

The ministry to children, and by the children, of Trinity Baptist Church reaches beyond the walls of the church and into the surrounding community. Through children and families future generations are drawn closer to Christ and a saving relationship with Him.

We desire for children to know they created by God and made for a purpose. We provide building blocks for kids to learn about Jesus and support for parents to help kids come to Christ. Opportunities for them to grow in their relationship with Christ come through Bible study classes, mission service groups, and intentional Christ-centered care.

Our classes are growing as children are returning. We are creating new classes/groups to better meet the children were they are in their development to lead them to a relationship with Jesus Christ.


What is First Blessing?

by Rae Peschel
What is First Blessing?  In 2015, Pastor John, Glenn Lackey, and Kellee Parish brought First Blessing to our church.  I had no idea what it was, other than giving new shoes to children. 
The Saturday for First Blessing finally arrived. I walked into the Family Life Center and there was  excitement in the air.  The committee chairmen had their committees ready to their assigned jobs. Tables were set and servers were ready. The kitchen was a busy place with the food preparation. The Chapel was full of boxes of shoes. 
Before the doors were opened to the families that were invited, Pastor John had us stand in a large prayer circle around the Family Life Center. That circle included every age from children to senior adults.  I looked around at all the people who had woke up early on a Saturday morning ready to share the love of Jesus. 
First Blessing is so much more than a new pair of shoes and breakfast.  First Blessing is sharing the plan of salvation with people who might have  never stepped into our church otherwise.
Last year we gave out over 300 pairs of shoes.  We had over 150 people  volunteering to make this possible.  First Blessing is a chance to do missions right here in our church for the Kerrville area children!

Children’s Day Out (CDO)

by Jaime Riordan
Summer is winding down and we are gearing up to start another year of CDO, our Children’s Day Out program here at Trinity.  We love offering a two day a week option on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s for parents who are seeking out opportunities to introduce their children to an affordable school setting without a full time commitment. 
While children do learn their colors, numbers, and letters while here are at CDO, we also get to help lay a biblical foundation by teaching them about God’s love for them, as well as how ordinary people played key roles throughout the Bible.  We have monthly Bible verses and focus on individual people of the Bible throughout the year.  I believe this will be my tenth year at CDO and there is something so special about going back to the basics of God’s love each year with these children. I get to be reminded over and over, right alongside them.
Each week children not only get to learn and grow in their classrooms, but they get to learn from our Trinity staff during chapel, they get to run around and work on gross motor skills in the gym. We have library time focusing on books and songs and we are looking forward to seeing how we can best use our outdoor space for some hands-on learning. 
Please join me in praying for the teachers and for each child that will come through the doors this year.  It is sure to be a great one! 

Pizza, Parents & Snowballs

by Caleb Boone
Last summer, Trinity held its Pizza, Parents & Snowballs party.  Our family attended the event, mainly so that our 4 boys could have a snowball fight in the middle of summer.  The party was a blast!  Trinity prepared Christmas crafts for all to do, from ornament making, snowman building, and other fun Christmas crafts.  After crafts was the snowball fight, that was done with soft fluffy snowballs.  Then we finished off the event with Kona Ice snow cones.  The boys all enjoyed it, as well as all who attended.
This year, Trinity is planning to host the same event on July 13th at 5:30pm.  They are going to have pizza, crafts, and games just like last year.  Bring your whole family for a fun Christmas in July party.

Children’s Ministry News – June 2023

by Tres Parish
We are coming up on a fun, busy, and great summer. We start off with Vacation Bible School June 12 – 15th from 9am-noon. Come join us for an adventure in Babylon and explore Daniel’s courage and captivity. Sign up at and also email Kellee at to help minister to kids.
Pre-Teen Camp is at Alto Frio July 24-27. This summer our theme is “Code Breakers”. Pre-Teen Camp is for children who have completed 3rd through 5th grade. The cost is $200 (a $50 deposit and TBCK form reserves your spot). Jeremiah 33:3 is our theme verse for the week.
Children’s Day Camp is August 4th for children who have completed 1st through 3rd grade. The theme is “Created by God” and the cost is $25. The TBCK form and $25 is needed to register.
Parents, Pizza, and Snowballs returns with an ultimate game of Parents vs Kids snowball fight on July 13 at 5:30pm. Children who have completed PK – 5th grade will enjoy this awesome time with their family. Childcare will be provided for the younger children. They can enjoy the pizza time before going to the children’s area for their own fun time. Please let Paula know you’ll be attending (RSVP) so we can have plenty of pizza.


Children’s Ministry Volunteer

Trinity members volunteering with children includes everything from Extended Session with babies to camp sponsor with preteens. Filling out a volunteer application is required. The application includes giving permission for a background check.