Adult Groups


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Every Sunday morning at 9:45 AM and 11:00 AM and during the week small groups connect people for Bible study, fellowship and service. Both hours on Sunday mornings at 9:45 AM provide Bible Study for Adults. Child care is available during all worship services. 

Men’s Ministry

Men of all ages connect for service and events throughout the year. A Bible study on Thursday mornings meets during the school year.

Women’s Ministry

Throughout the year the Women’s ministry meets for Bible study, interest events/activities, and fellowship.
JUDE: Contend Earnestly for the Faith
3 Week Study Starting July 10th

Marriage Ministry

Designed for newlyweds to empty-nesters…

Prime Time

Newly retired, soon to be retired, and retired adults gather regularly for The Prime Time Choir on Fridays once a month for sing-a-longs and fellowship.

The Jubilee Class

From Noah Webster Dictionary, 1828:

To shout for joy; a season of great public joy and festivity~~

Jubilee Bible Class~~Oh, my! What a praying class! And what fun we have! We are a mixed class, meaning men and women, couples, singles, all ages welcome!

The ladies (Juliets) meet the 2nd Tuesday of each month for a breakfast at Cracker Barrel, and the men (Romeos) meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Cracker Barrel, for comradery, friendship strengthening, and uplifting prayer.

And, on the 4th Friday of each month, the ladies meet again to play Mexican Train, when we laugh, pray, and eat snacks!

More good fellowship and friendship time is shared on 5th Sundays, usually with a covered dish in the Family Life Center after preaching on that Sunday at noon.

The most important aspect of our class is our Bible teachers. We have 3 excellent teachers: Bill Parr, Gene Ayers, and Chris Christopherson, all of them wonderful men of God who rotate teaching for one month each. The Bible always has something new for each of us in every season of our lives, and each of these teachers brings the Word alive again and again.

Again, we are a praying class: this cannot be overstated nor stressed too much. The prayers of our members sustain us and see us through the many situations that life always has for us to deal with. You can feel the love among our members when you walk in the door!

ONWARD & UPWARD, with the JOY of the LORD!



TrinityU – Spring 2022

Sundays, 5-6 PM, Starts Jan 9th
MasterLife: Disciple’s Cross   1.9 – 2.27, $11
Crisis 101: The Red Sea Rules   1.9 – 3.27, $15
Milestones:  Discipleship for Family Life Stages   3.20 – 3.27, No Cost

Call the church office to sign up