WOW Bible Study Class

by Cleo Meadow
Greetings from the WOW Bible study class.  If any of you ladies would choose to be in a Bible class of women only, come join us in room 219 at 9:30 AM Sunday mornings.  Becky Doyal, our teacher, is teaching in word and deed how to care for and love one another.  We have just completed a study of “The Beatitudes” from Jesus’s Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5.  The curriculum used by the WOW Bible class is from MASTERWORK, a quarterly LifeWay Publication.  Our next series will be a video Bible study by Priscilla Shirer on Gideon.
We have been saddened by the recent loss of two of our dear class members, Mae Beth Hooter in February, and Lynette Bailey in June.  We celebrate their Homegoing but will miss them  immensely.
We continuously hold each other up to the Lord in prayer.  Those who are currently homebound are Toni Carter, Jackie Clark, June Lewis, Helen Puccini, George Ann Schwethelm, Jean St. Clair, Gerry England and Judy Williams.  And Glenda Yarbrough is recovering at home from recent shoulder surgery. 
Our class gets together on occasion for fun and fellowship.  We had an enjoyable Spring Tea  Party at the home of Darlene Graham and have decided to make it an annual event.  We are planning to get together again soon for a summer social at Loraine Couch’s River House for food, fun and games.  And Christmas is always a merry event at the decked-out home of Kathy Nicholson.
I want to acknowledge the work and talents of two of our class members:  To Marci Newby, who faithfully works many hours a week in our church kitchen to feed the flock; and to Hope Schmidt, who makes and sends out the most beautiful and endearing cards every week to our sick and shut ins.
We will soon be saying good-bye to Tara Mitchell, who is moving to Louisiana.  She will be closer to family but very far away from TBC.  Praying for all to go well with the move.  We will miss you, Tara.

We welcome all women who are seeking a fellowship to study God’s Word and meet new friends.  If you are looking for a dynamic ladies’ Bible class, come join us.




For the Journey – July 2023

“Preserve me O God, for in You I put my trust. O my soul, you have said to the LORD, ‘You are my Lord, my goodness is nothing apart from You.’” Psalm 16:1-2 (NKJV) 
Keep me safe, my God, for in You I take refuge. I say to the LORD, ‘You are my LORD; apart from You I have no good thing.’” Psalm 16:1-2 (NIV) 
Save me, O God, because I have come to you for refuge. I said to Him, ‘You are my LORD; I have no other help but yours.’” Psalm 16:1-2 (Living) 
Keep me safe, O God, I’ve run for dear life to You. I say to God, ‘Be my LORD!’ Without You, nothing makes sense.” Psalm 16:1-2 (Message) 


No matter what is taking place around us, we have a place to run. It is to the LORD. It is a place of trusted refuge. Though the different Bible translations use a few different words, they all say the same thing. They all agree, “In God We Trust.” As we celebrate our nation’s independence this month, may we celebrate our trust in God as well. I am one that believes we have independence today because of our trust in God. I believe better days will come if we return to trust in God.
In God we trust is not only a motto but a philosophy of life. “Some trust in chariots, some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.”
Psalm 20:7 Several trust in their own efforts or the efforts of others. We are blessed to get to travel this journey of life together and lean on and into one another, but our greatest trust is in the LORD. As we live in such a way as to bring God glory, let us do so with our complete trust in Him. After all, it is His renown, His reputation, that  matters in the end. We will add to or distract from His purpose in the way we trust and live.
The summer has entered with extreme heat. Please take caution as you plan your activities. There is a reason we call it summer casual. We are not telling anyone how they should dress on Sundays, but it is a little warmer in the Worship Center when the outside temperatures rise above 95 degrees. We have our air conditioners running at 80% and are making plans to cover what we can for the summer. I will not wear a jacket again until after Labor Day.
God has blessed us with great days already this summer and we are anticipating great days to come. We will have our Family Gathering with ice cream social on Sunday, July 23, at 4:00 in the Family Life Center. If anyone needs to try out some ice cream recipes, I heard the office is     willing to be a test group. There are many days of summer ahead of us but, in reality, we will be into the fall before we know it. Take advantage of our times together as we prepare ourselves to live as God’s representatives every day.
For those who are interested, plans are being discussed for taking a trip to the Holy Land in  September, 2024. Further details will be shared as they are secured.
Thank you for being such an active faith family. God has given us much to do and you are faithful in your service to the LORD. Thank you for recognizing your blessing and in turn blessing those around us. 


In Christ,

Pastor John



Shout Out to Faithful Servants

by Pattie Davis
The Sunday morning bus ministry to Juniper has been running continuously for slightly over a year now.  It began in April 2022. We would like to recognize all those who have made this service operate smoothly. The list includes Stan Foskett, Sean Sontag, Melissa Hufstedler, Tommy and Sue Owens, Christy Bell, Mary and Mike Olden, Tim and Violet Matthias, Wayne and Pat Fifer, and Bob and Pattie Davis. Additionally, we have Wayne Comer to thank for his craftsmanship of the “perfect” step to facilitate getting in and out of our Trinity bus. The riders comment on that step every week, as well as how thankful they are to have the bus ministry running.  If you are interested in knowing more about this ministry and ways you can help, please contact Pattie Davis at 512-940-1689 or the church office at 830-895-0100. 


Intern Insights

by Cailin Powell

Hi! I’m Cailin Powell, one of your interns for this summer.  I’m originally from the Temple, TX area, and have been studying at Schreiner for the past three years.  It has been a tremendous blessing to be a part of Trinity during this time!  This summer started with a bang, as we sent several of our youth, their families, and church members to the Dominican Republic on mission.  Our students came back with reports of how God moved and how He is continuing to move!
After they got back, we jumped into VBS.  It was inspiring to see the youth helping wherever needed, whether that be on stage leading songs, or cleaning up after everything was done.  Some even got new nicknames from the characters they played in Bible study.  My favorite part was getting to sit down with two kindergarteners and have a conversation about Jesus in the middle of crafts.  Our students, young and old alike, are eager and hungry to learn more about God and His Word, and conversations about both will spring up at times least expected!
The weekend after VBS, we took the youth on an overnight girls/guys trip.  The goal was for our students to build connections outside of the Sunday/Wednesday services, and connections were definitely built! Students who normally wouldn’t interact with each other because of going to different schools, or being in different grades were making those connections prayed for! What originally started as a trip involving fun games, ended with new jokes, new lessons, and most importantly, new friends.
I’m looking forward to the rest of the summer and the opportunity to serve here at Trinity.


Pizza, Parents & Snowballs

by Caleb Boone
Last summer, Trinity held its Pizza, Parents & Snowballs party.  Our family attended the event, mainly so that our 4 boys could have a snowball fight in the middle of summer.  The party was a blast!  Trinity prepared Christmas crafts for all to do, from ornament making, snowman building, and other fun Christmas crafts.  After crafts was the snowball fight, that was done with soft fluffy snowballs.  Then we finished off the event with Kona Ice snow cones.  The boys all enjoyed it, as well as all who attended.
This year, Trinity is planning to host the same event on July 13th at 5:30pm.  They are going to have pizza, crafts, and games just like last year.  Bring your whole family for a fun Christmas in July party.


4th of July Inspiration

July 4th has always been a special day of remembrance and celebration for me since I was a little boy.  My dad would take me to town to watch the 4th of July parade.  Subsequently, I have loved those parades, especially once I understood the meaning of July 4th by reading the Declaration of Independence.
To me, it is powerful and inspiring that the writers of this document were impressed by God to declare the principles for which our nation was founded, namely freedom and equality, are worth fighting for if challenged.  The preamble states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

         Scripture declares Jesus’ responsibility for these rights:

        Life…”I have come that you may have life…” John 10:10

Liberty (Free)…”…you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”  John 8:32

Happiness (Joy)…”I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”  John 15:32
In 1976 I was stationed at Chanute AFB, Rantoul, Illinois.  I was a Colonel and a Technical Training Group Commander with nearly 1000 students and instructors to oversee.  1976 was the 4th of July bi-centennial celebration and Chanute had planned many activities including a parade with nearly 600 military personnel participating.  The Base community was encouraged to attend, as well as special invitations extended to the Rantoul community.  I was honored to have been chosen as the Parade Commander.
As I led the parade, with the flag bearers directly behind me carrying the American flag, my mind recalled those all-important words of the Pledge of Allegiance which says “…one nation, under God…”
I love our nation and I love a parade!


George K. Feather
Colonel, USAF (Ret)


Dominican Republic Mission Trip Testimonies

Ryia Neuman – If I am being perfectly honest, I was not all that excited about leaving Kerrville for the week. I was worried I was going to miss out on things happening here. It was also my first time traveling out of the country since I was 5 years old, so I was pretty nervous. We got there and my attitude towards it wasn’t great, but throughout the week God truly changed my heart. I got to work alongside Dominicans and they are such sweet and loving people. The Dominicans have hospitality like I’ve never seen before; the way they give everything when they have basically nothing is so inspiring to me. One of my favorite nights was when we ate in some of the church member’s homes and sat around the table and shared our testimonies, it was such a surreal experience and it warmed my heart. I also got the chance to work with some kids a couple of days during VBS and, even though I don’t know a lot of Spanish, I used what I did know. God truly showed me that I wasn’t there for me; I was there for them, and after I realized that it was a great life lesson and opportunity.
Rick Boles – Blessed beyond measure to go again and see what God has done and is doing through STCH and IBQ since 2006 for schools, Orphan Homes, and assistance with families for housing.
Aidan Hawkins – I had never been on an airplane and so that was a very new experience for me. It was so much fun seeing a different culture and meeting so many new friends. My two favorite people there were Angelica and Caroline. I’m hoping we are going to go next year. When we were at the orphanage, I helped cut the carrots for lunch and a bunny hopped into the house. I also helped paint a Jonah and the whale mural, and the basketball court. It was so much fun.
Isabella Hawkins – During my experience on the DR Trip, I was very busy. I helped with our VBS games at La Ceiba and it was fun. We played freeze tag and had a rock-paper-scissors relay race. The last day we just ran around and played. It was exciting to experience a different style of how people do things. I met a lot of amazing people in the DR. I hope I can go back and see them again next year.
Cortney Hawkins – Some of my most memorable moments of the DR trip include, even before we left, knowing many people were praying for us throughout this trip and all the preparations in coming! I really enjoyed getting to do regular devotions with the girls again; something that had waned over the holidays. Between VBS, med clinic and the orphanage, I was blessed to have special interactions at each place. My favorite was Wednesday evening, when after some worship, the whole congregation naturally went into small pairs or groups to pray before Bible study. I was able to pray with Cynthia, who knew very little English. And, with my very little Spanish, although conversations were stunted and brief, heartfelt prayers were lifted. After all – God knows English too.


The Anderson Family on Mission

by Julie Robinson

The Andersons will be on furlough soon. They are going to Germany first to visit family and supporters from 6/28-7/13. Then they continue on to Chicago and from there will be in Texas on 7/29. They hope to visit with Trinity while they are stateside! 
In April, their first-grade teacher at the Amano school was medically evacuated to Germany and this has caused an administrative domino effect with school duties.  Their plates were already very full, and both Aaron and Andrea have taken on additional administrative duties due to the staff shortage. If you know of a retired educator who loves the Lord and is interested in serving in missions (short term and/ or long term), please share this urgent need with them.
  1. Their most urgent need is for Missionary teachers, dorm parents, a principal, and a kitchen manager. 
  2. Classrooms: Their classes have outgrown the small container classrooms and they need to be replaced with brick. We pray for the Lord to provide the finances to build these classrooms. The container classrooms will be moved to start up the vocational center that will be partnered with Amano. To build the classrooms it would cost $55,000 for a block of 4 classrooms.
  3. They are still in need of a booster car seat when they are in the US and a high chair to borrow (The booster in Illinois as they arrive there and a high chair to borrow both in Illinois and preferably one in the Kerrville area).
  4. Prayers for their family’s protection (physical and spiritual), strength and wisdom.
  5. Prayers for strength, patience, love and wisdom in balancing their time between mentoring, teaching the students, raising their girls, and managing Amano.


Friendship Class

by Carol Westfall
The Friendship Bible Class is true to its name – friends studying God’s Word together. Each Sunday we further unpack the sermon from the week before, and since we attend different service times, it is interesting to hear the various message interpretations.
Our class is faithfully led by two teachers that alternate months. Frank Brooksher and Bob Davis lead a discussion-style class with questions and input from all class members in a very informal setting throughout the hour. They have each done a more in-depth study of the message during the week, which brings out so many more interesting and thought-provoking ideas.
Class members of all ages, varying backgrounds, and church experience keep it interesting!  Getting deeper into the past week’s sermon gives each of us a better understanding of the Word, and more importantly, how to apply it to our own lives.
We have a time of sharing and praying together led by Melinda Cox, our Class Director, at the close of each class. The praises and prayer concerns are shared by email during the week to each class member.
We have been very involved in the Adopt-A-Grad Program for the past three years.  It has been a blessing to send gifts, treats and notes of encouragement to these recent high school graduates during their first year of college.  So far, we have adopted a total of 5 students.
If you are looking for a friendly group of adults to learn with and apply the Word to your own life, please join us at 9:45 every Sunday morning in Room 221!