John Wheat

John is a Christ follower, husband, grandfather, son, brother, and avid sportsman. He and his wife, Melinda, have two daughters; Amy and Mandi with son-in-law Jake; and three grandsons.
John came to Trinity in 2012 from First Baptist Church in Kenedy, Texas. He has been in active vocational ministry since 1979.
He is a graduate of Baylor University, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and has completed the certificate of Advanced Biblical Studies at Bethel Seminary.

For the Journey – May 2023

It almost feels like we were just celebrating the New Year with one service together. A lot has happened in a short amount of time. We began using our new ministry space on January 8th. We called Charlie Barganier as our next Worship Minister. The Barganier’s will start making their way to Kerrville this month. Vanessa will finish teaching through her contract and the family will join Charlie here when school is out. We dedicated our marker not only setting it in place but celebrating baptism also.
We celebrated once again the season of Easter by not only gathering on Resurrection Sunday but presenting the Victor the week prior to our community. We are most blessed by our journey together.
A mission team has gone to Alto Frio to help prepare the camp for summer ministries while another mission team went to Kenya to support European missionaries who gathered for a conference. Two others from our church headed out to Kenya and Turkey to share God’s word through words and actions. It is a joy to see how God is using Trinity Baptist to share the gospel and meet needs here at home and around the world.
Don’t miss out on any opportunity to do good during the season God has granted. There is a summer full of ministry options for all ages. We will celebrate with our church families the accomplishments of their children as they graduate to next steps this month. We are in good hands as these incredible individuals begin to take their place in our world.
We will once again join together on Thursday, May 4th for our National Day of Prayer breakfast. Doors will open at 6:45 am and breakfast and prayer program will begin at 7:00 am. Please come if you can and let’s pray for our nation together.
Encore will be taking place for our Senior Adults on May 8-9, from 10:00 to noon. Dr. Gary Manning will be our guest from FBC, Bandera. There will also be a Parent Dedication and Child Blessing on Mother’s Day. Be sure to call the church office if you would like to participate.
I want to give a quick thanks to Bobby Ayala and our custodial team of A.J. Lopez, Alex Del Toro, Richard Schmitt, and Jon Von Heeder. They are sure making our place sparkle and shine. The outside landscaping is looking great. We are blessed by our whole team at TBC.
Remember Jesus is always waiting for an invitation to join you. And when we invite Jesus, His answer is always, YES!
In Christ,

Pastor John



For the Journey – April 2023

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.” Romans 12:4 
The Scripture goes on to tell us that we all have different gifts and encourages us to use our gift in the measure of our  faith. Everyone can see that God has gifted Trinity Baptist Church with incredible members who use their gifts and talents for God’s best and our blessing. God has a path set out for us both individually and as a family journeying together. It is a beautiful thing to see the wake of our travels and how God has blessed.  
The Victor is always a God given task. It has been a faith journey as we have prepared for this years gift to our community without a Worship Minister in place. Others have stepped up and carried great responsibilities in order for us to put ourselves in the position of presenting the gospel to our community. Thank you choir, drama, technical team, advertising and inviting teams, and anyone who took it upon themselves to be on the giving end of this years presentation. Wiley Wilkerson, Suzanne Harston, Riley Gordon and Sue Stewart have gone above and beyond. 
If you haven’t heard, Trinity Baptist Church voted to call Charlie Barganier as our next Minister of Worship. Charlie, Vanessa, Noah, Micah and Hannah will be coming our way very soon. Welcome Barganiers, we are excited about our journey together. Charlie’s first Sunday will be May 7th.  
We are fully in our new ministry space and it is amazing to see the connections already taking place. People are gathering in our new space all during the week. Thank you, Trinity, for your faithfulness to our process and kingdom agendas. Thank you, Wayne Uecker, Kay Bell, Wayne Comer, Kaleb Kurz, Paula Locke, and Lyda Green for serving on our Building Task force and bringing us home.  
I pray you will have a blessed Easter and find time for gratitude and commitment during this season of remembering all God did through Christ on our behalf. May we find ourselves in full service to Christ as we use our gifts together. 
In Christ,

Pastor John



For the Journey – March 2023

March is upon us and it is going to be a great month. Spring is in the air and has been replaced with anticipation in the air. It looks extremely good that this month we will actually be moving the offices back together. God has been gracious to our ministerial staff in this time of transition. It will be great to once again sit in the same office area. Praise the LORD! Thank you to Clint Brown and our Building Task Force Team of Chairman Wayne Uecker, Kay Bell, Wayne Comer, Lyda Green, Kaleb Kurz, and Paula Locke. 
It was a wonderful report from our Worship Minister Search Committee that on the weekend of March 17-19, a candidate will be coming in view of a call to be our next Worship Minister. More details will be coming as the date gets closer. Thank you to Chairman Dan Petty and members Mike Cook, Lanie Ebelt, Donna Hinton, Lew King, Melissa Morris, and Wiley Wilkerson. We are grateful for God’s providence and timing. A huge thank you goes to Carrie Overby, Wade Sparkman, and Wiley Wilkerson for planning our worship services for our three worship times. We are blessed to have talented and willing members.  
On March 26th, following the 11:00 Worship Service, we will be setting our marker in place in our New Gathering and Educational Space. Once again, we are thrilled at the faithfulness of God’s people and their continued stewardship. That day will also mark the final day of our agreed upon pledges. Though our three years of pledges will be completed, I am thankful that our faithfulness will carry on. You are an amazing church in which God has blessed in order that we might be a blessing.  
The Victor will be here before we know it. I hope you are thinking about who to invite. It is an honor to offer the gift of The Victor to our community at Easter each year. Many have taken on roles that are beyond regular participation in order to bring this year’s Victor to our community. It will not be long until our Worship Center will be packed with Trinity members dressed in biblical costumes and sharing the story of Jesus and His salvation.  
“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21 


For the Journey – February 2023

It is wonderful to see Trinity entering in new doors and enjoying fellowship with one another over orange juice and donuts again. Our new ministry space is allowing us to gather and visit just as we anticipated. Our new classrooms are growing in numbers each week. We are seeing the faithful stewardship of our Faith Family bearing fruit. Thank you, Trinity, for your steadfast commitment.
We are looking forward to having full access of our building soon, with offices back in place and our punch-list completed. I appreciate our ministerial and church staff for their willingness to stay engaged even though we have not occupied the same space together for a long time. Thank you, Building Committee Task Force and Clint Brown, for all you are doing to bring our project to a completion.
February brings our offering for Short Term Missions. Trinity has a heartbeat for missional living and both going and sending members to serve. There are already over thirty short term missionaries going with Trinity this year around the world to serve the LORD and assist in the ongoing work of the Kingdom, in places other than the United States.
I am excited about our next steps as a church. Trevin Wax writes in his book, The Thrill of Orthodoxy, “In every generation, we face the danger of longing for the past while fearing the future. And this mix of nostalgia and fear leads us into a state of complacency – a mission-less faith. We file in and out of the worship center week after week, content to recite the same words with our lips, but our hearts remain unstirred by the truths we confess and we are less likely to invite others to believe the good news.”
I hope you will open yourselves up to the LORD’s leadership in your life to seek, consider and take the next steps God has for us. There are amazing things taking place through Trinity Baptist Church. And I don’t mean the building we inhabit, but the people to whom we belong.
In Christ,


For the Journey – January 2023

Welcome to 2023! This past year saw many opportunities of ministry and God was faithful to make Himself known in many ways. Every Sunday as we gather for worship and Bible study there is an atmosphere of family and encouragement. There is no perfect family nor perfect church. We are all making necessary adjustments to take next steps. I hope your Christmas celebration was joyful as you centered in on God’s love coming to us in Christ.
Where there is a will, there is a way. January 8th is the dedication day for our new ministry space. We will use our new space for Bible study that morning and come together at 3:00 in the afternoon for a service of dedication. We will not have continual use of offices until one last detail is worked out. However, Master’s Plan, the city of Kerrville, and our Building Task Force, with Clint’s assistance, have worked out a plan for us to use our space on Sundays and Wednesdays. It will be a great day. I hope you are making plans to be here for the thanksgiving and celebration.
Trinity Baptist Church has been on a journey in discovering our next plan, securing finances for it, faithful participation in it, and now we are about to put into action our kingdom assignment. All along we have been clear that this new space will help us reach out to others who we don’t know yet. Your faithful stewardship to our church and our building endeavor are a direct testimony of God’s direction for us moving forward together. I am excited to see how God will use what we dedicate to His purposes for His glory.
January 8th will also be Jay Ghormley’s last day as our Interim Minister of Worship. Jay has done an exceptional job with our worship services. Jay is a gifted worship leader and we appreciate his willingness to come and lead us in our time of need. Jay has been such an encouragement to us all. Continue to pray for our Minister of Worship Search Committee as they seek God’s direction for the next Minister of Worship for our church.

There is much to be excited about in the church in the year to come. The culture around us might seem dim, but we have the Light, are the light, and alongside each other will have a bright response in our world. I count it a blessing to be able to walk alongside you as pastor and look forward to our steps together in 2023.

In Christ,



For the Journey – December 2022

“Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your many blessings, see what God has done.” We are truly blessed as the people of God. God has given us everything we need to live godly and fruitful lives. I am grateful for the opportunity of witnessing the goodness of God as He works through us. Though there is much to be in prayer over in our world, there is doubly more to be grateful for in all that God has planned. God is faithful to His purposes and His love endures forever.
As we move between holidays, I pray God will give us moments of silence and solitude to remember all He has done for us. Christmas can be busy in a lot of ways. We can hurry though the hustle and totally miss the reason for our season. I hope you will share with friends and neighbors about the upcoming opportunities of Christmas celebration at Trinity.
A few weeks back, those who were with us on campus for worship were asked to move up to the edge of their seats and I shared these words, “We will have our grand opening on …”. At the time, that was all I had. Today, as I write these words, we are making plans, the LORD willing, to have our grand opening of our new ministry space on Sunday, January 8, 2023. It is looking so good. Each day brings one more thing to completion. I hope you will write that day on your calendar and be present as we open up new space for Bible study and gathering. We will most likely be able to use the entrance and elevator prior to our grand opening. That date is still to be determined, but you will be the first to know.
If you drive down Holdsworth Drive at night toward Harper Road, the church is well lighted and visible. My prayer is that we will continue to be visible and even more visible in our community, not because of the lights on the building, but because of the lights on the inside which we call members. God is so good.
Thank you, Trinity Baptist Church, for your faithfulness to be a part of God’s assignment of reaching our community for Jesus. We are blessed to be part of a community that has good churches. Let us take the time during Christmas to see the Christ Child in the manger and be willing to tell the rest of the story.
Merry Christmas!

Pastor John