Student Ministry – January 2024

by Wes Henson

2023 was a phenomenal year. We saw several highlights through the year. We continue to see numerical growth. We have more and more adults who are volunteering to invest in the lives of students. We had several students make decisions at camp, and are seeing fruit from many others.
And the best is yet to come.
I’m constantly amazed by the newness of God’s working in our lives. No matter how often we think we’ve seen Him do something we couldn’t imagine, he moves in an “only God” kind of way again. And, for that, I am perpetually grateful.
I’m looking forward to what 2024 has to offer as we host a Disciple Now weekend, take an even larger group to the Dominican Republic, celebrate a great group of Seniors (again!), continue to build relationships and get to know new faces, and watch as God works in a way only He can work. It’s going to be a great year!
As we kickoff the New Year, join me in praying for God to continue to move, and for our students to learn what it means to respond to God’s working in our lives. Pray for our adults as they seek to build relationships that point students to Christ.

Thank You, Trinity family, for all of your support in 2023 and the coming support of 2024.




The Bridge Bible Study Class

by Keith & Debbie Williams
Welcome to “The Bridge,” a new Bible Study class beginning January 7, 2023 at 9:45 am.
We will have an initial Meet & Greet on January 7 to have fellowship with anyone interested in joining us in this Bible Study journey and to share our purpose, mission, and content of the class and the lessons.
Obviously, our desire is to have in depth study of the Bible with life applications. Some series will be on books of the Bible and others will be topical in nature – applying Scripture to the issues of the day.
We plan to create a lively and positive atmosphere in our studies, which will hopefully strengthen our faith, our abilities to defend that which we believe, and better enable us, through fixing our eyes on Christ (Hebrews 12:2), to not conform to the patterns of this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds through Christ; so that we may learn from Him – God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will for our lives. Romans 12:2

Initial studies will include 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Revelation, The Pursuit of Holiness, Transforming Grace, and more.



Joyseekers Class

by Deborah Stern
Happy New Year 2024!  With the new year comes an opportunity for a fresh start and new resolutions.  If your resolutions include delving deeper into God’s Word, please consider checking out the Joyseekers Bible study class on Sunday mornings at 9:45 am.
Joyseekers is a group of warm and welcoming people, who have a desire to read God’s Word and dig deeper into the scripture passages by asking questions and engaging in an interactive  discussion.  We have three wonderful teachers, David Sprouse, Jack Hayslip and Wayne Uecker, who rotate teaching responsibilities.  The class utilizes the Explore the Bible study guide that is published by Lifeway.  The quarterly studies alternate between Old Testament and New Testament books of the Bible.
The class just completed a study of Mark where we walked with Jesus and his disciples through Jesus’ ministry and the final days leading to his crucifixion and resurrection.  Starting in December and over the next three months, we will be studying the book of Genesis.  Discussions over Genesis chapters 1 and 2 have been very active and so this promises to be another wonderful study.
In addition to the study, each Sunday begins with a time of praise and prayer requests.  Kathleen Cook does a wonderful job of capturing these requests and publishing a weekly email so we can pray for our class members and others throughout the week.   

If you are looking for a Bible study class, we would love to have you join us any Sunday morning.  As a fairly new member myself, I can assure you the  welcome will be warm and no pressure applied.  Whether you choose to sit back and observe or jump into the discussion, either is welcome.



For the Journey – January 2024

And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down to worship Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”  –Matthew 2:11
I love the Christmas story, all of it. The obedience of Mary and the obedience of Joseph are examples for us all. The devotion of the shepherds to go and see for themselves what was declared in the fields. The offering of travel from the East by the wise men who brought with them gifts for the newborn king. There are so many things that seem to compete with the real story of Christmas, but none of them offer the greatest gift of all.


Every character of Christmas has something to teach us; from obedience to worship, from worship to sacrifice. Once a year is not enough for us to grasp the great love God has poured out for us at Christmas. Remember, as we put up our nativity and carefully wrap the characters of Christmas, we remain on display all year for the world to see what difference the Christmas story makes in our lives. Because of Christmas, we live different lives. As a result of the resurrection, Christmas matters greatly.
We have been blessed in 2023 and are anticipating great things for 2024. We are a year closer to the LORD’s return. There are still people who need to know about Jesus, but we can never share what we do not have.
In 2024, Trinity Baptist Church is being asked to journey together as we read through the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs. There will be a reading schedule for each day. We will do our best to get into your hands this schedule as often as it is needed. Our prayer is that there will be a plethora of members who have journeyed together at the end of 2024.
We rejoice in the assembling for almost a year now of our new space. It is a blessing to see how many times and in how many ways we are sitting together and sharing with one another. New Adult education space and student space is being used and we are seeing the fruit of new people almost weekly.
As we begin a new year together, I am reminded of a camp song from years back. “Yes, LORD, yes, to Your will and to Your way. Yes, LORD, yes, I will trust you and obey. What the Spirit speaks to me with my whole heart I’ll agree. And my answer will be yes, LORD, yes.” I am thankful there are so many who follow the LORD and who have said, “yes” even before they know the question. May we sense God’s direction and provision as we walk together.
In Christ,

Pastor John



Crossroads Class – January 2024

by Lanie Ebelt
The Crossroads Class of Trinity Baptist Church is awesome.  We are a Bible learning class with great teachers.  We are a larger class, but have a very loving and giving spirit.  Most importantly, we truly believe in the power of prayer.  We have a prayer request line that is always open. 
Many members of our class leave following the lesson because we believe in the needs of our church and go and serve in other areas. 
Our main teacher is Gary Anderson and we do not use a lesson guide.  Gary teaches what the Lord has put on his heart.  When he is absent, he has a number of replacements who fill in.
As the director of the class, I want you to know you are welcome to come and check us out any time.  I believe you should try all of the classes and “plant” where you are fed.  We would love to have you come and give us a try.  Our class meets in the Family Life Center which is easy to find and access is great. 


For the Journey – December 2023

“The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.  For to us a child is born, to us a son is  given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting  Father, Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:2, 6 
In times of peril and calamity, God gives light. God gives hope. I am amazed at the early darkness we are experiencing these days. It seems to get dark, really dark very early. There is nothing better in the darkness than light. We could apply these words across many worlds. Both here in the United States, and in our world, there is deep darkness. There is conflict around every corner. However, there is also truth and light standing next to it. 
I love Christmas. It really is the most joyful time as I consider all that we celebrate in Christ’s birth. But we also hear that it is the most depressing month of our calendar. For those who know the Light of Jesus, it may seem joyful. But, for those hanging on their last thread of hope, it is often deep and dark. Those around us may need a dose of light that comes from Jesus shining through us. 
As we round out the days of December, we will also be rounding out the days of our first year of utilizing our new space. It is amazing to see families together and generations of church friends visiting in the Cafe area. Our adult and student spaces are being used several times a week for groups to gather and plan and study. Thank you, TBC, for your faithful dreaming and stewardship in bringing this about.
We have witnessed good things take place in 2023. I am certain that we will witness and  experience the same in 2024. I hope you will take advantage in preparing your heart for the Christmas season through the many and varied opportunities at Trinity. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to come with you. Let us approach this season with gratitude in our hearts as we make ourselves available to be used by God in the days ahead. 
May it be said of us what was said about the village lamplighter. We may not see him anymore, but we can certainly tell where he has been. May people know we have walked with Jesus as He lights the path on our journey.  
Merry Christmas! 


In Christ,

Pastor John


Genesis Class

by Dale Moreau
The Genesis Class aims to help people progress in their ability to study the Bible and understand its meaning. The key to good Bible study is not following steps. It is learning to think carefully about what you’re reading. The Genesis Class helps you to develop thinking skills by asking insightful questions about the biblical text, learning to detect and avoid flawed ideas (your own and those of others), and being dissatisfied with explanations that aren’t comprehensive.
Learning to think well is much more powerful than memorizing a method. Careful thinking allows you to adapt to whatever Scripture presents you rather than asking the same repetitive questions of every passage.

Many things we read, especially in the Bible, are not as easy to parse as this headline. Many readers will have memorized Ephesians 2:8–9: “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.”

But how many of us have bothered to ask the obvious question: What is the gift of God? Is it grace? Faith? Both? Something else? How would we know? Memorizing these verses is a good idea, but understanding what they mean is even better. The Genesis class will help you explore this passage and many more and find the biblical truths and meaning in the text.

You missed us concluding our study of the Book of Genesis. So, come join us in our new study, John’s Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Revelation. It is unlike any other study you have heard. We are in room 217, upstairs near the elevator, in the new building.



Disciple Kids

by Sue Owens
There is a wonderful group of 3rd—5th grade boys and girls who meet for Disciple Kids each Wednesday night at 6:00pm. Our Disciple Kids Junior (Pre-K—1st) also meet at this time and are studying how be like Jesus.
The older Disciple Kids were given a Sermon Notes booklet at the beginning of Pastor John’s series on “We Believe” and they take notes each Sunday and we discuss our notes on Wednesday. This has been a productive time of learning and understanding what we believe. In addition, we have turned to God’s Word to help us learn the importance of making good choices and what to do when we make poor choices. And, most weeks, we close with a fun game of “Minute to Win It” with Mr. Tommy.
These children are such a blessing to our church and are dedicated to growing as disciples. They recently made Thanksgiving cards to give those who will be blessed with a Thanksgiving meal from the church. They also participate in various outreach projects during the year.

As you can see, these young disciples KNOW they were created by God on PURPOSE, with PURPOSE, and for a PURPOSE. And, they PURPOSE to be who God created them to be! May we always remember to encourage them as they carry out that PURPOSE!



Fun & Fellowship with Prime Time

by Don Francis
Prime Time is a group of seniors 55+ who get together for fellowship, entertainment, food, and subjects of interest for seniors and activities to serve our Lord.
Prime time Game Day is the first Monday of each month and we meet in the church café for a time of fellowship and games.  Bring your brown bag lunch and perhaps some cookies to share.  We play a variety of domino and card games. Join us for a great time of fellowship, fun and laughter with games. The time is 11:00am until 2:00
Prime Time Dinners are scheduled at various times during the year.  The meeting will include a meal, potluck or catered by Judy Brooksher the church food expert. There will be music.  We may sing as a group or be entertained by special guests.  This past year we have enjoyed Trinity Men’s Quartet, Ray and Jan Solomon, a Ray Stevens impersonator and a group from Sunrise Baptist Church.  We have benefitted from presentations by Greg Longenbaugh from Kerr County Sheriff’s Department concerning frauds and scams, JD’s teacher Dr. Dan Crawford, and have enjoyed open mike time sharing stories of what God has done in our lives.  Most important of all, we have enjoyed the fellowship with one another and sharing God’s love. We most recently had a Thanksgiving pot luck with Missy Coulter giving a presentation on home safety and fall prevention.

Every May we have a 2-day senior event called ENCORE! (Energized, Committed, Reassigned) with a light lunch, games, music and speakers. This is a special event attended and enjoyed by many of our seniors.