Student Ministry – December 2023

December may be one of my favorite seasons around TSM. For the Christmas season we intentionally shift gears, aiming to help build connections.
Our Circles have gone great so far this semester, but during December they take a break and we get to gather everyone together for a few weeks.
This year we have our 3rd Annual Christma-lympics on Wednesday, December 13, and it’s going to be even better than the first two! Plus, it will be our first Christmas Party in the Refinery
!I’m excited to announce we have scheduled a Disciple Now for February 9-11, 2024. For those who may not know, Disciple Now is a local weekend retreat. I’m excited for the opportunity to include members of the church in the weekend through hosting, feeding, and praying. If you’re an adult and interested in serving, let me know.
To help kick-off Disciple Now registration, we are having a Special Edition of TSM Live on Wednesday, December 6. On this night, we will have a very special guest, and you will not want to miss out!

Finally, I cannot give enough thanks to all of our wonderful adults who have jumped in to help lead a Circle, to sub, to invest in students in the Forge, to bring donuts, to go to camp, to serve, to love, to laugh and to give. We couldn’t do what we do without all of you!



Music Notes – December 2023

Christmastime is here again! Our favorite time of year! Worship Ministry has been busy preparing for our Christmas programs!
First up, we have the Prime-Time Singers Christmas Cantata on Sunday,
December 10th at 5:00pm. Join us for a light-hearted, fun Christmas program featuring your holiday favorites. You’ll no doubt find yourself singing along!
Next, we have this year’s Christmas Worship Program, “Joy Has Dawned”. It will be an exciting presentation of music telling the story of Christ’s birth, featuring some new and some beloved traditional Christmas favorites presented by our Worship Choir, 8:30 & 9:45 Praise Bands. We are thrilled to have our Handbell Choir joining us also! Our Praise Kids, and our Trinity Worship Signers, will also be featured. Each group bringing their own flavor to our program.
Grab your family & friends and join us for this year’s Christmas Worship Program. You have two opportunities to join us, Saturday, December 16th or Sunday, December 17th at 7:00pm. You won’t want to miss it!
You know it just wouldn’t be Christmas at Trinity if we didn’t go out Caroling! Don your festive apparel and come with us as we spread some holiday cheer on Wednesday, December 20th at 6:00pm. There will be cookies and hot chocolate in the Family Life Center to follow.
Finally, Christmas Eve is on Sunday this year and we will have one service in the morning at 11:00am. We will have our usual two Christmas Eve services that evening, at 5:00pm and 6:30pm.
Take a moment, stop and reflect on what Christmas means: Jesus Christ is born! Treasure this season, make memories, and try not to get caught up in the stressful chaos of ‘to-do’ lists. Instead, enjoy the time spent with family and friends as you celebrate together.


Merry Christmas, Church Family!


For the Journey – November 2023

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24
It is easy to consider all the negative that is going on in our world today, the division of  people, the lines being drawn, and miss the goodness of life that God provides. The conflict in Israel, the voices levied for and against personal opinions and agendas, tend to leave us conflicted and worrying about the future. The death that is attributed to mental illness and our lack of understanding on how to curb the aggression and action.
A deeper look at Psalm 118:22-23 tells us, “The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. This has come from the LORD; it is wondrous in His sight.” In the church we know this is referring to Jesus as the cornerstone of our faith. No matter what comes our way, our cornerstone remains steadfast. Be careful to whom you give your ears and hearts. News agencies are at most times good for information, if we understand the spinning that takes place. But, it is always beneficial to look to the LORD. Keep your eyes on Jesus, the    author and perfecter of our faith. It is in Christ that we find hope and direction.
I am so thankful for you as a people of God.  Together, we have taken it upon ourselves to take care of our needs while also reaching into the future. We are so blessed by God to be used by Him in making Him known. Always remember, God uses all circumstances to make Himself known. All things work together for the good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose. We are using our gathering space to bring our church together while also inviting others to come and see. What a blessing to get to lead a church that goes beyond what is seen to what is needed.
At our last member meeting, we voted to collect a special Building Offering on Sunday, November 12. It gives us an opportunity to come and think about what God has called us to do together. As a part of this special offering day, we have also been asked to join a communal church effort to finish the last house for Habitat for Humanity. It is a blessing to come alongside three other churches in our area: First United Methodist Church, Kerrville Church of Christ, and Impact Fellowship in completing this neighborhood. The first $25,000 collected on our ingathering day will go to support this endeavor while the additional funds will be applied to our building debt. Blessed to Bless is more than a campaign, it has always been a movement of Trinity Baptist Church for God’s glory. Thank you in advance for your contributions to bless our community.
At this season of Thanksgiving, I am thankful for your faithfulness to God’s movement among us. May we see more and more of God’s  activity as we submit to His leadership and direction.
In Christ,

Pastor John


Fall Retreat

by Anna Henson
My name is Anna and I am a junior at Tivy High School. I am looking forward to our Fall Retreat this year. 
Last year I had the opportunity to build relationships with some of the students in the youth group, older and younger. When I attended as a sophomore, I was in a room with four middle school girls with whom I spent a lot of time and I am so grateful to have those connections today. 
One of those connections happened during our meals where we would all sit at a table, talk, and eat some amazing food. We had so much fun participating in so many activities such as s’mores around the campfire, sliding down a wooden coaster, and making our way through an underground bunker. Of course, we also had time for devotionals and we had the opportunity to grow in our relationship with God, as well as the Christ-Centered youth and adults around us. 
I can point back on Fall Retreat as a time of spiritual growth as a leader and as a Christ follower. This year I am looking forward to connecting with more of the newer members of our youth group through fellowship, fun and good food.  And, I also hope to build on the connections I have with those who are  already in our youth group. I am so excited to see what God has in store for me at Fall Retreat this year!


Trinity Life – November 2023


Children’s Ministry – November 2023

One thought that comes to my mind often, is how incredibly grateful I am for Trinity Baptist Church. The Children’s Team that I have the privilege of serving alongside, is such a joy. The Teachers that share the gospel with kids each week, the Shepherds that support and lead, and the Plan Teams that make our events happen are absolutely terrific and I am so blessed by them every day.
My words are not adequate enough to express how wonderful these leaders are to our children, families and me personally. I see these leaders live out Philippians 2:1-2 which says “If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.”  With one purpose, these amazing leaders pray for, teach, and love kids and parents.

If you see one of our Children’s Team, please pray for them and thank them for their dedicated service.



Men’s Bible Study

by Philip Meadow
Life is HARD!
Everything takes our time:  family (good and bad), everything that owns us.  And, as we get older, we have appointments (mostly doctors’ appointments!). Something is always taking our fleeting time. YET – on Thursday mornings at 10:00am there is peace and calm with learning and fellowship.  Come sit at the feet of Biblical masters, Bill and Dale as they lead us through GOD’s word.
Bill Parr was an ordinary, lost, heathen man, with Merchant Marine and Army experience until the LORD called him into the ministry. Once the LORD called, Bill went to seminary and became an ordained minister. Because of this background, Brother Bill can present GOD’s word so that an ordinary man can clearly understand it.  Dale Moreau has a background in the Hebrew text, helping us understand the how, what and why the scriptures were written.  Together, we cover the daily application and a deep understanding of GOD’s word.
The men’s Bible Study is open to all men.  We have men from other denominations, men that are engineers, men that own local businesses, men that work at local businesses, lawyers, teachers, salesmen, and a lot of men that are retired.  But, on Thursday mornings we are all ordinary men, learning about GOD’s word, sharing our prayer needs, our stories, our love of GOD’s word, and    always some great cookies and coffee!  GOD’s word says he wants you to join with other believers and grow in knowledge and wisdom so that when you share GOD’s word, you are more confident in your understanding of His word. 

So, men, I encourage you to try something easy, and worth the time. Come to the Men’s Bible Study Thursday mornings at 10:00 in The Forge (behind the TBC café), to enjoy the fellowship and be filled with cookies, coffee, and knowledge!


Adult Ministry – November 2023

Do you remember the teachers who would let you take an “Open Book” test? How about grading your spelling test by “passing it across the aisle” for your neighbor to score? Or the dreaded group project; where either you did all the work, or arguments prevented any meaningful accomplishment!? Your last school exam may have been 20-50 years ago, but there are still areas of your life that need evaluation.
One part of your life that needs a regular assessment is your Bible study group. Don’t worry, it is an Open Book test! For many, attendance is the only measurement used to gauge group health. Ken Braddy, a discipleship consultant with LifeWay, has complied a new “scorecard” to better quantify the spiritual health of our small group Bible studies.
Braddy’s scorecard has four major categories. One: Do group members learn and obey God’s Word? Two: Do they invite people to become disciples? Three: Are they forming deeper relationships? Four: Do they engage in acts of service?
This list is not exhaustive, but let me share a few probing queries to flesh out Ken’s questions.
Measurement One: Are apprentice leaders identified and developed; are new groups started?
Measurement Two: Are prayers focused on the lost; do group members initiate gospel conversations?
Measurement Three:  How balanced are connection and content; do newcomers experience biblical hospitality?
Measurement Four: Does our group make a difference in the community; do our group members serve in leadership roles for our group?
It requires a courageous change of heart and mind to begin evaluating yourself and your small group Bible Study by more than attendance. Healthy small groups make for a healthy church. Here at Trinity we have a good ministry, let’s press on to make it even better!


Ben & Susie Argil on Mission

Eight years is a long time to pray for someone or something.  But, it was not just words without deeds.  For M’s family, there was hope and a revelation from God.  They began to physically build a place not knowing that it would take years to see a church (people) gathering to worship the All-Powerful God, the great I AM. 
No name for this church yet.  But, they have a God-given vision:  to tell the redemptive story of God through His Son Jesus Christ to all the people of their community and beyond.
A love donation was given to complete the needed bathrooms.  The plan is for the project to be completed by the time a medical caravan arrives at the end of October.
Please pray for these villages and new churches where the medical team will be ministering:  La Quemada, Puerto de   Nieto, Alfa y Omega, Jesus Maria, and El Fraile.  There will be approximately 500 patients receiving much needed medication and services. 


Kerrville’s ’23 & ’24 Eclipse Events

These will be historic events in Kerrville. Two major eclipse events within 177 days of each other. Because of Kerrville’s proximity to I-10 we are expecting our area to be a gathering place for anyone East and West interested in experiencing either event. Since our area is in the crossing paths of the two events anyone interested in that novelty will be attracted to the Kerrville area.
We know that these events will put stress on local resources like we have never seen, nor will we ever see again. Estimates start at 50,000 extra people in October and 150,000 extra people in April added to our area. Kerrville’s population in 2023 is 24,292 according to
  • Be prepared with at least 5 days’ worth of food, fuel, medicine, etc. at least two days before the events.  Anything you would normally just go get as needed may be unavailable or unreachable for the day or two of the events.
  • Plan to not travel much or at all while roads are crowded. (Trinity will have a normal schedule Sun., October 15th, but will have ONE Service Sun., April 7th.)  Gather with family and friends with the idea they are going to stay until crowds thin out.
  • Don’t look directly at the sun. Use eclipse approved glasses or an indirect method of viewing the eclipse. 
  • Be wise, but prepared to model the friendly nature of Kerrville to Eclipse travelers if called upon. Be excellent toward each other.