Life at Trinity is given order through three words: Worship, Connect, and Serve. God has gifted each of us differently and equipped us with different passions and preferences. With the choices at Trinity we ask that you seek to Worship with the church, Connect with a small group, and Serve in a way God has gifted you once a week. To help make that simpler we place the things we do under the word that best fits that group or activity. Start by choosing one thing from each area.
Friends Talking

Discipleship Conversations

Friends Talking
February 28
5:00-6:00 PM
This 1 week course will address conversation on-ramps as you seek to lead friends and neighbors to the next step in their faith journey. There is no cost.
Led by JD Templeton.
To register for this class please call the church office, (830) 895-0100.
Part of TrinityU. TrinityU Logo

Angel Statue

The Unseen Realm

Angel Statue
Starts January 31st
5:00-6:00 PM
This six week study will provide discussion and commentary of the supernatural world view of the biblical writers. The unseen realm is about the spiritual world. It is the study about demons and giants and all the spiritual beings that are a part of the heavenly counsel. Syllabus provided upon registration. No Cost.
Led by Dale Moreau.
(6 weeks)
Call the church office to register for the class, (830) 895-0100.
Part of TrinityU.TrinityU Logo

Definition of influence

Becoming a Person of Influence

Definition of influence
Starts January 31st
5:00-6:00 PM
If you are alive and breathing you are a leader. And because you are leader you have influence over someone. Whatever your vocation or aspiration you an increase your impact on others by becoming a person of influence. Learn some simple, insightful ways to interact more positively with others. Raising your level of influence will provide better success in home, personal, work, and ministry relationships. Remember we have all been called to go and make disciples wherever our walk takes us. So whether your desire is to strengthen you children, build business or reach the world, you do it by raising your level of influence in the lives of others.
Properly develop your influence in this four week course. It is suggested participants order the book, Becoming a Person of Influence, by John Maxwell, prior to session one. Workbook Provided, no cost.
Led by Wayne Uecker.
(4 weeks)
Call the church office to register for the class, (830) 895-0100.
Part of TrinityU.TrinityU Logo

Boots with Flowers

A Texas Tea

Boots with Flowers
Sunday, February 7th
12:15 PM
Trinity Ladies! Planning for 2021. RSVP to the church office no later than January 29th.


GRACE’s Week of Prayer – Day 7

January 11 – 17 is the Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking. Join with Trinity and people of faith around Texas in a daily prayer.
Pray for discernment on the actions you can personally take to address human trafficking.
Suggested Prayer:
Dear Lord, forgive me for the false lords in my life that clamor for my time and money. Help me to make the most of each day as I value those around me and see them all as loved by you. Make me sensitive to the cost of my action and inaction upon others. Point me to trustworthy, credible ministries that I can support and assist.
In the name of Jesus Christ, who saw my need for Grace, and paid the price I pray. Amen.
Read Matthew 6:19-21 (Our eternal treasure is worth the investment of our time and money)
*Information in this post has come from resources found at the website of the Office of the Texas State Governor.


GRACE’s Week of Prayer – Day 6

January 11 – 17 is the Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking. Join with Trinity and people of faith around Texas in a daily prayer.
Pray for an end to demand and societal factors that lead to exploitation.
  • Sex trafficking would simply not be profitable without demand. Sex buyers drive the market for the illegal sex trade. From May 2019 – June 2020, CEASE Texas identified over 1 million unique online advertisements for commercial sex across 6 Texas cities. We should consider the roles of technology, pornography, sexually oriented businesses, and a hypersexualized culture in facilitating an environment that normalizes exploitation and facilitates demand.
  • Labor trafficking is also impacted by demand. The demand for cheap goods and cheap labor can result in worker exploitation and slavery in supply chains. In 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor identified 155 goods from 77 countries produced by child or forced labor.
Suggested Prayer:
Dear God, your love and grace is immeasurable. We have broken your beautiful intention for intimacy and made it flawed and evil lust. Help those who speak prophetically about the danger of silence regarding pornography and its easy accessibility. Pour out your light in the darkness of an industry that promises a lie and exploits human beings for profit of any kind. Cease our lust for bargain products and base pleasure. Open the eyes of our leaders and our land who lead us away from a care for others and the fair value of labor.
Under the redemptive love of your Son, who paid the price of salvation, I pray. Amen.
Read Jonah 3 (A leader hears God’s word and leads repentant change)
*Information in this post has come from resources found at the website of the Office of the Texas State Governor.


GRACE’s Week of Prayer – Day 5

January 11 – 17 is the Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking. Join with Trinity and people of faith around Texas in a daily prayer.
Pray for all those working to bring traffickers and exploiters to justice.
  • Traffickers, buyers, and those who profit from exploitation must be held accountable. Law enforcement and the justice system play a critical role in disrupting trafficking operations. These cases are often complicated to investigate and prosecute, and research indicates that misidentification of victims is a common problem across the country. Dedicated resources, training, and community support are important factors in law enforcement’s ability to stop exploiters.
  • Traffickers often use their victims to shield themselves from liability. Efforts to seek justice should include strategies to prevent victims from being punished for the actions of their traffickers. Survivors with criminal records stemming from their victimization have legal access to cleaning up those records and pursuing a fresh start.
Suggested Prayer:
Dear God, you love justice and promise you will pour it out like a raging river. Please give wisdom and integrity to the ones who have prepared and been placed by you to uphold the law, protecting victims. Give them a bottomless well of endurance. Protect them, their families and coworkers from retribution. Strengthen their will against the victimizer and soften their hearts to the victims.
Reward their efforts I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Read Amos 5:7-10, 24 (God’s desire for justice will have no end)
*Information in this post has come from resources found at the website of the Office of the Texas State Governor.


GRACE’s Week of Prayer – Day 4

Pray for survivors to find healing.
  • Victims of trafficking are often hiding in plain sight – held prisoner by fear, shame, and the trauma bonds that their traffickers create to manipulate and control them. Victimization may go unnoticed for years, and many victims do not even realize they are victims; they believe what their exploiters tell them – that they are willing participants in the abuse.
  • Trafficking survivors often experience complex trauma and a loss of self-identity as well as serious financial and healthcare issues. These difficulties create barriers to securing safe and stable housing as well as educational and career advances. Complex trauma takes a lifetime of healing.
  • It is also critical that our strategies to address human trafficking are informed by survivors. Their perspective is irreplaceable, and their resilience is an inspiration.
Suggested Prayer:
Creator. Sustainer. Redeemer. You alone can perform the miracle of restoring what “locusts have eaten.” Please use your Holy Spirit to speak peace and hope to the ones victimized by Human Trafficking. Share Grace to their hearts as they hear from caregivers that they are not to blame for the victimization and silence with powerful wrath those who would imagine or speak otherwise. Remind me how you have restored much in me and are able to do more than I could ever imagine in the lives of those who are trafficked.
In the name of Jesus Christ who has reached all the way to us, I pray. Amen.
Read Luke 6:6-10 (Jesus restores those others ignore)
*Information in this post has come from resources found at the website of the Office of the Texas State Governor.


GRACE’s Week of Prayer – Day 3

January 11 – 17 is the Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking. Join with Trinity and people of faith around Texas in a daily prayer.
Pray for all those working on the front line to support survivors.
  • Advocates and service providers work tirelessly to provide shelter, crisis intervention, and ongoing case management to victims. While many do not understand the trauma endured by survivors or fail to recognize their dignity, these programs provide the supportive trust-based relationships and services that help survivors heal and thrive. Considering the complex needs of survivors and the intensive nature of these causes, those working on the front line may experience vicarious trauma and burnout.
  • When asked what made the biggest difference in exiting their exploitation, many survivors name an individual rather than a program or service. Advocates on the front line often have the opportunity to build bonds of trust and begin the journey of healing from years of relational trauma.
  • Commercially Sexually Exploited Youth (CSEY) Advocacy is a critical component of the Texas approach to addressing child sex trafficking. Review this flyer more information on CSEY (pronounced “see-say”) Advocates.
  • For information about services available to survivors, visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline Referral Directory.
Suggested Prayer:
Thank you, Oh God, for those souls that are giving of themselves to identify and recover those rescued from Human Trafficking. These workers carry the heavy burden of knowing the inhuman acts of human beings against another. Help them as they persist in the face of incredible odds to reclaim broken lives by letting them know how beautiful and valuable they are to you, oh God!
With awareness of the cost Jesus paid to speak peace into lives, I pray. Amen.
Read Matthew 5:1-12 (Jesus celebrates hunger and labor for righteousness and peace)
*Information in this post has come from resources found at the website of the Office of the Texas State Governor.


GRACE’s Week of Prayer – Day 2

January 11 – 17 is the Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking. Join with Trinity and people of faith around Texas in a daily prayer.
Pray for prevention efforts and those who are vulnerable.
  • Traffickers are master manipulators and prey upon vulnerabilities. Examples of risk factors for human trafficking include: homelessness; economic insecurity; runaway youth; prior histories of abuse; forced displacement; and irregular migration.
  • Research suggests that a healthy, trust-based relationships can prevent youth from entering a cycle of exploitation and that those same relationships are pivotal in helping exploited youth to successfully exit their exploitation. Research has also found the presence of a caring adult to be related to numerous positive outcomes in the lives of vulnerable teens and young adults.
  • In Texas, schools are required to provide access to age-appropriate, research-based education to help protect children from sexual abuse and trafficking. Many organizations are doing great work to provide students, teachers, and caregivers with access to quality prevention education.  Others are focused on addressing root causes of exploitation such as poverty, homelessness, and childhood trauma. These efforts are essential for moving upstream and stopping trafficking before it occurs.
Suggested Prayer:
Dear God of Creation, we know you call us to be responsible for our fellow human beings. You have blessed us with all the necessary resources to work together to stop Human Trafficking.  Make us bold and brave as we get in the way of those who would manipulate and abuse the vulnerable into this unimaginable evil.  Break my heart as Christ’s was broken for me. Amen.
Read Matthew 25:31-40 (God praises ministry to the vulnerable)
*Information in this post has come from resources found at the website of the Office of the Texas State Governor.


GRACE’s Week of Prayer – Day 1

January 11 – 17 is the Week of Prayer to End Human Trafficking. Join with Trinity and people of faith around Texas in a daily prayer.
  • Human trafficking occurs when force, fraud, or coercion is used to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex from another person. Causing a child to engage in the commercial sex trade is human trafficking regardless of whether the exploiter uses force, fraud, or coercion.
  • Human trafficking can occur in a variety of legitimate and illegitimate industries, such as labor trafficking in agriculture, domestic work, beauty services, and restaurants or sex trafficking in escort services, pornography, cantinas, and illicit massage businesses.
Suggested Prayer:
Oh God, my heart is broken for the sin of Human Trafficking. Break the hearts of others of faith and add to the number those who have their eyes opened to see the evil one behind it all. You have declared “freedom for the captives”. May we work together to make the day when humans have no desire or means to exploit another human being.
By the truth of Freedom that is in Christ, I pray. Amen.
Read Isaiah 61:1-4. (God declares deliverance)
January 11 is also National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. In recognition of this day, the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign promotes #WearBlueDay and encourages the public to wear blue and raise awareness of human trafficking. Take a picture of yourself and those around you wearing something blue and share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) along with the hashtag #WearBlueDay.
*Information in this post has come from resources found at the website of the Office of the Texas State Governor.


2021 Schedule Change

Starting January 10, 2021 Trinity will return to our 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 AM schedule on Sunday mornings. Thank you to our members and staff who have established cleaning routines and habits that make this move possible.
We are open for worship and Bible Study groups on Sunday’s. Please continue to practice physical distancing when possible, washing hands often, and wearing masks to/from worship and Bible Study and when physical distancing is not possible.