects and lots of fun with peers in host homes across Kerrville and the   surrounding area. The weekend’s goal is to help students grow in their relationship with God and with each other, learning to see God clearly and to live authentically.
Leading up to Disciple Now, please be in prayer for the preparations taking place to help facilitate spiritual growth in a fun and safe environment. Over the weekend, please take time to stop and pray for our students, Bible study leaders, host families and the team working behind the scenes. Here is how to pray for Disciple Now:

Our Students

  • Open hearts and open ears to hear God’s message
  • Engagement within the group the students are placed in for the weekend
  • Learn to see God clearly, getting rid of the things that distort their view of who God

    truly is

  • Ephesians 1:18 – “I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that
    you may know the hope to which he has called you…”

Leaders and Volunteers

  • Willingness to be used as instruments for God’s purpose
  • Engagement in interactions with student groups 
  • Energy and adaptability
  • Clear communication, patience and empathy

Thank you to the planning team and the many volunteers offering their homes, vehicles, time and talents to help lead our students closer to the understanding that “God Loves You and  Desires a Relationship with You” (GLY&DARWY).




Children’s Day Out – February 2024

by Beth Ann Brown
Did you know that one of the ministries offered through TBC Trinity Kids is a two day a week Children’s Day Out program?  Tuesdays and Thursdays, August through May, our building is filled with children, 4 months old to 5 years old.  Working with these children, and the ladies that teach them, is so much fun and such a blessing.  We get the privilege of loving on these sweet children and their families as well as sharing the love of Jesus with them.  Our focus is teaching about Jesus.  We use the Wee Learn Curriculum, but we also teach colors, shapes, numbers, and letters. 

Trinity CDO is such a great ministry.  We would love for you to be a part of it.  There are   several ways to be involved with our program.  First, we would appreciate your prayers.  Prayers for wisdom, strength, joy, teachers, and for the families we touch.  Next, if you enjoy building or making things, we have several ways we can put your talents to use.  Lastly, we are in search of more teachers and substitutes.  We have immediate openings for teachers in our baby room.  If you are interested in learning more about CDO or ways you can plug in, please contact me or Kellee.  You can call me at the church.   I would love to talk to you.




Music Notes – February 2024

by Charlie Barganier
Welcome to 2024! I hope and trust your New Year is off to a great start. It’s hard to believe the first month of this year is over already!
The Worship Ministry of TBCK is back in full swing, of course, and we are looking forward to a wonderful year. The biggest project on the schedule right now is “The Victor”. Of course, this is my first time leading and being a part of this wonderful tradition, and I have had a great time learning the music and drama and all the moving parts. If you have never been a part of this moving production we would love for you to come join us. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you might have. There are any number of ways you could be involved and use your gifts and talents.

Looking forward to a wonderful year with our church family.



For the Journey – February 2024

Our new year is fully underway. There is excitement as we think about where we will go and what we will do. God is exalted through the faithfulness of Trinity Baptist Church. I hope you are allowing our simultaneous Scripture reading to be a blessing to your day. I have heard more than just a few share how God is blessing this time as couples and families are reading God’s Word consistently. It is amazing how much the word for the day intersects the circumstances of the day in  positive ways. If you have not begun to read along with us, it is not too late. Pick up a Daily Bible Reading Plan 2024 and begin reading from the present date. God is honored when we put His Word in our lives.
The Victor is in full rehearsal swing. The Victor Choir is rehearsing and the Victor Drama groups will begin blocking scenes and memorizing lines. This is truly our gift to our community. What a blessing to see so many of our members taking on responsibilities of   telling the greatest story ever told.
This year I am hoping that we will add one more emphasis for the Victor. That emphasis is prayer. Prayer that those who have yet to    believe in Jesus will come to a performance with one of our members. We are praying now, and will continue to pray, that a spiritual    conversation would develop and lead to a   gospel presentation. We will share more of the details as they develop, but we are hoping to have what we used to call “cottage prayer meetings” as we get closer to our presentations. We will also be offering some evangelism training on sharing our faith prior to the Victor. God is so good to allow us to strategically plan for Holy Spirit encounters.
May we continue to be a reproducing community of authentic disciples being equipped as missionaries and sent by God to proclaim His Kingdom in our world. Milfred Minatrea’s definition of what it means to be missional has influenced my life for over 15 years. As I write this article today, I am anticipating a call with Milfred Minatrea in hopes of bringing him to Kerrville to fill our pulpit some Sunday. Oh, to move beyond what we have known and attempt that which will transform us. To God be the glory!
In Christ,

Pastor John




Children’s Ministry – January 2024

by Kellee Parish

Tres & I are so blessed to get to serve here at Trinity!  We have amazing Preschool & Children’s teachers and shepherds that we are privileged to minister alongside.  Our teachers do a wonderful job of sharing God’s word.  We are so grateful for our terrific Children’s Team!
Thank you, parents, for allowing us to be a part of your kid’s lives.  We are grateful to get to be involved with all these precious kids! 
If your child is in Kinder thru 5th grade, we’re back to “Lunch with Mrs. Kellee” this Spring.  Please email me at kparish@tbck.org to schedule a day for me to come to your child’s school and have lunch.  What a joy to get to spend time with our Trinity Kids.